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Posts posted by janeyjay

  1. On 6/5/2024 at 3:51 PM, AnnMarie17 said:

    We watch via VPN, so we'll look for it tonight. Now it'll truly feel like summer!  😎

    It's a promising start to what hopefully will be a good season, at least for me. One Islander is already showing his/her bonkers side -- fun for the moment! And I don't actively dislike anyone yet, so yay!

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  2. It's the official beginning of summer with today's UK premiere of a new season of Love Island. I'll be watching via VPN when the episode is up on the ITV website. Anyone else watch in this fashion or do y'all wait for the Hulu drop?

  3. Oh Michelle. You went out with a whimper, not a bang. But I suspect with your charming smile and infectious personality, we'll be seeing you on the TC past contestants circuit soon, if that's what you would like to do. 

    Manny's been the recipient of the "Bad But Not As Bad As The Eliminated Chef" Award most of the season. Dude, risotto on a table spread? Really?

    I want to do a spin on Laura's dessert table that's within my cooking skills. It was fun, well-conceived and different.

    • Like 13
  4. Any time Vanjie is on my screen is a good time for me. I adore her, both in drag and out. And I didn't remember just how young Plastique was the first go-round, but out-of-drag it's obvious she's grown. 

    Angeria is still delightful as is Nina -- her stint with "Hairspray" has polished up her performance skills, which weren't bad to begin with.  Appreciate GREATLY the $$ going to charity this year -- now have a soft spot for Roxxxy as I too live in Florida and it's a cesspool of hate and horribleness down here.

    Looking forward to a fun season -- which will go a long way to saving my world as these queens are just what the doctor ordered.

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  5. A random thought -- pardon if it's been shared elsewhere -- but I wonder if the decision to cancel was related to the relationship between the show's ratings versus the cast salaries. I suspect MGH and Skyler did not come cheaply. Perhaps the execs didn't consider the ratings were worth the cost of the show. 

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  6. Bless Craig T. Nelson because he made me laugh while I was still sobbing after the "Funeral" episode. He is a national treasure. 

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  7. The right chef won -- even without blind judging. I am now a full-fledged Marcel fan and I am not ashamed to admit it. 

    I laughed when Stephanie Izard told Carlos he was no longer Mini-Malarkey to her because that's a nickname I can get behind. He is a darn good chef but that's overshadowed by his thirst to BE NOTICED. 

    7 hours ago, nitrofishblue said:

    I think the problem is that right now there are far too many competitive shows. The pool of talent gets very diluted over time just from over exposure.

    Excellent point. The market for competitive cooking shows is very over-saturated at the moment -- are you listening, Food Network??

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  8. Co-sign the blind and/or more than one judge concept. It's a lot of pressure and responsibility for one person to decide who stays and who clocks out -- especially if that judge has prior/current relationships with the participants (although Jet navigated this issue very well IMO.)

    Bummed to see both Martel and Chris D go, as I like them each quite a bit (and hope to see them frequently in the future on my telly.)

    Trying to imagine a kitchen with both Carlos AND Malarkey and I became as exhausted as Chris Oh at the prospect of THAT.

    • Like 15
  9. 3 hours ago, potatoradio said:

    I have a bad feeling the network/powers that be really, really want to try to make Carlos happen. No, thank you. 

    He's like "fetch" and TPTB need to stop trying to make him happen. PLEASE.

    I've also been charmed by Kess and I hope the network opts to showcase her more. There are a lot of fresh faces and winning personalities still in the competition and for me, that's a great thing.

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  10. I adore this show and the cancellation notice has put me in a cranky mood. I'm a contemporary of the great Marcia Gay Harden and it is so refreshing to see a woman of a certain age portrayed as multi-faceted (flaws and all), intelligent and compassionate. Plus the regular cast have gelled and work together so well as a company. 

    File this under Captain Obvious observation, but It certainly didn't help the cause to program this delight against the juggernaut that is L&O: SVU. A different time slot would have helped the ratings, IMO. I understand that the season/series finale ends on a big cliffhanger, so. THANKS A LOT FOR NOTHING, CBS.

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  11. I think it's Buddha next week, which will be interesting.

    I like this concept of a little sit down, so to speak, with Kristin and a TC participant spinning a dish from that week's episode. It's a little behind the scenes (now I know what Beauties are!), a little cooking and a little instructional. As a very amateur cook, I feel like I learn a little technique with these segments. 

    • Like 5
  12. Bye Poverty (™Kevin) -- we hardly knew ye. Well, all except for Sandra who looked positively gleeful at your departure, despite having done nothing notable at all, save for the Snooker Ball Reenactment last week.

    Speaking of Kevin, the braintrust convo between him and MJ was intriguing, not for the great intellectual value, but for the fact that the Truly Faithful Faithful gang might begin to turn on itself. 

    Phaedra continues to bring the entertainment for me - "Don't be Sherlock the Dick" is gold. 


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  13. On 1/17/2024 at 9:09 AM, ladle said:

    I'm so conflicted because, while I really dislike CT, I have realized I would be eager to watch an entire show that's just him and Phaedra discussing various topics. 

    I would like to see a spinoff series with CT and Phaedra -- perhaps on a road trip, perhaps solving crimes together, perhaps learning new skills. 

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  14. 3 hours ago, Pop Tart said:

    A great idea for a spin-off - Mrs. Fish Investigates.

    I would watch this the moment it dropped. Many amateur investigators are pretty much nosy busybodies and Mrs. Fish is the gold standard of nosy busybody.

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  15. 16 hours ago, sagittarius sue said:

    I look away when he's on screen so I don't have to see his smirking face.

    I was on the phone with my dad, filling him in on the brawl and Dusty's ejection when Altuve hit the HR -- I forgot momentarily that I was talking to my father and spewed some of my best profanity-laden phrases. I HATE that guy. Fortunately he knows I'm salty so no big deal. Also had choice words for Verlander and his smarmy-happy celebrating ass. 

    That AZ/PHI game was terrific and fun to watch. Looking forward to tonight's matchup.

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  16. There's something poetic about the Bears getting their first win in forever on the same day that Dick Butkus died. 

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