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Everything posted by schipman001

  1. The first media key that is represented in this movie is Dignity of the Human Person. This key is represented in an interesting manner, where some characters have high regard for a person's dignity but others have almost none. The back and forth between the two extremes reveals a lot about why this is so important. The parents of the students show a lot of disregard for their kids' dignity. All they seem to want from their kids are good grades and an impressive resume, they have nearly no regard for their emotionally well-being. The parents treat the kids as if they are merely machines made to be on honor roll rather than treating them like real people. This leads to the kids being miserable and finding no joy. On the other hand the new English teacher, Mr.Keating, treats the students with high dignity. He encourages them to be themselves and is constantly checking on their well-being. Overall he treats them with value. Due to this there is a massive difference between how the kids are around Mr.Keating verses their parents. The kids have significantly more joy when they are around Mr.Keating and being treated with dignity. This highlights why it is important to treat others with dignity and shows just how negative of an impact the opposite can have. This theme in the movie is encouraging to treat both yourself and others with dignity. I would also consider the movie to be inspirational. One of the main themes of the movie is to be authentic to yourself. The movie sheds light on many negative side affects of trying to be something you're not and trying to please the world. In the same respect it also shows the positives to being yourself . Although this movie is not a Christian film, this can be taken in a Christian context with the theme of not aiming to please the world. While the movie does not say to seek Divine approval instead, it does hint at seeking approval from something higher. Overall it inspires viewers to aim to be authentically themselves, and in a Christian sense encourages to be authentically who God made you to be. Lastly the movie is very truth-filled and relevant. The movie speaks the truth on how we should approach our lives and the fact that we should never seek satisfaction from the world because it will never provide. This is a truth that was relevant when the movie was released, is still relevant now, and will likely remain relevant as people tend to have a desire for satisfaction and approval. While many people don't realize this is truly a longing for God, they still feel that desire. And while this movie does not directly call this out, it does call out that seeking the world's approval won't fulfill our desires
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