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  1. It used to be a tossup which was the worst storyline this show has ever done: Eddie's doppelgänger nonsense or Hen and Karen vs the moustache-twirling politician. It's now decided. The doppelgänger story is the worst and stupidest and least believable story this show has ever done — because it just won't end! They dropped the Hen story after a few episodes like the bag of flaming excrement that it was, but the Eddie story just keeps going on and on and on, spawning one stupid plotline after another. I not only didn't enjoy the initial story, I haven't enjoyed a single thing that's come out of it, and it just won't die! Argghhh, I'm so frustrated. Who could possibly be enjoying this story? Anyone ever? Enough with the damn soap opera!
  2. This was a great episode. Ormewood and the reality star who is an expert in everything was hilarious. Wonder if Angie's doctor is just a love interest or if there's going to be a larger plot involved, since they hired a recognizable face. Dark case for Will and Faith. Made my blood run cold as soon as he saw the little girl in the park. I, too, thought it was bizarre he left his little dog tied up outside the bathroom. Never in a million years. I was so glad they gave it a happy ending by finding the girl. Child trafficking makes me sick to my stomach, even in fiction. So repugnant. I think the trauma arc they've given Marion is refreshingly realistic. I liked her and Will talking and bonding. I really don't know why everyone hates this rebound for Will so much. I think it's probably refreshingly normal for him, and a normal, low-stakes relationship is good for him right now. So where does custody stand for Ormewood with his kids? I thought he was going to fight his ex who was filling for full custody. I can't imagine any court wouldn't at least give him some measure of visitation....Did I miss a reference to where this stands? I ask because, as interesting as it will be to have Faith move in with him, would there be room when the kids stay with him?
  3. I kept thinking, why the hell does the entire police complex apparently not have an AED anywhere in the building? Is that not common in the U.S.?
  4. That was a clever fakeout with the brother-in-law Keenan not being the killer. I didn't put it together until partway through when Angie and Will were interrogating him, then remembered the lawyer Freddie saying he'd known Keenan in high school....and it all came together. Great episode. Hilarious line from Ormewood about Amanda looking shabby, then taking it back immediately saying she looks fabulous, always. Ha! Truer words were never spoken. Lots of good dramatic tension. I was worried for both Marion and Caroline. I really like Raphael. Wish he wasn't a bad guy that Will's going to have to take down, something that's going to hurt Will once again.
  5. I knew as soon as I saw him, lol. This I did not like. It makes me side-eye everything this guy did as a cop. Did he just beat "confessions" out of people? (I put that in quotation marks because torture is notoriously unreliable as a way to get information. Break people? Absolutely. They'll say anything you want them to and they'll sometimes be damaged for life. Get the critical information that's the truth? Not so much. That's why TV shows and movies that depict torture as a viable method to gain information just make me angry. It is really misleading to the viewers, and can skew what they see as acceptable in real life.)
  6. Morris Chestnut needs to learn how to enunciate, desperately. It's killing me. It makes this so hard to watch. Also, two episodes in and I feel like I have no idea who Watson is, aside from a cheap knockoff Gregory House or Sherlock Holmes. it's a big problem that so far Shinwell is waaayyy more interesting than Watson. I think the problem is that he never shows any vulnerability, not really. Not when he was trying to figure out who his ex was meeting, not when he looks at the cases, not even about his own brain injury. Not even with Shinwell, who I think is supposed to serve the purpose of confidante, along with other things, so that we do see something of his inner life, but so far it's not working, at all. It never feels like Watson is revealing anything he doesn't want to. It's all this kind of superficial, glibness — in other words, all the worst qualities of Holmes and House and none of the moments of being a real person. The script isn't giving me anything and neither is Chestnut. I think we're supposed to care about Mary and Watson's relationship, but I don't, not even a little. I'm vaguely interested in the young doctors, so I guess that's a plus. The whole vibe and everything between the neurosurgeon and Ingrid was creepy as hell. But the mumbling, argghhhh! It makes listening to the dialogue feel like trying to hold onto running water. Not sure how much more I'll continue to watch.
  7. Totally true, and yet, this was an entertaining episode. They created a good amount of dramatic tension and I was invested in the plot. I breathed a sigh of relief when Reenie said if she was going to represent Wales (Whales?) it was going to be for real, and she would respect lawyer/client privilege.
  8. I don't think the Roman plot has anything to do with the game guy plot. I think they're totally separate.
  9. Oh, and I wonder where they're going with the Rafael thing. The implication obviously was that the guy whose house burned in the fire had borrowed the money from Raphael to purchase it, and since the asset is now gone, the only thing he had to at least start to pay Raphael what he owed him was to give him the heirloom watch. One has to wonder what physical condition he's now in, as well.... It was also mentioned in passing that there have been a series of fires. That's going to rear it's ugly head again in the future.
  10. Yeah, I can't believe she's surprised that she's under more scrutiny right now. I also pegged the brother-in-law, but then John is just so darn weird sometimes that I thought maybe it was a misdirect and maybe John was the killer after all. Angie very much frustrates me sometimes, but I don't hate her (though I don't want her with Will ever again) as a character, so I actually liked that she came to Will at the end and he's going to help her. I, too, loved Cricket, but really she was in one episode (sadly) and it's time to move on, lol, and I don't mind Marion. I thought she and Will had good chemistry and a relatively normal relationship could do him some good. I don't for a minute think she's a particularly long-term love interest, but I have no issues with her for now. I think the actress is charming.
  11. See I loathe it when TV shows start randomly killing off their characters and think it's incredibly lazy and stupid. It automatically makes me like a show less. How is it brave when every show under the sun does it because they think it's edgy and cool? I love the lightheartedness of this show and don't want it ruined by that particular trope. I think this is a decent guess. I, too, don't get bad guy vibes from him. I really hope the show doesn't have Morgan quit for a while at the beginning of season two, too scared by game guy to continue with her work with the police. I'm always kind of annoyed by those kind of storylines. And Morgan, as smart as she is, should realize that he's not going to be put off because she quits.
  12. Wow, what a great episode, and what a hell of a cliffhanger on so many levels. So I'm guessing game guy is going to be a recurring nemesis? I doubt we're really going to get a resolution to the Roman mystery this early, so i doubt it's going to be as cut and dried as it sounded. Wow those dolls were creepy. Loved the family scenes. Love Morgan and Karadec. Tons of chemistry. Looked like Karadec got hit by a two-by-four when he saw her at the gala, lol. I don't think the show would go there for a while yet, and the characters aren't ready for a romance together yet, and I'm happy to watch them in their current iteration for the time being. No need to rush it. I get the criticism about Karadec insisting he go to the meet, but I don't think he was being unreasonable. Morgan is not a trained officer and the informant was introduced as a very, very shady and dangerous person. Now they know there's a murdered FBI agent in the mix. Morgan meeting him alone at a hotel room would have been crazy dangerous. And she does have three children she needs to think about. Interesting that they briefly reintroduced Tom, here, just as we're closing in on more info on Roman. I think he definitely has to tie into that story in some way. Love Daphne and Oz. I was actually really worried there for a moment they were going kill Oz, and I'm so glad they didn't. We learned a bit more about him, and the actor did great work in that post-drowning scene with Morgan when he was talking about his dad. Everyone on this show is just so good. I'm going to miss having a new episode to look forward to on Tuesdays! At least this was renewed.... Definitely not Roman. Just the crazy game player they're chasing.
  13. I thought it was interesting that they had another sympathetic killer. These deep fake tech tools that these guys make their billions off of should never exist on this planet. All they do is (utterly predictably) victimize innocent people and make their lives miserable and lead to heartbreak. And these tech bros don't give a crap because they're just soooo smart and now so selfishly rich. And usually they refuse to take any responsibility for the terrible results of what they've created. The "we could, so we did" philosophy of life, no matter who gets hurt. They're loathsome. This show seems to give us these sympathetic killers more often than not. It's an interesting choice.
  14. Who cares what happened there before? It probably just means she got it at a better price because some people are superstitious. And nobody's going to repair a few scratches on the wall when the new owner may just want to repaint anyway. I care more about whether the previous owner was a smoker (getting that smell out is awful, and often there are yellow stains all over the place, too) than whether they died in the unit. As you can tell, I'n not at all a believer that events leave lingering "vibes" in real estate. It's just four walls and you can make it whatever you want. I don't care about cemeteries next door either. At least the neighbours are quiet. The ones you have to be careful about are former drug houses because there can actually be structural, health-effecting defects caused by the previous residents that can be expensive to fix. On a totally different note, Amanda and Will's bafflement that someone could not colour code their closet was hilarious. It's almost like Amanda did raise Will.
  15. I noticed it immediately last season — whoever styles this show is a genius. It has an incredibly unique look. Kind of a 1970s vibe/palette. Gorgeous patterns and colours. Amanda and Faith in particular have amazing fashion. The characters are all individual. Will has his suits. Faith wears a lot of sweater vests, Angie wears little scarves. Ormewood wears button-downs. And Amanda is the best dressed person on television.
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