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Posts posted by TooMuchRealityTV

  1. Should Bloom have been allowed to work through coming down off years of adderall? It seemed like there would be a lot of room for disaster there. I mean what if she had still needed it to focus? Someone could have died. She works in the ER.

    Since we've already done Max with cancer I'm going to assume this is just a scare. Seriously, this is too close to the failed engagement and too close to the end of the series. Just let him be a do-gooder who runs a hospital. He's had his share of depressing storylines.

    Iggy's psychiatrist friend was perhaps the one bright spot this week. Iggy should take notes from him on how to be a psychiatrist. Seriously. The show should have dumped Iggy for this guy a few seasons ago.

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  2. I usually like this show as long as Wheatly isn't on it. This season has been no different. I like the bad guy so far. The new detectives seem okay as well. I guess they are going for more of a team dynamic this season then they have in previous seasons. It seems to be working.

    I would really like this show to keep Stabler and Benson as friends. I'm just not feeling it. It's been too soap opera-ey. The interaction between Stabler and his partner made me cringe because I'm sure it's the writers heavy handed way of teasing more will they/won't they.

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  3. Floyd and Iggy should maybe consider that sometimes a jerk is just a jerk. It's not like Floyd has a strong relationship with the guy and he's suddenly acting odd. It's not surprising that a man who never cared about his kid enough to be present during his formative years doesn't care care 30 something years later about his kids concerns and priorities.

    The writers are really phoning this season in, especially with Max. They let him literally give away money. It's like they all got into a room and tried to figure out what is the most ridiculous thing Max hasn't done yet. Oh, well... we didn't just let him give away cash. 

    Of course Iggy is dating. Apparently being alone isn't a thing in New Amsterdam. Clearly, Max is going to rebound with Wilder and Iggy will have a new love interest before the ink dries on his divorce papers.

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