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  1. Didn't Sienna say this was her grandmother favorite show, now she doesn't know who Shep is? Odd.
  2. Shep is living in an alternative universe, he can't see that Sienna ignores him, she'd rather hang out with his friends, I'm glad Craig said something. Craig said Shep would spiral, in the previews it looks like he does. I found Sienna to be kind of snooty, like she's far too good for Shep. She's too young, but she's on a dating app, trolling for a rich guy imo. Taylor still likes Shep, maybe they can just be friends, who knows. That ocean looked fabulous. I like Madisons wardrobe, that pale pink number was beautiful.
  3. Thank you, I thought it was her.
  4. Duh on me, I thought that was Gabby talking about his teeth,not Lindsay. I take back what I posted.
  5. I think Lindsay's pregnancy hormones are helping her feel more caring, I just want Carl to have a really good summer. I was tired of him walking on eggshells last summer. BTW, If he does get friendly with another girl, I don't see Lindsay's hormones helping her then. Carl , I looked at those steaks and the Flintstones tune ran through my head..good heavens..lol. I loved seeing Craig, but he has no idea what's going on with Paige. I still think Ciara is beautiful, but is she over West.? That's really awkward. Lexi reminds me of some of the girls on the bachelor, like, after every word like.
  6. Ariana had the tendency to be a bit of a slob, long before the break up. It was something they argued about. I thought some of Dorits things looked a bit staged. One thing I did notice, was her weight loss. Dorit has always been slim, but the show before last night's was about two years ago. Her face last night, in comparison to two years ago, was a bit scary. Maybe it was a lack of filler, but she doesn't look healthy at all. Even though I don't particularly like Dorit, I hope someone is keeping an eye on her.
  7. What the heck was Boz wearing,fugly! Kyle listened to how hot it was, and then put on jeans. Phew. Thank-you for the flowers Sutton, oh right, we jumped straight to her purse. Dorit seemed like she was on something, illegal or legal, her eyes were kind of wild looking. I'm glad Sutton left, that wasn't a joke Dorit, that was her being extra nasty, because Aunty Boz would rescue her later. I liked Boz, I'm slightly turned off by some of the things she says lately. Reba was kind of cute at the start, the girls liked her. The table in Dorits, full of PKs photos, was that for his benefit, should he turn up? I'll say yes. Kyle looked nice in her TH, Kathy trying to act stunned ( mountain/molehill) wasn't funny at all. I guess Dorit and Kyle are in the same position, I thought Dorits place was like that, because she had rented it recently.
  8. We saw him twice , he was fabulous, and sexy. That voice of his with Queen, out of this world. The seats didn't cost too much. I've loved him since AI. On FB reels he said he'd come home from school, dress up, and sing show tunes. I'm sorry I missed him today,
  9. I was worried about James, it was all so unlike him. Especially when he called Mrs Pumfrey a name..lol. I'm so glad they realized what he had, and that he confided in Helen, perhaps now he can settle his mind, and not keep blaming himself. Mrs Pumfey and Audrey made a great team, I loved them both in the kitchen, on the phone, looking after Jimmy. Siegfried and Tristan are so much alike, I was happy to see them laughing and drinking, or arguing and drinking. I hate that the finale is next week, I look forward to it all week.
  10. The dresses looked horrible, with those pointy things in sticking out like fiberglass wings, yuck. They can't walk in them either. I didn't mind Gizelle's or Stacey's Mia eeking out no tears, because she's being taken to task, she's messy and a liar. Stacey came with receipts! If Karen comes back, will it be the same? It was an okay reunion, 2 will be enough.
  11. I felt a little ( very little) sorry for Shep. I think he has fallen for her, but she's not interested in him anymore. I've seen enough of frigging Taylor though, does she need to keep chirping in, when Gaston is never around! Molly looks good in her bikini, at least it's not one that gives you a wedgie..lol I love seeing the Bahamas, it's always so colorful. So JT is coming, where's he going to sleep? Craig looks good with that beachy vibe. Gawd, I'm old enough to be his mother!..
  12. Yes, they said their ages at the beginning ( new girls) they just act younger than the rest.
  13. Lindsay is going to nag Carl all summer, isn't she. New girl , Lexi doesn't seem like a model, she also seems too young for this crowd. Jessie, settle down it's only been a minute,
  14. I had forgotten Suttons father shot himself, how awful for all of them. Depression is so debilitating, and trying to find the right dose of medications, is tedious. At least it's understood more today, it's a serious disease. I could feel how much loss Sutton felt for her father, as old as I am, I miss mine terribly. Especially if you're closer to your father, than your mother. I think Reba and Sutton opened up a little more towards the end, that's so good. I said last week something about Reba's upbringing, and she mentioned it tonight. Boz has only known Keely for 8 months, and we're talking babies, come on. . Boz has a beautiful, intelligent daughter, doesn’t she? Dorit, she's so flighty, now PK is chatting away, and she seems pleased. Has she forgotten the ten year mark? Listen to Boz, she made sense.
  15. I'm going to miss Carmody, he resembled a mini Siegfried, but I really grew to like him. Poor Bingo, I want Bosworth to get another dog. I too thought Hamish might need another home, but Carmody is taking him along. Tristans speech to little Jimmy and the spaniel went over well. Jimmy's face has those plump little cheeks I'd love to kiss. Another good episode, this season is definitely not disappointing. I just read, when little Jimmy arrived on the scene, so did 5 babies, all playing that part.
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