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dr. gailey

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Posts posted by dr. gailey

  1. What Whoopi is trying to say is that Bloomberg can't buy the election. He can spend all the money he wants. It is still up to the people to either vote for him or not. He didn't pay the people of New York to vote him mayor. They decided that.

    The debate isn't the first time people have seen him outside of New York. He has been visiting cities and meeting people in the South. His ads run multiple times a day where I live and I live in a red state. The only other candidate who has run an ad here is Bernie.

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  2. Inside Edition did a piece on this story today. Catch it if you can. Abby was the last person talking to her, but even that relationship has soured. If true, this is what NutMeg McCain gets. No one wants to be friends with toxic people.

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  3. Abby is forever an idiot. I can't stand her. Politicians kids aren't the only kids that have feelings. That analogy won't hurt Baron in the least. He is probably more embarrassed by his parents. If bringing up the kids in cages is too much for her, please stop talking about your rich kids.

    Juliana isn't going to say anything to make waves on her part. She is just bouncing back after that blackface Halloween costume incident.

    • Love 19
  4. I quit this shit show months ago. I knew Drew's story would be shit the minute Franco was inserted and Billy left. This story has more holes than Swiss cheese. They rewrote too much shit for any of this to make sense.

    They never explained how Helena was out here kidnapping Drew when her ass was half dead waiting on Robin to find a cure to bring back her and Jason. Drew was the person Robin worked on and escaped with cause Ava ran him over and that is how he got his new face. They also never explained Drew getting beat up on Cassadine Island while Jake was kidnapped by Helena. Drew also had brain injuries like Jason that Patrick was when he operated on him.

    Don't get me started on that bullshit love story they are trying to sell with Kim and Drew. Eeyore's dad went from being dangerous to suddenly Drew and how much she loved him.

    Frankendrew's personality fits original Franco. Drew was never like this with or without Jason's memories.

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  5. The funny thing is Maurice would probably be happy as hell to unload Carly to Jason. He is always looking for new love interests. His father would hate it but forget that old man. But seeing how much of an was gold Maurice was a couple of days ago on Twitter, I hope he is forever stuck in Carson.

    As far as Steve goes, he loves Jasam for now cause their fans are his biggest customers to buying his nutrition shakes. He could care less about the actual couple. He also has an ego like Maurice. They can't stand any other males winning over them. See his reaction to Lusam being received better than he thought while he was campaigning for Liz and Jason.

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  6. This is why you can never give NutMeg credit. She always manages to take any goodwill towards her and fuck it up. She was right back to trying to blame Omar again for all the current bull going on without saying shit about her current party's leader.

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  7. Today's show is the reason why I don't care that Mac and Robert are in charge of the PCPD. They write them exactly as inept as the rest of the others that have lead the department. They should just let Sonny and Jason run it since they let them get away with all of their crimes and act like they are bringing everybody else to justice.

    Eeyore was a pain in the ass when he was alive and is still a pain in Drew's ass in death. Never has a man ever needed to go back in time and wear a condom.

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  8. Already sorry Joy and STFU Whoopi. Just because some people have served forever, doesn't mean they deserve their asses kissed 24/7. Nancy calls out her colleagues more than the man in the White House. Most of us are watching him get away with murder while they do nothing. Shut up and start doing the damn job.

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  9. Forget Carly keeping Michael from AJ. She actively tried to steal Spencer from Nik along with Jax. No one has room to talk in this baby mess but Lucas, the kept in the dark parent. I don't even hate Brad. He is serving up karma for the whole Carson crew. I don't feel bad for Michael either. He will just drag that baby back to his worthless mob family.

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  10. Ina Garten aka The Barefoot Contessa is an example of a couple not living together. Her husband leaves town every week to teach and comes home on the weekends. They have been together over 40 years.

    NutMeg claims she writes in people when she doesn't like the candidate that is running. It must be nice to be able to throw away your vote like that.

    • Love 18
  11. Y'all remember Friday when NutMeg said she wasn't a teacher of politics get her she was again telling Biden what he had to do to win votes. Ana should have decked her rude ass.

    The next segment was karma for her nasty ass. Whoopi was just going to commercial and was going to let her talk next segment but NutMeg cried like the child she is. Whoopi was not having it. You aren't going to lie and act like she never gets to talk when she shuts down everybody else.

    It was all funny how quiet she was when Ana was talking about Biden plagiarizing his policy.

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  12. NutMeg is full of shit. If she isn't there to teach, why does she spend all of her time trying to tell Democrats what they should be doing to win and explaining every red state when she doesn't even currently live in one.

    News flash Nutmeg, people hate you because you are a vile bitch. I love in a blue city but my state is red. I don't go about my day asking folks if they are a Republican or Democrat.

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  13. NutMeg was wrong for spoiling the show on tv.  They should have had a disclaimer. Now had she spoiled it on social media, like Twitter, it would be the viewers fault. I don't even watch GOT and already knew the ending because it was spoiler weeks ago after they leaked some of the shows. Twitter has a function where you can mute certain words if you want to be spoiler free for shows. In this day in age, you can't expect folks not to talk about a show the minute it ends so everybody can watch at their own pace. The same applies to movies.

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  14. I take anything concerning Drew and Kim with a grain of salt as they make this shit up as they go. Kim was a three month fling to Drew. He left her with a CD and didn't think or try to contact her for 15 years. Shiloh even told him in their first meeting he never spoke about Kim to him. When they first introduced Kim, she claimed that Eeyore's dad was a bad man. Then after a talk with Liz, Drew became father material.

    Even if they have Jason disagree with Sam's plan and they don't go through with it, the damage has been done. They have taken a beating to Sam's character with this dumb ass story.

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  15. Scott Sickles always writes terrible shows. They have really taken a beating to Sam's character. It is funny to read diehard Jasam fans spinning this shit like it is normal when everybody else calls it out for the bullshit it is. Kristina is safe with her parents away from the DOD house. They could have had Sam take a break from the cult nonsense for one day to help her ex grieve his son. Sam was at Rafe's bedside when he died and his dumbass gave Danny to crazy Heather thinking she was his nanny. She was also there to help Maxie when Nathan died. Told Edward. Danny was Jason's son while on his deathbed. So for her not to be there for Drew in his time of need is straight garbage.

    They need to fix the bts mess so this show has somewhat of a chance to make it to 56.

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  16. They mainly get the props wrong. Scout's last name is Cain. Alexis changed it when she changed all of Drew's legal papers after the Who Is Jason Reveal. Sam was labelled a man and had the wrong birthday on her passport when she changed her last name to Cain.

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