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Ineeda Vino

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  1. Agree! Kenan had his physical appearance down pat! Even Eli agreed. LOL
  2. Elie is famous in political circles, and he hails from NYC. He's been a pundit on MSNBC quite a bit. Known for his facial expressions and his very succinct opinions on government and law (he's also a lawyer). Big on Twitter, too. He's actually quite hilarious. And you're probably not as old as you think you are. I am old (59), Elie is getting up there, but I guess they thought this would fly because of all the New Yorkers who watch the show. Too bad Keenan wasn't able to showcase just what a lot of us love about Elie - mainly his facial reactions. This wasn't the type of sketch to do that.
  3. How did I know that? By putting on my new prescription glasses I just picked up and am now responding to your post with better vision. 🤣 LOVE that show! Haven't loved sitcom this much since Modern Family. I love all the cast in this show. Sherilyn Ralph as a primary school teacher fills my heart. The Instagram influencer episode from Season 1 had me cackling with Janelle James trying to help her obtain school supplies. (ETA - sorry Admins - I promise to stay on topic further on!)
  4. Excellent points, @30 Helens! 100%
  5. I can't imagine how exhausting it is for people of colour having to address this all the time, because it is exhausting for me (as a caucasion) trying to point this out (usually to younger people) in RL.
  6. I'm getting deaf in my old(er) age of 58. That sounded like mumble to me. Did Kirstin actually say the same word? Would they give her the boot because of this? I've read that the broadcast tonight will address the incident; likely just showing the clip and explaining his boot, then moving on to some low-key hamster humour.
  7. "Colonoscopy view" 🤣 Re: the microwave time being slow by about 6 minutes, I do recall this being mentioned during LF some years ago by other HG's.
  8. I really missed you guys and gals! Just returned to work this week and haven't had much time to post - I really am glad I found this place! BB Twitterverse is just all over the place and too many political/racist trolls for my liking. It's too big of a platform for me to enjoy. My "mom" feelers were there (like Cirie) when Reilly broke down and had that big cry fest. I started tearing up, thinking what if that was my son or step-daughter put into that situation and I was watching from home? Mind you, I have been watching BB long before they came into my life, so I was not as empathetic watching these feeds as I am now. (I took a BB break for a couple of years and realize that I am watching with a completely different mindset now). But holy hell, after listening to her cry for three days straight, I am over it now.
  9. @atomic I love your meme! Is that Octavia? She's one of my absolute favorites!
  10. Yuck, you're right about Kirsten. Girl has no chance in hell if it's a house consensus. (And I hate house majorities). Canada here, Pluto and all 4 feeds (plus Quad cam) work fine on my Firestick. I'm using Nord VPN. I do have to go in and occasionally clear the cache from all the apps that are in use at the time, though. Hopefully yours will be back to working soon, @enchantingmonkey!
  11. Let me please add that I definitely need Kirsten to win that Veto. Nothing wrong with killing the first house plans of the season. He definitely gives me Brendan (Rachel) vibes in more ways than one.
  12. Thanks for an awesome recap, @30 Helens! I barely had times to watch feeds since they began, except for when they woke up today. Why is Kirsten getting on everyone's last nerve? I haven't seen enough of her to judge. LOL I read that last sentence not once, but TWICE as to say they decide Felicia would be a good second "mom". Time to break out my new readers I just bought today! 🤪
  13. I wouldn't be sorry to see Izzy go, but Cirie will try to ensure that she sticks around as long as it helps her game. Izzy bothers me because it seems like she's playing for Cirie.
  14. Cameron gives me Bobby Moynihan vibes when he has his hair pulled back. Matt - Gavin Rossdale.
  15. Feeds being down this long can't simply be an HOH room intro. redo, can it?
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