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Everything posted by PityFree

  1. Well, I am still waiting for the COOKING she was so excited about during her Letterman interview. I really wanted the Elle people to tell her to f-off and not include her in the issue instead of rescheduling with her. They were in NY - I am sure that with a phone call or two they could have lined up another model/actress. (Also, I really hope they accounted for all the clothing - I would not be surprised if Lindsay tried to steal some of the clothing they brought.) I am floored that she refused the magazine interview - she flushed potentially good PR down the toilet. Lindsay is a stylist? Then why does she always look like a hobo? She has awful taste, cannot put together an outfit, and is unwashed and smelly looking. How is she an expert in everything? She doesn't realize that if she had shown up on time, there would have been plenty of light and lots of preplanned outfits. She throws a wrench in everyone else's plans - but suddenly she thinks she has saved the day by using a pair of her own shoes? I am shocked that people pay for her to make appearances. And $100k? Please. I was really sad that she managed to get payment from the casino. It won't be long until there are people who want to pay her to *not* show up at things. ETA: She has no concept that, although she thought of the magazine feature as unpaid, it was worth thousands and thousands of dollars in publicity. JUst like the lingerie commercial she was going to do as a favor several episodes ago. I heard she got angry when she realized that she wasn't the star of the commercial (one of the other models was) and that is why she had a hissy about the job changing. Just because it doesn't directly produce drug money doesn't mean that she didn't benefit.
  2. I have to keep reminding myself that Lindsay didn't choose rehab or make the decision to get sober -- it was forced on her in lieu of jail. No wonder she doesn't truly care about staying clean. For her it wasn't a choice between sobriety and health - it was a choice between rehab and jail. She learned how to use the language of recovery to keep everyone around her doing what she wants them to do - but that's all. She never wanted sobriety in the first place.
  3. Was anyone else shocked that the consignment place took any of her cigarette smoke covered clothes?? I am shocked -- especially since I doubt they had been washed/dry cleaned if she had ever wore them. I guess I am in the minority in that I have never thought Lindsay was anything much to look at. I really don't understand why people tell her she is (or was) beautiful. Now that she has years of hard living behind her she is even less attractive. She is skinny-fat and shapeless, too. Another thought (that I am sure crossed Matt's mind at least once, too): all of those boxes of old clothes could be taken to a dumpster. There is no way Lindsay remembers what was in them or how many boxes she had. Heck, I do not believe that the missing couches she was describing to the movers actually existed outside of her imagination -- too much brain damage. Just ditching 75% of the boxes of old clothes would eliminate chaos for Lindsay and she'd never know.
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