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  1. I don't like Cedrek, something about him irks me ( not just tonight) I really like Mitch out of that tribe, so don't mess with him. I figured Sai would be safe, but I felt sorry for Bianca, she really took it badly. Poor Eva, when she couldn't get that challenge, I could see her getting upset, and afterwards it was like a relief that led to the overwhelming feelings she gets. I noticed Joe looking at her once his tribe had won. I'm glad he settled her down, it was a powerful moment as @Rodney said. There aren't many, so I'll take this one. Then Star and Eva made up, we're all more alike than we know. I think my eyes may have leaked a little, may have. I loved Mary, after so many TCs, she bubbled over with joy of the win and food,and Sai scolded her.
  2. I read that when the actor Jamie yawned, that wasn't in the script. So when Erin Doherty, who played the psychologist saw this, she calmy said, "Am I boring you," and they went on from there. I'm British, and I had the CC on, DH needed it on, but I didn’t want to miss one word.
  3. I thought Erika and Boz were nasty on WWHL. I called them a few namès, that I don't normally use, especially Erika.When Andy asked them, if they had any thoughts on Garcelle’s leaving, silence. Same about Sutton. Erika might have some people fooled, but she hasn't changed from the nasty bitch she's been since she started on the show.
  4. I was upset to read Garcelle is leaving this show. It's all over SM. Sutton is no angel, but compared to Erika and Dorit, she's a lot kinder, and thoughtful, than those two grifters. I thought Tom had Alzheimers two seasons ago, he didn't know Erika, etc etc. How could he stand trial. Didn’t he embezzle money to keep EJ in a lavish lifestyle? Never did hear about those earrings. Boz, there are moments I like her, and moments I don't. Kathy didn't seem to enjoy this season, something was off. Kyle is still the same, her lips look stranger with every episode. She obviously has someone she turns to, outside of the group.( jmho) Jennifer Tilly , I adore you!
  5. Yes, usually beer. Bud light is pretty light, just as it says.
  6. I still don't know who is who( I'm getting there) I just loved all the children, my goodness, so beautiful.
  7. It wasn’t long enough.I love this series, the acting is superb.
  8. I hope Carl has a really happy time at his party, he certainly went all out. I don't think Kyle is very nice, especially when he drinks, he resorts to childlike tantrums. I was happy Lindsay wasn't in the show. I care so little about her baby, I just hope the little one is healthy. I hate seeing Craig hurt, Paige moved on very quickly, almost like she had someone waiting. I hope Craig takes his time, and falls in love with someone with his likes( enjoy their home for one) We have a small soft bar here, it's usually full, and nobody needs to be a designated driver. I think a lot of businesses now provide mocktails and zero alcohol gin etc.
  9. He said he usually just sticks to low alcohol beer. No hard liquor anymore. He did have champagne, maybe it doesn't take much now to make him tipsy.
  10. I enjoyed this slightly more than last week. I do like LAW, always have. I didn't like seeing Buck with Tommy again, Tommy didn't treat Buck very well.
  11. Poor Craig, he was obviously still in love with Paige when she broke it off. Was it three years they were together?? Venita and JT dated for two months, then he put a photo of himself and his girlfriend on Instagram. Seems like people were right about JT. I think Shep and Molly should just stay friends, they do make a good looking couple. Taylor and Rodriguez are both annoying, gossiping gnats, with no life. I love a guy in a tux.
  12. Kyoto is so beautiful, I love all the temples. I figured team yellow would come in last. I loved origami in junior high, I doubt I could manage that big one, especially with the loud argument going on. We were so happy for Scott and Laurie. I think Jonathan would be a pita to live with, let alone watch me at a challenge.
  13. Wow, how to play Survivor, by Kyle and Kamilla tonight. Thomas should have played his idol, he was too complacent. I figured when it came to puzzles, the guys would lose. It never seems to fail. I'm happy for all the new teams, some with a new lease on life. Good episode!! I apologize to Thomas, I thought he had an idol l when he didn't.
  14. So it's all of them, just about all, picking on Sutton this season.There's always one. I was happy Boz heard Sutton apologize to Dorit, and tried to say so. Of course that's all blown over, probably with the miserable windy day on the boat. When Sutton was saying, what do you want from me? I wanted her to rip that huge hat of Dorits, that I've always hated, and throw it overboard, followed by Erika's smug look. Does Boz even know Mo, taking him on would be pretty stupid. .. Was Kathy's hair wet at supper? It looked like it. Pretty petty episode.
  15. I just started, man it is hard to keep everyone straight. I just thought Angela was very attractive. Not just her, but other names escape me.
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