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  1. Does anyone else seem like the older u get the more things get on your nerves? PET PEEVES 1. Drivers not yielding when they have a yield sign 2. Drivers who wait and cut u off right before their exit. 3. When people talk to me like I'm stupid. THIS IS A BIG ONE 😡 4. When people can't do their jobs. If u can't do a job correctly u shouldn't have that job. 5. No names, but the caregiver for my Mother. OMG I have a WRITTEN list of what she should do & not do and SHE STILL can't do her job correctly. UNREAL 😡 6. When someone is tailgating me, I just go slower for spite there is no reason to be riding my ass 7. I don't know how to put this nicely so here goes. Did u ever have a job where people above u were not very bright & doing a crappy job & making more $ than u? I have to wonder how they got the job in the first place. I know u shouldn't compare yourself to other people but it gets on MY LAST NERVE when u can't find a good job that pays well when u are POSITIVE that u could do double the work of the people making more than u. 8. WHEN SOMEONE SAYS SOMETHING AND DOESNT DO IT. If you aren't true to your word DONT SAY ANTHING AT ALL 😡
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