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Posts posted by Elizabeth9

  1. I think, for me, getting off my own ass was a big start in recovery from both alcohol and bulimia.  I was always trying and failing, trying and failing.  I must be weak.  I just have  o self control.  I am a failure.  More reasons to use.  

     I did not feel like I was "choosing" either in the end of the addiction (probably about 10 years for bulimia, truth be told).  It was just something I felt forced to do.  I can't explain it.  It was ruining my life, I didn't want to do it, but I felt like mentally, I would not survive if I didn't.

    I guess you can say I made a choice to enter recovery.  But I feel like so much of it is out of my hands- like my Higher Power is helping me along (with psychiatric medication lol).  I feel at peace now- not under the gun of compulsive behaviors.  

    Saying addiction is not a choice doesn't mean I'm not responsible for my recovery.  It just means I can't just wake up one day and stop without serious medical, psychological and spiritual intervention.

    FWIW I have almost 14 years sober and a few months into this bulimia recovery thing.

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  2. 24 minutes ago, Pringlescan said:

    It is a choice. She had the choice to stop eating herself that way any time. It may have been hard but she had the choice. This is the issue with obese people and those on the outside looking in. They make excuses and try to diminish their fault in the matter. It doesn't matter what your past history was like, you made teh choice to start a habit and keep on that habit. She made the choice to keep eating and ignore the Dr. and her family. 

    Before the dumb comments, I'm obese as well and I put no blame on any past or BS for my wieght. I own it as mine.

    If it's a choice (and some people believe it is), then why is Dr Now performing surgery?  Isn't this a strange belief for him to have?

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  3. On 2/15/2017 at 8:29 AM, notyrmomma said:

    He's perpetuating stereotypes of the obese this season pretty badly (it gets worse every season).  You do realize, in the first season he didn't make them (Melissa, Ashley, etc.) lose any weight to "prove" to him that they could lose weight--and they were all at around the 600 pound mark.  I'm not saying that these people shouldn't have to try their own or don't need an intensive amount of therapy--THEY DEFINITELY DO!  But what Dr. Now did, in just the first season anyway, was to take care of the acute problem first, give them weight loss surgery, without the games.  The thing is that these people are in big trouble health wise and every day they live through at 600 + pounds is a miracle.  Therapy doesn't work on a dead person.  First things first, start getting the weight down as quick as possible (if they aren't healthy enough to survive surgery, absolutely admit them to the hospital so they can be put on a very strict and monitored diet), THEN, make sure they are regularly working with a therapist.  The whole "go home and lose 50 pounds to show me you are serious" is just drama for the camera, and is very dangerous.  Seriously, go watch the first season again and you'll see what I mean.

    But if they're eating to medication their feelings...the weight isn't going down unless they deal with their issues.  Unless you mean do the surgery immediately.

    we dealt with medically fragile underweight anorexics in my treatment program...there's no reason you can't treat and eat the diet st the same time.  Like I said before, both started on day one in this program.  That's part of the reason I advocate for a more intense treatment process (3-5 days a week) because you can cover so much more ground in a month than you can doing once a week therapy for a month:

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  4. Ok, I'm not done being mad over this.

    If overeating is a choice, Now, close the clinic!  Send everyone home, lock the doors, turn off the lights.  Post a sign on the door telling everyone to make better choices, leave the number for a nutritionist and the address of a Planet fitness and call it a day.  The end!

    Why is this guy doing surgeries- and making a significant profit off of them- if all of this is a choice?  

    • Love 9
  5. Ok, I might have to stop watching, because this is becoming negligent.

    Why. Was. That. Woman. Not. In. Therapy. After. She. First. Met. With. Dr. Now????????

    No, they just let her go back to CA (in itself questionable) with nothing- lose 50 lbs!  Christ, he could have told her that on Skype and saved her the agonizing (and potentially fatal) plane ride.

    SEVERE trauma history- NEVER dealt with in 20-25 years in any other way besides eating.  Anyone who was the victim of a violent sexual assault needs therapy, period.  She's clearly not over the loss of her mother.  And her whole attitude about food- she's literally telling Dr Now "hey- I'm an addict!  I cannot stop myself!"  Instead of finding her help, he lectures her about how it is a CHOICE (hey Now- I think once we've reached the naked shower on TV point, it's no longer a choice...)

    Food addicts, like all addicts, have NO coping skills.  When the shit hits the fan, they will eat.  The thing that's different about FA is that, unlike alcohol or drugs where you're 14 or 21 or 35 when you start, depending on your parents- you could be a FA YOUR ENTIRE LIFE.  Which means she may have NEVER learned this stuff.  EVER.  Yet you expect to send her out into the world with a one page meal plan and say, have at it- and if you fail, that's a choice?

    I've been in treatment for addiction and eating disorders.  In my ED treatment, it was meal plans and skills from day one.  How are you going to function in the world witnhout the disorder?  Because, unlike other addictions, you can't avoid food.  You have to learn to live with it.  Treatment was intense, but it really helped me long-term.  

    Its just crazy, coming from that perspective, that these people not only don't get intensive treatment, but don't even get referred to therapists until later on in the game, usually after they try and fail?  Maybe not everyone needs intensive treatment.  But this woman was laying it all on the table- I have an addiction, I cannot stop.  She was clearly deeply depressed and needed some kind of intervention.  To not do so was, in my opinion, a deriliction of duty. 

    • Love 16
  6. I'm only thirty minutes into this thing, so not too many comments, except...

    -TLC: 30 minutes is way too long to drag out the lead up to the first visit to Dr Now.

    -Doug:  (while driving down the road, eating some brownie looking thing). I need WLS because I've tried diets, I've tried everything and nothing has worked.

    immediate next scene at the drive thru:  Make that triple meat and triple bacon.  And size large!  

    This isn't going to end well...

    • Love 4
  7. Treading cautiously here...no idea of this is unpopular or not...

    i love all the girls, and I think they're all amazing in every way.  However.  Sometimes I wonder if they haven't gone too far with the "standards."  Some of them (I'm not a name namer) look more like fitness models than cheerleaders.  It's a great look and congrats to them for killing it in fitness...but I wonder if the average fan would think they're too muscular and not "soft" (I SAID SOFT!!!) enough?


    (crawls back into my hole)

  8. 2 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

    As usual, this made me think of Roseanne. Kail is the Cathy Bowman of her teeny tiny town. Kail is the one with the $200 ceramic dog.

    That house price is cheap compared to here in So. Cal.  Kail gets paid at least $250k per year going by what we know of Amber's salary.  That house could be paid off in one check.

    I literally just watched that episode tonight!

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  9. 14 minutes ago, Dallasgirl2004 said:

    Here I go...

    1) I liked Cassie in her first audition, but less and less later on.  

    2) I think Taylor was a great dancer and had great potential to be a DCC but her mouth just ran off.  It's a shame she didn't giver herself a year ortwo and come back a little bit more mature.  Would have liked to have seen that.

    3) Season 11 really bugged me because of the random guests that appeared.  Kelli Pickler annoys me with her fake sounding accent and the only real thing she told the girls was to present and say "I am here, I am woman.  Hear me roar."  She absolutely had nothing to offer these DCCs and TCCs. I also saw no reason got the guy from ET (think that's where he's from) to be on the show- TWICE.  WTH.  Pointless.  At least Melissa had the experience of being a DCC and has some real advice to give the girls.

    4) I miss seeing some of the vets practicing and getting ready for finals.  I get the point in probably having different nights to prep for the rookie hopefuls and the vets, but I'd like to see what Kitty has to say about some of the vets before they even do finals.

    Most people here agree with #3 and #4

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  10. On 1/24/2017 at 4:27 AM, swankie said:

    You can grow up in a fairly happy environment and still suffer from depression.  We don't know if Cynthia ate because she was depressed or was depressed because she couldn't stop eating.  She didn't give us enough information to go off of other than the kids at school made fun of her and Valentine's Day was torcher for her.  She said that it was Valentine's Day when she tried to commit suicide.  From looking at her childhood photos, she was fat at a very early age so a lot of it could be from her mother overstuffing her from the time she was born.

    Still, she belongs in therapy

    On 1/24/2017 at 4:20 AM, swankie said:

    She said that they were her cousin's kids whose father abused them and her cousin could no longer care for them.  No more details about her cousin's current status, but she made the statement that the kids already lost one mother.  Not sure if she meant that her cousin died or just the fact that she was no longer in their lives when she said the word "lost".

    Sorry, I must have not been paying that close of attention!  Thought they were nieces/nephews for some reason

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  11. I looked into adopting from the foster care system a while back.  These kids she adopted would be in a similar situation.  I believe you can get a stipend to offset care costs if the child is a ward of the state and you legally adopt them?  

    Theres more going on here.  Either a) her sister married someone who was EXTREMELY VIOLENT and possibly homicidal or b) the violent person was her brother.  I'm assuming it was her sister's partner.  Most women who pick violent partners were themselves victims of domestic violence growing up, which would mean Cynthia probably had a pretty crappy childhood.

    The long-term single, unwilling to date or commit is sort of a red flag too.  I mean, people can be happy that way, but for me and many like me, it's because we have issues relating to sex and intimacy from being abused as children.  It's great that she doesn't want to expose the kids to a steady stream of losers, but she could still manage to date casually and. It introduce the kids until she vetted the person pretty thoroughly.  Single moms do it all the time.

    Third- she has a raging addiction.  Most people who wind up with a raging addictive behavior have had some sort of trauma.  I just don't believe someone got to be 600 lbs because they were hungry- okay, maybe it's possible, but I feel certain Dr Now would do testing to rule out underlying medical conditions that could cause such issues.  And if she's always hungry, why not eat some roasted chicken and vegetables?  She's clearly addicted to food- and all the worst kinds.  Has been for a long time.  

    The suicide attempt.   No one randomly tries to kill themselves one day when everything is going so well.  

    Cynthia could benefit A LOT from therapy.  Even just having a sounding board for her busy life with the kids and working would help, I'm sure.  But if she's unwilling, there's not much else that can be done.

    I actually really liked her- bad temper and all.  She did something with her life, she went to work every day, she was committed to helping others both personally and professionally (when do we ever see that on this show) and she seemed to be a caring mom (although that sweet little girl needs to go back to being a child).  Unfortunately for her, until she's willing to face whatever past she has and deal with it, she will likely be exactly the same, or worse, in future update.

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