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  1. So I’ve been watching this on YT the past two days and I seriously never realized just how unbearably disgusting Matt was. I was only 11 at the time it aired originally and honestly Matt was an after thought to me and Teck & Ruthie were the major stand outs but after watching this…I TOOOOOOOOOTALLY understand why Justin left. These people were unbearable to watch,let alone live with. Its ironic in the casting special one of the producers saw Matt for what he was instantly. An instigator who plays on people’s vulnerability and uses it against them. Kaia originally to me was cool but she’s ALL bark with absolutely no bite and her & Matt really are make/female versions of eachother and I honestly think they were so manipulative because they both were dull as dishwater. Teck said some questionable things but they were never out of malice or being mean spirited. Justin was above all these ppl and I totally get it now,especially with Amaya giving the kids in India blow pop suckers when they’re teeth are rotting,just tone deaf and self centered. I love that he left Kaia’s photos and address behind,he realized what an exhausting c*nt she really was. Colin was productions pet. From the whole reject nonsense down to his edit…someone on production really was pulling for him. His wishy washy opinions and courage in confessionals but being everybody’s friend and Anaya’s lover to her face was so lame. i loved Ruthie and still do HOWEVER even she came off completely self centered and just unrealistic in her reaction to things. I will say tho,I think editing gave her a raw deal because when I watched this as a kid it came off like her drinking was from sun up to sun down and just off the richter scale when in reality, I think drinking was her escape from not being able to smoke weed. AND the nervousness of being on tv because if you notice,her problem wasnt necessarily drinking per say,it was her not being able to “turn up” enough when they would go out but storyline purposes it was intensified with editing. conclusion this was a great season for what it was but like someone else said a lot 90s MTV stuff just dies NOT age well at all and this was one of those things. I have to think they’re revising Seasons 5-10 heavily because castmembers like Matt just do not age well and I see why he wont do The Homecoming special. He’s AWFUL.
  2. So I’ve been watching this on YT the past two days and I seriously never realized just how unbearably disgusting Matt was. I was only 11 at the time it aired originally and honestly Matt was an after thought to me and Teck & Ruthie were the major stand outs but after watching this…I TOOOOOOOOOTALLY understand why Justin left. These people were unbearable to watch,let alone live with. Its ironic in the casting special one of the producers saw Matt for what he was instantly. An instigator who plays on people’s vulnerability and uses it against them. Kaia originally to me was cool but she’s ALL bark with absolutely no bite and her & Matt really are make/female versions of eachother and I honestly think they were so manipulative because they both were dull as dishwater. Teck said some questionable things but they were never out of malice or being mean spirited. Justin was above all these ppl and I totally get it now,especially with Amaya giving the kids in India blow pop suckers when they’re teeth are rotting,just tone deaf and self centered. I love that he left Kaia’s photos and address behind,he realized what an exhausting c*nt she really was. Colin was productions pet. From the whole reject nonsense down to his edit…someone on production really was pulling for him. His wishy washy opinions and courage in confessionals but being everybody’s friend and Anaya’s lover to her face was so lame. i loved Ruthie and still do HOWEVER even she came off completely self centered and just unrealistic in her reaction to things. I will say tho,I think editing gave her a raw deal because when I watched this as a kid it came off like her drinking was from sun up to sun down and just off the richter scale when in reality, I think drinking was her escape from not being able to smoke weed. AND the nervousness of being on tv because if you notice,her problem wasnt necessarily drinking per say,it was her not being able to “turn up” enough when they would go out but storyline purposes it was intensified with editing. conclusion this was a great season for what it was but like someone else said a lot 90s MTV stuff just dies NOT age well at all and this was one of those things. I have to think they’re revising Seasons 5-10 heavily because castmembers like Matt just do not age well and I see why he wont do The Homecoming special. He’s AWFUL.
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