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Everything posted by mscool

  1. I don't understand why none of them were able to get what American's consider true patriotic red and blue -- true red and a darker blue. I find hard to believe the only food coloring provided to them is the "4 colors for $2.00" brand, but that's sure what it looked like. There are other brands like AmeriColor that make a darker blue and red that look so much more like an American flag.
  2. Who is his dad? Where did you see him?
  3. They bring videos from family to "inspire" the contestants, and what do they show: MOLLY! Once again, we had to watch MOLLY's reaction to the family videos throughout. WHY???? Why do we care what Molly's reaction is?? The videos were supposed to be for the contestants!
  4. Prediction: Molly doesn't come back next season and the reason is going to be "Molly has chosen not to return to SBC in order to devote time to her new baby/family". They will use the new baby rather than say "Molly's hosting of SBC was a complete and utter fail so she was not asked to return."
  5. Molly: "So pretty, Caroline" Caroline: "Oh Thanks" <turns her back on Molly> LMAO
  6. FINALLY someone else mentioned it! I don't know if I dislike the purple lipstick somuch as I hate the purple lipstick against the red t-shirt and pink apron. It all just clashes in my eyes.
  7. Oh but she did explain: Molly told us she, all by herself, decided it was time for a "rebirth". Yeah Molly. Just ask her -- she'll tell you all about everything she is doing for and on the show.
  8. Good analogy! Sometimes she reminds me of a 12 year old girl, other times exactly as you described -- someone talking to a child, over-reacting to and over-emphasizing EV-ER-Y-THI-NGA.
  9. I'm behind on watching, so forgive the late rant about the Easter series: 1) Kathleen -- FFS macarons are not macaroons! I know this was discussed earlier, but it is bugging the crap out of me. I can't believe the judges didn't say "these aren't macaroons". 2) The words are REAListic and REALly, not RILLIstic and RILLy. I don't even know what accent or dialect that is. 3) Potatoes au gratin is not the same things as scallopped potatoes - one has cheese, one doesn't. My opinion - Brittany didn't make the dish she was assigned. 4) I have never seen green bean casserole with carrots, peas, onions, chives, croutons or parm cheese in it. Is that a regional thing? Not sure this met the assigned dish either, but could be regional differences. Overall - the food imposters looked pretty amazing. On to the final episode.
  10. I agree! I kept thinking "I'd have no idea what those coffees were supposed to taste like and that means I'd have to taste a sample. Yuk." I'd be voted out of the barn for sure. :) \
  11. Did anyone else notice how "forced" the reactions were when the one going home was announced every episode? Seemed like they were coached to go over the top with the hugs and well-wishes the second the name was announced. I know these are (almost) all sweet kids and do feel bad for the one that lost and want to comfort them, but they are jumping up to hug the one leaving almost before the name is out of Duff's mouth, and couldn't get in to hug him / her fast enough. It seemed like a staged / forced group hug rather than genuine reaction by the contestants. It's like they said "now don't forget - when the name is announced, make sure you give them a hug and comfort them before they leave" when in reality, it would have been better to just let them react on their own. They would have gotten the hugs and kind words with more real emotion.
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