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Posts posted by MSquared

  1. I think when all is said and done, yes, Sonny will have been the one to shoot AJ, but someone like Shaun or Carlos will be shown to have done something while AJ was in the coma and that's what really killed him. 

    One way or another, they'll figure out a way for Sonny to skate.

    Cause Sonny must always skate.

  2. In today's episode, were they trying to say than Snarly and the midget mobster are a couple for the ages?

    I got that feeling too.  And you know what, I'd prefer Carly with Sonny right now.  They are horrible, they would contain their horribleness to each other.  And it doesn't look as stupid for her to be with him as it does with Franco.  Hell, I'm holding out hope they'll have to marry to cover each others asses.  Then they can both lose Michael if the truth comes out.

    • Love 2
  3. On the plus side?  It was nice to see Felicia, Mac, Lucy, and Kevin.  And hey, Lucy and Kevin got to be on without sharing scenes with Franco!  Woo hoo!

    Don't worry...the psycho will be back tomorrow counseling his fuck buddy as to what to do about Sonny.

  4. Glad we have an official episodic thread now. 

    I really, REALLY hope the AJ thing has some twist coming where he turns out to be alive. RC has done it before. I just cannot accept that Monica, who we rarely even see, and Tracy are the ONLY Quartermaines left on canvas. Michael doesn't really count as a Quartermaine, imo, because he's hardly integrated with that family at all. 

    The only thing good to come of AJ's death is, I think when Michael finds out the truth (and if Carly is going to be covering Sonny's ass) we may just get Michael Alan Quartermaine.

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  5. You mean you're not excited about Triple the Slagbeast Horror?

    It's worse than I thought and that was just before the first Carly showed up.  Points though, to Carly for not immediately jumping to cover Sonny's ass.

  6. My UO?  I actually didn't mind AT.  I think he got better as time went on and was not bad on PP.  I think a lot of the problem was (from things I've read) that they had him as mini-Blair as a kid then rapidly made him Todd Jr.  Which may not have worked.  But opposite KdP and RH, he was tolerable.


    I am with you all on Marty.  She worked short term, for that one story, but to continually try to bring her back and make her be in relationships with the Todds (not quite going there with RH but rapemance with TSJ) was just wrong.  And Cole?  Yeah, can't say I was sorry to see him go over the cliff in PC.  Hope it was wrong to kill, but Cole should have never been,

    • Love 2
  7. I don't understand what motivation Carly would have to protect Sonny in this situation. She looks out for herself and it would be in her best interest to tell Michael the truth before he founds out some other way. She doesn't even have to "snitch" she can just make sure he "accidentially" overhears her talking about it with Sonny. 

    Well, that would make sense if we looked at Carly's history.  But, Ron's idea is to say, "Fuck You, GH History!" and write PodCarly.


    Also, cross-posting this with TWOP:


    After tomorrow, I am done for a while.  I will still be here and at the new place to share your snark, eyerolls, anger and disgust and I will have AJ live on in my story, but I just can't take it any longer.  Like a well known story from the 2000's Llanview, I'm starting to see red when I see FrankenRon.  And I may be willing to do the same thing that character did.

    And one last question.  Will we still be having the barge here as well?  And how do I make a long-term booking?

    • Love 2
  8. I liked Michael and Starr (that was her character's name) together.  I thought there was a goldmine of crossover history they could have used (Edward and Victor Lord, her grandfather had business dealings, Tracy and Viki, her aunt were acquaintances or rivals), they had commonalities (pulled every trick to get their parents to stay together) and, yes, they were cutesy.

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  9. I want Jax, Johnny, a recast AJ, or some new guy to come and get Carly away from Franco. Literally anyone would be a better alternative.

    I never liked Robin so I find it very amusing that she abandoned her family to go rescue Jason.

    I want Ava to walk in on Morgan hooking up with another woman.

    I want GV's Lucky to come back, somehow get full custody of Cam and Aidan, and then hook up with Sam again.

    I'm with you on the guys for Carly and I did like LuSam.  I do get a feeling the Ava one may actually happen.

  10. Is this the place where I can bemoan the great romance that never got the chance?  Cause I swear, I'd ring Ronnie's neck if I got my hands around it for not going there with Carly and AJ.  Sure, nine times out of ten, I loathe the slagbeast and bemoan most men who get trapped in her golden hoohaa (with the exception of Franco.  Bitch deserves whatever she get with that shit).  But seriously writers, did you not see the spark the first time Carly saw her first baby daddy on the docks?  Did you not see the Alan/Monica redux potential in all the times they interacted?  Did you not see how hot they were together with their hate sex?  And the number of places they could have hate-sexed around PC?  Did you not see the history they have together and the growth potential they had together?


    Anyone?  Anyone?  Bueller?

    • Love 10
  11. Well, the whole actual interacting with your family thing has been my biggest beefs with Cartini's style since I went to rewatch a lot of the last year of OL.  Heaven forbid cousins talk (although I think they are throwing that bone today with Nik/Sam) or a nephew gets a talking to from his aunt (damn for so little Jack/Viki on OL).  But, for the anticipation of the Sam's father story that has been building for years, they do jack shit with it.  


    Still want my skeevy Stavros theory and I'm not ashamed of it. 

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  12. This is fantastic!  And it's almost as if we have our own dedicated GH forum.  I propose that each new thread in the forum relate to something medically related (I'm not feeling super creative at the moment, but I think you all get my gist.. something along the lines of, "10th Floor Nurse's Station: General Gabbery").  Hope that's not too silly!

    I have a private OLTL board (well, it started as a TnB board) but we have the topics related to Llanview.  I think it's a cool idea.  I'm sure we can all be creative.

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