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  1. I wonder if the whole Vegas thing was sponcon, like Bravo (and maybe the realtors themselves) were being paid to advertise the ridiculous Terra Firma development. There's no reason that Flagg would ever get involved in something like this if he didn't have to do it and he was truly doing the bare minimum, Tracy could totally see how ridiculous the development is, and even the Altmans' energy seemed forced. The whole thing is bizarre because there are at least two different Terra Firma websites, one of which links to the other, but not in a super transparent way. The main website (it seems) says on the Team page that there are 30+ lots still available (confusingly the number of lots is not on the "Lots" page). If that's true, it's possible that aside from this Jeff guy, no one has actually purchased a lot, despite the fact that Terra Firma first announced this boondoggle in 2021. ETA: The terra firma instagram is also weird. It barely posts and of the Million Dollar Listing cast, the only one who follows it is Josh (not even Matt). The instagrams for the team members are similarly bare bones (actually even less is on them). Oh and I don't know Vegas, but this listing of a terra firma potential home looks awfully like one of the from the episode but it is listed by Compass and is only on the market for $7.8 million, quite a bit lower than the price point that the MDL folks were talking about. I don't know what is going on, but it's weird.
  2. I agree with most of everything that's been said about this past episode, except...I don't get the newfound love for Andrew. He went out of his way to badmouth his boyfriend to his boyfriend's friends, inserted himself into the drama between Heather and Josh A, and just when things were getting intense between Josh and Tracy, publicly inserted him into that situation as well to tell Josh what to do (a move that has never, ever worked to calm anyone down). He was right to be upset about Flagg's behavior, but a) that behavior was not new (and so Andrew's own behavior can't be explained by being in shock) and b) there were plenty of more productive ways to address things after the fact or in private. I had been iffy on Andrew before, but after seeing this episode, I came away finding him attention hungry, immature, and obnoxious.
  3. Ronnie has been posting all of these throwback pics of him with the cast and talking about his return, so I think he did want to be there. But I agree completely that he is not well, he should not be filmed in this state and MTV should be ashamed for profiting from his mental illness. But honestly, given how he has treated people both on and off the show, I personally don't think he should be on the show regardless of whether he wants to or not. In abusive relationship after abusive relationship, he has burned that bridge and if MTV tries to feed him a redemption arc, that might be the thing that makes me quit this godforsaken show.
  4. If I recall correctly at the end of the last season of MDLLA, Josh was talking about how he might have kids because Bobby wanted them, but then said that he liked his life as it was and was uninterested in changing it, while Bobby seemed kindof annoyed by this. I could be misremembering the specifics, but that was definitely a dynamic. Then there is Josh's greater professional success in their shared field and Bobby's obvious resentment of being known just as "Josh's husband." Add to that all the fact that Josh is pretty rigid and also seems to be an alcoholic, it is hard not to see why this relationship ended. It's a shame because I do like both of them, and at their best, they seemed to bring out something really good in the other one. Their shared sense of humor seemed to denote a real bond. In the end, though, not really surprising--so much so that I had actually just started following Bobby on instagram this week because I knew something like this was coming
  5. I grew up Catholic. I'm not a believer, but if I were, I think I'd find the blessification/fake baptism kindof offensive. Also, it's total bs. My mom was Jewish, was never baptized and it didn't mean a damn thing to the priest. I will say that pet psychic thing was so insane that it actually brought back a little bit of the Jersey Shore magic for me, after slogging through fake scenario after fake scenario (like the baptism) with this crew. The looks on Deena and Nicole's faces when Jenny explained that this was "actually a pet psychic," Deena's anemia freakout, the pet psychic's commitment to the bit. Reader, I cried.
  6. So is anyone else worried about Flagg's drinking? I mean, I enjoy a glass of wine myself, but he is literally drinking in every single scene of the first Josh & Josh episode, inc. the interviews. I'm concerned that he has a pretty serious drinking problem, behind all the (frankly quite enjoyable) schtick.
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