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Posts posted by sjankis630

  1. Ugh. I didn't like it despite the fact that I watched Katy Mixon in Mike & Molly off and on over the years. I think I like her better as supporting character rather than main star. 

    The children however, seemed like some sketched up ideas left over from some writers having a powwow a few weeks from having to deliver the script. The kids seemed fake - except the oldest daughter - and just not at all endearing to me. 

    The son is a less than charming younger Michael J Fox from Family Ties and the youngest daughter seems to have more hangups than 5 Woody Allens. She is afraid of making friends or touching other kids but is OK with peeing out front on the lawn? 

    I don't know about anyone else,  but the bathroom scene with the Dad taking a dump was a bit much. 

    Does anyone know what classifies a new show to get its own forum? I didn't see one for this show. 

  2. Quote

    But this episode puzzled me a little. WHy did they write Jason as being so stupid? 

    I am disappointed in the route the writers are taking with him. I was all happy with my off kilter brand quirky show that is probably going to be canceled anyway and the writers decided to throw in some Beavis and Butt head character. This does not bode well for me. 

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  3. Quote

    I guess it's nice that they're trying to have Tracy be more then just Spencer's girlfriend, but I'm not quite sure how she'll fit into all of this in the long run.

    I don't know but she is not that great an actress or really that interesting to me at this point. I hope I am proven wrong if they decide on having her "save" Spencer from his addiction.

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  4. I downloaded a  couple of episodes and liked the show. I think the main reason is that I  like Mike Epps. The kids have the required level of cuteness without being too obnoxious. The parents have the required level of cluelessness without being too stupid. It is just the sort of light comedy show that appeals to me during the summer. 

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  5. I am still thinking about how when I first saw Jared in the horrible jacket I actually thought that the sleeves were actually from a sweater that he was wearing underneath of it and somehow the jacket was actually a horrible vest?

    And then I saw the writing on the back .......

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  6. I have never been a fan of the whole stoner humor going all of the way back to the Cheech and Chong days.

    But Erlich coughing through his whole attempted explanation of why Hooli challenging them in their own back yard could potentially help them made me laugh outloud.


    Loved Erlich's string of "you 're old" string of insults to the new CEO--particularly the "you eat at Perkins Pancake House" one.

    I just loved the fact that he chose to basically string them all together at once instead of doing what any normal asshole would do which is try and tailor them to the situation.


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    I was really surprised at how good Andrew Dice Clay was.  I think in the past, I've really only seen him play that one persona.   This was different and his over-the-top behavior was believable and well portrayed.

    Andrew Dice Clay was pretty good in Blue Jasmine (Woody Allen) back in 2013.

    Vinyl, I am not so sure of.

  9. I liked this pretty much. Of course I have been looking for a show to watch for a couple of months now.
    I started the book way back when it came out but for whatever reason stopped reading it about the spot that Jake throws away his cellular phone.
    I had not remembered

    Al dying before Jake originally going back to save the family of the janitor

    but I may have mis-remembered that part.
    I will stick to it in order to see how the next few episodes come out.

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    I kept expecting Vernon to have an accident at dinner. Fall and break something, etc.

    Ahh, the Good Times curse. I thought that Reggie would fuck it up again.

    IMHO Spencer and Joe teaming up by themselves would have made a more interesting story.


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    He could have gotten away.


    Someone on another forum mentioned something they would never have written but I would have loved to see.

    Ray being hopelessly chased on the freeway roars ahead ahd throws about $1.5 mill of his money out of his car's windows.

    The resulting mad scramble would have negated the tail ... at least initially.


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  12. Two things :

    1) Vince Vaughn gets another funny line. when the Ukranian woman at Chisani's house told him that she was on an allowance he replied, "I hope you saved some of your Miss Ukraine money."

    2) I know some people are saying VV died because of a suit (even one with diamonds) but I still don't think they were going to let him live. I mean they went through all of the trouble of digging his grave out there...

    PS - wouldn't they have searched his suit anyway when they kidnapped him.

    I do agree with others in thinking that him being killed by these guys is kind of random. I mean he may have been worth more alive to them than dead. (Torture for more money.)

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  13. Spencer tries to save Vernon by confronting his past; Ricky tries to reconcile with Bella; Charles finds that his football skills come in handy.



    Ok I am not sure if we are allowed to start an episode topic so merge/delete as necessary. The show has been shown over 2 hours ago so I have one question.

    At the end when Spencer left the bar and then chugged that bottle of pills; the same pills I was assuming he was just told earlier that he didn't need because there was nothing physically wrong with him.

    Are we to assume that he is now hooked on them?

    Also good for Spence for sticking up for himself and his buddy.


    "You were working as a waitress at a cocktail bar...."

    Please forgive me but my 80s mind can't help but to add:

    "When I met you."

    "I picked you out, I shook you up"

    "and turned you around"

    "Turned you into someone new."


    /Human League rant off 


    I guess I have to see this again because I didn't see how Ray's car got the tracker on it.

    When he went by to see his kid did he happen to see it?

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  15. Well I can commiserate with Spence on that MRI. I had to convince myself when I had mine. The trick is to close your eyes going in until you are all the way in and only look up - which is through the back opening of the machine.

    The weird noises will quickly dull your senses to the other fear soon enough.

  16. Oh well. My DVR messed up this episode so I had to download it but I am not sure it was worth it.

    Did I see it right that the two guys managed to not only sneak in a fortress unnoticed (yeah I know he is ex black ops but this ain't the Gulf) and somehow see Mccandless spilling evil plans and nab the "secret bad land deal plans" to boot? I mean disbelief much?

    And as mentioned earlier - music score almost took me out of the show. It sounded like some hokey 1980s horror mix with maybe about 10% Miami Vice thrown in to mix things up. (Yeah I know - Collin from 2006 - I thought the movie version sucked)

    Ovey this cannot end soon enough.

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    Oddly enough, it also made Rick Springfield a lot better looking.

    I was getting ready to write the same thing. Ray beat the ugly makeup off of Rick Springfield! The guy actually looked human for the first time this season. He just needs some dental work here and there and probably alot of physical therapy. 


    Oh yeah almost forgot. "They put you in a cage Bezerides!" - loved that metaphor.

    I would like to get my hopes up for the Frank vs Ray showdown that they give us a glimpse of, but I don't think what looks like what is going to happen will happen.

  18. This was the first episode for me that made me think something was actually going on. I still somehow suspect Reggie could somehow be involved in a sort of shakedown of his own cash cow. I know it cannot be true, but I would not put anything by that guy.....

    The piece with the cop outside the strip club was something that I did not see coming either.

  19. OK I have finally had  a chance to rewatch part of this last episode again.

    Am I crazy or has anyone mentioned yet the sculpted figurines which we saw twice.

    One was seen when Ani was talking to her sister about her mother (who carved them) and Ani put one back on the shelf. The second was when VV went to shakedown the guy at the apartment complex. VV took a similar figurine off of the guys' shelf and - I thought - put it in his jacket pocket.

    It occurred right before he told the guy to have the grass cut so none of the kids got bitten by snakes.

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    P.S.  Isn't what we're watching right now taking place in the past?  For some reason I got the sense from the show's previews weeks ago that we'd be jumping ahead in time at some point.


    This is  an interesting point. How far in the past is the question? The reason I ask is a stupid one. When Ray was talking to his superiors about what was happening on the case, the head cop had the oldest smallest bulky computer monitor that looked like it had been out of date in the late 90s. I thought to myself for a split second if they were going for several years ago ( I am way off on this I know but it did stick out for me) 

    I mean what agency is still using old CRT computer monitors for work? I had an old CRT type tv to give away 2 years ago and no one would take it (schools etc) because they already went flat screen. Also not to mention the disposal problems those things are when it comes time to get rid of them.


    The only problem I have with the bald head of the gang being the killer is he doesn't strike me as the type.

    I see him offing Caspere the following way. He would pick up Caspere off the street; shoot him in the head; and then dump his body in a swamp or throw him through a woodchipper.

    I cannot see crazy bald guy the way this show would have me believe.

    He is part of some crazy sex cult (wears bird mask); he tortures Caspere making sure to mutilate him in the most painful ways possible; and then goes through the trouble of leaving his body way out sitting just so with his wallet out and everything for the police to discover. It just doesn't make sense.

    I am not saying he was not involved with the people who did kill Caspere, but it just doesn't fit the shoot up cops, innnocents et al, and then go out in a blaze of glory.

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