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Melody M

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Everything posted by Melody M

  1. I loved the Last Alaskans. That is and has always been the show about Alaska and truly living in the wild. Now the show with the next generation is really pretty bad. They don't know what they're doing or they are boring or they are just plain weird. But anyhow the episode when the gentleman got his leg cut was over the top. He acted like he was dying and in terrible pain. Ended up being 7 stitches. My husband would have driven himself to the ER for stitches without a single complaint of pain so I have to laugh at this guy or should we call him a girl. Then the guy and his wife go looking for a bear and find it's den and he basically puts himself in harms way for no reason. What an idiot! I have no idea why this guy is in the wilderness other than it is because he is on tv. Then the family supposedly teaching their kids who are very little how to build a shelter and fire. Come on the adults were doing all the work and the kids were playing or bored. That was just done for show. Kids were not old enough. I also hate that they always go to commercial at a critical time. The guy who built the skid sled seems to have a junkyard of stuff he has been collecting for years. He is kind of interesting. The one who will only use manual labor and like no chainsaw is so weird. I don't expect him to last. He will get injured or freeze or tired of not having much food. The last character was putting his floor in last I saw of him and he is pretty good to watch.
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