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dr. gailey

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Posts posted by dr. gailey

  1. I am amused that everything they said they wanted Jason to be as played by Steve hasn't happened. He is just another version of Billy's Jason. Stone Cold is nowhere in the building and not only is Franco not dead by his hands, but he got help from him to save Carly. Which makes this the funniest shit ever to me cause some fans still give Drew hell for even talking to Franco, but are cool as hell with Sam being friends with Carly who was about to marry his ass.

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  2. They better leave my Scout alone. That is why I can't wait for Eeyore to die. So she can go back to being the only kid Drew should give any fucks about. They handed everything back to Jason on a platter. Let him deal with Jake, Danny and I am sure he will be all up in the Baby Wiley shit once they start that up again.

    They better leave my Scout alone. That is why I can't wait for Eeyore to die. So she can go back to being the only kid Drew should give any fucks about. They handed everything back to Jason on a platter. Let him deal with Jake, Danny and I am sure he will be all up in the Baby Wiley shit once they start that up again.

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  3. I didn't watch the Jasam love scene. I just saw screencaps and that was enough to portray the horrid I am sure it was. I am tickled that Sam still can't cook for Jason, but she made Patrick a damn risotto before she took him upstairs to sex him in the bed and shower.

    Twitter hadn't been this funny in ages about this show.

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  4. Eeyore has to die. They gave him one of the worst cancers you can get. Let's be realistic for once and follow thru with a death. I don't need Patrick nor Robin coming on in the last minute to save his ass. They suck as doctors lately anyway given they operated on a Fake Jake and I don't know who the hell Robin worked on in that clinic now that they rewrote Faison having Drew that time instead of him being with Robin that time chilling in that egg.

    Sure Monica will be losing another grandkid, but she just got 2 miracles in the form of back from the dead Jake and Jason. Drew is still young enough to make her more grandkids.

    So unless they recast his dull ass, bye bye Eeyore.

    • Love 3
  5. Yes shut the fuck up Abby and Meghan. Just because Ivanka is your friend, it doesn't mean she isn't wrong. It is possible to focus on multiple things at a time.

    Also shut up Whoopi. Roasts don't have to be private cause you chose to do dumb shit and have your man show up in blackface.

    Joy gave me life today with her Meghan needling.

    • Love 20
  6. Yes that dummy Abby was trying to say Sunny was blaming the woman when Sunny was trying to give the definition of assault. No one was saying that the woman should have been arrested like Whiny Bitch Meghan was trying to say. She kept saying she doesn't like other people touching her. Maybe the same could be said for Jim when they lady was clearly trying to snatch that mic out of his hand and he wasn't doing anything but defending himself. If he had tried to snatch that same mic out of Sarah Sanders hand, Abby and Meghan would be singing a different tune.

    • Love 24
  7. I have not posted here in ages. This show sucks so much it isn't funny. I haven't watched in months. I view clips every now and then when Scout pops up.

    My fave Sam is in timeout. Jason came back and all of her growth and the last 5years have left the building. Until Jason dies again or Sam gets an excorsim, I can't defend her shit.

    Drew is in hell. They need to give him his damn memories already. Eeyore better die.

    Scout is still my baby. Hopes she gets to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with her father.

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  8. I think I can try to explain what Sunny means when she says cultural appropriation. Kylie Jenner is making millions off of makeup kits, especially lipsticks and such. Kylie herself had lip fillers until she recently took them out. Black women have had naturally fuller lips and they were called ugly. The same with certain hairstyles. Black people have had dreadlocks for years, but would get fired for wearing their natural hair. I think one of the Kardashians wore a hair style like that and it was called daring and bold. That is what Sunny sees as profiting from black culture.

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  9. Today's show was gold in terms of how childish Megan is. Bitch would not shut up. Tara gave a good read of what the Republican Party is. Sunny is right. They are complacent with everything he is doing as long as they get what they want. This is why I never feel bad about anything happening to Megan and her cries of victimization.

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