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  1. So was Jackie just hoeing when she married Finns father or what? I mean what's going on with the DNA and the Trojan (hahahaha) antidote. Can Chase just be better now and maybe go to One Life to Live ?? How do we keep a Chase and lose a Franko?? Even Peter was a respectable actor because I hated him. He was like that cartoon villain that dressed up like an evil mortician and twisted his beard.... But can we be done with Chase? He makes Willow stupid, who in turn makes Michael dumb ad stupid, then I watch and get mad so maybe also ....stupid (ugh). I just can't with this Chase storyline, if he died I would probably laugh. Here's his life ... Mom was hoeing it seems so we don't know the father, he thinks his brother is his father, was tricked by Nelle, lol, I mean NELLE?? lol, had a Willow who never liked him, let's just put that out there now. The writing was either. she cheats with Mike. or they find a way to keep her pure but still with Mike. His cop partner hated him, he gets poisoned, and somewhere in there he loses Willow on some dumb scheme. Can he be done now? Please.
  2. Loves it! She sent Jason to Siberia or something.
  3. Best quote ever : She's too stupid to live. If there was any question as to where Nell got her crazy. So this idiot (Nina) decided to tell a talking child that HIS DEAD GF IS ALIVE!! What?? Kudos to Valentin for deciding to step out of that triangle (must be his WSB training that helped him see Nina came back crazy, but he used the words "found peace" I believe). But just when you think Nina wins the Idiot of the Day Award .... " I would be honored .... to marry you Chase" ? ... like huh?? I don't even have the words for this crap. Sonny please go visit Nina in PC PLEASE!!! I should think former CEO of ELQ , Jason trained, son of THE mobster Michael Corinthos would of been bamboozled into the weakest blackmail attempt of all time. Mike, you call that bluff all day everyday my boy. Jack would not have ran into a dying mans hospital room and been like. " hey ......". I mean you even said the dude was like you father for years, AND he's afraid of your mom and JASON!!! come on man!
  4. Great points, especially Stella. I mean, to the writers - "we saw this story with Jordan" and I thought she was to have gotten the point. I'm hoping they toke it up to her being scared for him as he lays in a hospital bed. Maybe go pull a Cam and chastise his would be murder. Not the woman he's into, which is what her Spidey sense is picking up. As far as Sean goes, He should know he's there because of him and nothing else, however, he's being kept there because of privilege and his sentence could be a product of injustice. I would say no because what the show will try and do is say he and Alexis have similar issues but Alexis is a lawyer. I mean it's tough to fall back on that though if you look at her whole history including suspicious murders of former lovers surrounding her possible involvement ( yes multiple. one she did kill right? ) , a relationship and child with a mobster, same mobster Sean allegedly worked for.... and so on. Where I cannot roll with the brotha ( I can say this ) is .. HE PUT HIMSELF IN??? after that you lose me. Still the show will spin equality and if it's to support a shinned light on equality and injustice then, as GH does this well, shine on, I'm here for it!. I personally feel a better story line to support the effort would be a rouge cop and TJ, but, I'm not currently a show writer. lol.
  5. RIGHT? Just fix dude so we can get on with Willow and Michael. They really should do something with Chase though because his character is just good for looking pathetic and weak as hell at this point. Maybe make him go psycho over loss instead of having that always be a female character. Well you folks tell me, Did we have that already with Peter? He was kind of always mentally ill, yah?
  6. I think that's hope on your part. lol. But if they go that way (lol, pun), Let em live. I just need someone to TELL CHASE THE STINKING TRUTH already!! He knows in his sad little weak man heart, and his pathetic passive aggressive manipulation of Will is just sad and is passively "making me thirsty ( come on Seinfeld my people)" ... Is it just me or ??
  7. I'm so done with the Nixon crap. I want it over already. Just a land of bad acting, crime, terrible storylines, and a lost MB. I hope we leave "The Falls" ( I bet Elijah is in the Corinthos Org, but doing side crap with those malls ) soon and when we do I just need Sonny back, please .... Nina can stay. Unless we bring back the "Days" actress again (redhead). She was so good. I hated seeing the switch but didn't hate the character until this new Nina. It's just bad and her eyes scare me and bug me at the same time, and I don't even watch those scenes if I'm being honest. At least Franco came back today!! I guess it's Austin now? Can we just have him be Todd and move on with the story??
  8. I didn't know she died. So yeah definitely Nina's fantasy
  9. No, before the sickness he was all gooey acting like they were together and Willow had not given him much to think that. I'm talking back in the winter and they were diving with the PolarBears. Also, whenever he walked in on them, and I think they had just finished having sex and were still cuddled up and he walks in. Either way he knew. Val.Day she used Wiley as an excuse but they had just finished having numerous conversations about her and Michael and it was uncomfortable, then she goes home, to Michael. He and Sasha blew their stuff up and no matter the reason, it's just dead. I appreciate M and S talking it out and handling it. This guy with his little boy views on the world ( his parents relationship) is just so whinny with his "please love me Willow" that I think he could be a stalker down the road. You remember what Nel said about him and did to turn him out. Even now Willow doesn't act like she loves him and he's selfishly ignoring it for his own satisfactions. She's friendly to him but he's now "wanting to get her alone??" I mean what about Willow has said to him in any way that she wants to be intimate with him? Wait, I forget did they have sex when Finns daughter was there and around that time? Like when Nina, ugh, told Wiley about his mom? I can't remember if they had sex then, but Willow was just upset. In any case I would not feel like I was "with" Willow by her actions and he's taking it waaaay to far. I mean dude have a conversation with the woman and stop being all passively possessive.
  10. We should stop watching. Let's stop watching after everything gets fixed...lol. Yah, Corinth is where Loving was and I just realized Nixon Falls must be a play on Agnes Nixon the co-creator. So maybe this wasn't Sonny's vanity but Mrs. Nixon's. Seems like Nina's fantasy. She's really nuts-o. That glazed look in her eye is just sick now and in no way endearing like the writers want us to see it. This is not a wonderful "What if" storyline for a good Sonny ( Sonny is good), it's messy and fake, killing two character arches and for what? I mean I thought MB needed a vaca and so he goes away for some time usually. This has gotten outta hand they've gone way too far. I tend to think Elijah in the end will be one of Sonny's men, or Cyrus's. I just have feel this is a Corinthos Operation that has been mishandled in some way.
  11. Right on. They really need new writing because all of a sudden it's gotten bad. They need a change... Let's start with a cleansing of Nixon Falls!! PLEASE GIVE US SONNY BACK!
  12. Yeah it's "disgusting". How long are they gonna not write a new storyline and milk this "guilt" plot between the 3/4. Let Michael and Willow be together already for poops sake. But I wouldn't say the kid that got raped in jail always goes on top. I don't see why they have to play this game with Chase anyway. This guy is a weak "please love me Willow" joke. He's been guilting her from the start even though HE FOUND THEM MAKING LOVE. I mean the dude has no self pride and to me and IMHO a big baby. She left you on Val.DAY to go be with Michael??? I mean What else does he need to see. Then going around and tell his family or letting them say they are "back together" was all passive aggressive pressure and sick really. he's like a really ugly dog that's stuck out in the rain and you don't wanna see.
  13. Preach! The fact that we have a Mike and not a Sonny is VANNITY, exactly as previously posted. The worse is Nina. Knowing that she's being so incredible selfish is amazing for her arch. I still don't know her plan and what the hell she's doing. I just hope Carly gets to beat that ass.
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