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Posts posted by TooMuchRealityTV

  1. Overall, I liked this episode. Although, if I'm being honest they could have done this whole episode without the rape tie-ins and SVU. I don't need more Rollins on my screen.

    It seems like they are trying to make this squad more of a team. In the past it was a lot of Stabler deep undercover. Now they've expanded the team. They also seem to be using Jet more outside of her tech capabilities. Have we seen her used in non-techy crime scenes before? I'm okay with the changes. They seem to be working so far.

    I'm just going to ignore the whole thing with Bell. It seems like if the team disbands it would be the end of the show. So until I hear it's cancelled, I'm going to assume this will resolve itself. I guess they are creating filler squad drama to replace all the filler Stabler (Stabler/Benson, Stabler Family) drama that seems to be absent this season.

    Still liking this better than SVU. It's not perfect, but when it's Benson and Wheatley free it's pretty good.

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  2. 15 minutes ago, Evie said:

    I'm honestly not sure what I think about the judge's decision regarding James. I don't think it's unfair to Amber. She's a POS mom. I do think it's unfair to James and Leah. 

    From what I read when this happened she does get overnight visitation both in California and Indiana. So I imagine if she is as dedicated as she says she is she will still take all her visitation time (including flying to CA, which I think it was said she doesn't like to do a few episodes ago) and try to include Leah as often as she can. If she doesn't do that and chooses to play victim, then she has proven she is not the Mother she wants people to think she is. Personally, I thought it was overkill to show the girls all being sooo upset. She just got off probation for domestic abuse a few episodes ago. Who do these girls think they are talking about?

    Color me surprised the coven is breaking up. I never thought those women would be able to pry themselves apart. But I suspect Briana will end up living a boyfriend soon. My guess is she'll do a few months "alone" and declare she's conquered that and is moving in with her man.

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  3. Episode 6:

    It sounds like Josh may have intended to slip away from the party, I assume to meet someone he met on the internet. I suspect that person caused him harm and disposed of his body. Unfortunately, given the amount of time that has gone by it's probably not likely his body will be found. It seems like he was exploring his sexuality but it's possible he was not always doing this in safe ways. The internet is full of sick people. This case is just sad all around. Whether he went willing with someone and was assaulted or was grabbed off the street it sounds like something very bad happened to him.

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  4. Episode 4:

    I am leaning towards Buffalo Jim being murdered, but I'm not totally convinced. I could almost see this being an actual overdose. He has a history of drug use and I could see someone going to a hotel to party, instead of bringing that kind of thing home. Especially with a history of drug use and a family who doesn't think he's relapsed.

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  5. 9 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

    I bet Tai has done some Sundays at a fundamentalist church. Can you see her in the front pew, flinging herself to the floor, speaking in tongues? 

    Oh, yeah, I grew up in one of those churches she'd fit right in as long as reigned in the extreme low cut tops.

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  6. 1 minute ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

    I guess I could request that mortuary when I die, so I can finally be on tv and be famous...

    I don't want crazy Tai doing my makeup while arguing on the phone with Boston. Bad makeup at my funeral would be distracting.

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  7. It's hard to believe people living in a healthtrap have the money to pay 50% more on rent/mortgage. Why not move then? NYC rent is very expensive but if you can afford to go that much higher I suspect you can afford to leave. That plotline felt like a unused Max storyline that they gave to Floyd because they needed something for him to do. It played exactly how Max would handle it. Get involved in these people's lives in ways they didn't authorize and come up with a solution no hospital board would agree to.

    I'm not sure how old Luna is supposed to be, I guess 3ish. It seems like now is the time to teach about listening and not touching certain things without permission. Luna got a small cut this time. What if Max had been cooking and she'd touched the stove or something. Maybe that's the lesson Max and the cooking lesson comes once you know she won't try to grab another sharp object.

    And Iggy, once again proving he probably shouldn't still have his job. He was on call and had minors in his care he should have taken his phone. Period. And if these kids parents find out about this they should be pissed. Also, the kid who didn't mention he had an iphone, I would have been livid if I was one of the other kids. Who leaves that info out?

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  8. Episode 1:

    Sadly, I do think Tiffany did commit suicide. I don't think this is an unsolved mystery at all. She was upset due to a number of circumstances, a breakup, being caught stealing and she'd had problems with her mother. CPS had been called to the home. Her Mother admits to punching her once and leaving a bruise. (Not acknowledged on the episode, but reporters who wrote the story linked below viewed her medical records and spoke to her parents about it.) I acknowledge the shoe thing was weird, but she was probably not in a good state of mind after she left the house. She was about to kill herself, she wasn't thinking logically. Also, I wasn't convinced not finding the shorts meant something. It sounds like the family combed the tracks collecting remains. So whatever was left was spread out. Also maybe the shorts were mostly destroyed and there wasn't much, if anything, to find. Finding a scrap of shorts in the woods might actually not be that easy to do.

    From the article below: "Yet, the two had been bickering more and more frequently, and child protection officials in 2014 paid three separate visits to the Valiante home after one of Tiffany’s teachers noticed bruising on her arm, according to a summary of medical records reviewed by The Daily Beast. Dianne admitted to having caused the bruise by punching Tiffany after an argument. A caseworker recommended the pair seek counseling, which Dianne and Tiffany agreed to do."

    It seems like they carefully left out Tiffany's problems at home. The article mentions her friends told investigators she self harmed (although the parents don't believe it).

    I think this episode was poorly done. It never struck me as a mystery. Also, leaving the whole CPS thing out just feels misleading.


    Episode 3:

    This one seems like it could actually be solved. It hasn't happened too long ago so the suspect probably hasn't aged from the photos they showed of her. Perhaps showing her face will help with the search. She sounds awful so the sooner they find her the better.

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