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Posts posted by nekilarose

  1. On 10/27/2020 at 2:40 PM, Quiet1 said:

    It didn't seem to fit into this show at all. Seems like the show is telling us don't find your soulmate. It isn't worth it and will ruin your life. 

    Have we seen any matches where it all ends well? Possibly the poly couple, but even that involved including others into their relationship. Episode 4 was another example of personal choice over the test results. Matteo had his match, but chose to stay with Jonah (Jonas?) instead.  


  2. 22 hours ago, Lovecat said:

    I thought it was going to be the father-in-law who set David up to lose both tenure and his wife.

    Same here. He made no bones about the fact that he did not like David, and was granting him tenure only because of his daughter. 

    And honestly, as much as I'd like to get revenge for my sibling, I don't know about going as far as sleeping with ol dude. Also, how did she know he was up for tenure to show up right then? 

    But I digress, this episode didn't really do anything for me. I liked the first episode better when it was about the actual relationships and the questions that the test being up in an already established couple.

    • Love 1
  3. On 1/27/2020 at 12:02 PM, vmcd88 said:

    Does the first lady only have one dress?

    You know, I thought that too, but apparently all that crap happened in one day!!!

    I just binge the whole series, and I have got to ask:

    1. Who keeps greenlighting Tyler Perry shows?

    2. What is his issue with women? 

    Cause damn. The only women (besides Priscilla) to survive are evil, adulterous, sneaky as hell, or some weird combo of the three. I loved Yuma, she was an excellent character, a sea of calm in the madness. So of course she had to die.

    And towards the end, TP was doing the work to set Priscilla up as being unreasonable and selfish by constantly denying Sam some booty. So of course the poor put upon man would be helpless to resist FLOTUS's advances. 

    Also, the mother daughter relationship as portrayed by Victoria and Gayle and the grandmother(can't remember her name) is just so evil. I know there are people who speak to their kids that way, but it's just so over the top!

    And this crap got renewed.

  4. 15 hours ago, MissLucas said:

    Naomi's son - meet tls#2. Ashcroft was a goner as I feared last episode. I hope Drummer will avenge him.

    Agree on Filip.He annoyed me in the books, and now he's here to annoy me on screen. I did miss calling Diogo a little shit, tho.

    • Love 7
  5. 13 hours ago, Dobian said:

    Chrisjen keeps her streak going this season by saying "Fuck" at least once an episode.  Her re-election campaign slogan is, "So are you going to fucking vote for me or what?"

     Welp, she's got my vote!

    • Love 1
  6. Quick question about Annie's meds. I know Ace  switched out her meds for placebo 's, but did she ever get back on them? Was she still taking the placebo's? I know we saw her crush up some pills,and Joy said the ice cream tasted funny, but we know Annie only restock when she's low/out of pills. Did she manage to get more pills along the way? Or was she mooching off her patients meds?

  7. Annie did something that I wish more people in shows did: not wait for the villain to finish talking, and just commence with the ass kicking. Granted the ice cream scoop was a new spin on things......

    Oh and that damn song was stuck in my head for ages!

    • Love 3
  8. I know it's wrong, but when they showed who was shot, and where, I cracked up. Poor Rita was probably like "WTF, again!?" 

    I feel like the whole Pop and Nadia \Abdi storyline is leading up to Pop making himself a sacrifice or something to save everyone, and thus repaying his 'debt'. 

    • Love 3
  9. 9 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

    This is one of the rare shows where I wish the booted got to stay and bake in the background, or maybe the "kiddie tent" or something. Not be judged, not be in the competition, but still get to be there and show us what they could have done in the challenges they didn't make it to. 

    I love this idea!!!!

    8 hours ago, Rinaldo said:

    My instant liking for this idea, because it would give me more Henry, was immediately nullified by the thought of what it would be like in practice. Any sideline-bake that turned out well would instantly be taken up by viewers (see that Twitter exchange) as "proof" that he shouldn't have been eliminated after all, to say nothing of what it might do for the morale of those still in the competition.

    Oh crap, you're so right. 

    • Love 2
  10. First things first: Fuck off Billy.

    I groaned and damn near threw something when he showed up. He did provide a bit of comedy with Craig 's daddy, Jake. "I got the good kid" bitch no thanks to you! I wanted Pope to shoot his ass so bad. 

    speaking of Pope, I teared up when he figured out what Deran had planned, then wished him the best and said he'd miss him! I'm sure We can needed to go inside to change his drawers when he pulled up and saw Pope outside.

    I really didn't see any happy ever after for Deran and Adrian after Craig all but begged Deran to stay. "You're the worst thing to ever happen to me. " Yikes Adrian, I get that you're heartbroken but that was harsh. Deran had nothing to do with you transporting drugs and getting caught. 

    The Cody boys deciding to stick together as a unit was a smart choice. They will need that in the coming months. I'm sure people will be coming out the woodwork to try and lay claim to Smurf's territory.

    Speaking of Smurf, she joined back up with Pam!! And left the bulk to her, that was a shock. She really thought Pope wouldn't be able to function without her pulling his strings, huh?

    This was a great finale, can't wait for next season.

    • Love 12
  11. Okay, my jaw is up off the ground. 

    I'm not sure why I was surprised that it was J that did the deed. He has been gunning for her since he arrived. What surprised me was that the boys didn't have any explosive moments right afterwards. But looking at the preview it looks like it may be coming.

    I really thought that they w would be digging and find the car with the body. But I did not expect her to use Pope as a distraction while the others robbed Jed.

    speaking of country Klaus, he was as much of a bastard as I thought he'd be, going after his recently dead brother's pregnant girlfriend. I did cheer when Laney tackled his ass like it was her day job! 

    sneaky Smurf, telling J about Adrian, she was hoping Pope would go out in a blaze of glory with her, so she channeled it down the line.  

    Did y'all see the look Pope was giving J when they were moving Smurf's body? It was stone cold.

    Oh, and go away Angela. 

    • Love 10
  12. Sometimes I think Pope is the scariest Cody, but then J does something and I'm like ....what the hell? Who taught you to be so damn devious? Cause as soon as he heard Angela say Pope would be in charge, you could actually see him plotting. He played it perfectly too. Pope would kill me yes, but J would set my world on fire before he also killed me.

    Deran, when did you pass Craig for peak dumbass? Planning to hit him in broad daylight? Outside a cop bar? And Craig having to talk sense into you? Take a step back, please.

    Young Smurf with the shit show that is Colin and his brother, Jesus. No wonder Pope is how he is with that running through his veins and her stellar parenting. She wants to hit that bunker with all that gold, I bet you. 

    JoMo did a decent American accent. Although all I could think of was Klaus Mikaelson in the hollers😂

    • Love 4
  13. Angela totally made a deal to snitch on the Cody's, which is why she was trying to find where Smurf 's money is going before she sets her up. 

    Poor Adrian, he came clean, but I'm sure he thinks he's lost Deran. But Deran attempting to cover for him with Pope was sweet. Although now he's on Popes radar.

    Scariest moment: When Adrian closed that drawer and Pope was right there. I would have screamed like a little girl.

    oh Craig, attempting to step up.My heart melted at him building a crib and then he went on about breast pumps!!

    What the crap is Smurf doing? But now we know where she got the "baby" thing from.

    • Love 4
  14. On 6/14/2019 at 1:47 PM, talktoomuch said:

    See @nekilarose I loved everything about your post til you said this shit. I wish I could delete it myself in case TPTB get some stupid idea about bringing back that succubus. 

    LOL, I should have added in a disclaimer:

    The author of this post is not advocating for the return of that character.

    • LOL 2
  15. I just started season 2,and I'm still cackling over her dropping the award, and the next shot is her HAULING  ASS  out of the building. I had to pause it because I was literally gasping.

    • Love 7
  16. Guh, Ben Robson in a suit......okay I'm back.

    I must have called Smurf an evil heffa like 5 times tonight. How TF she gonna set up her own grandson like that? But this is also the woman who had Baz and Cath killed, and threw away her granddaughter like she was nothing. I hope she is sick, maybe it'll slow her ass down a bit.

    J panicking and going straight to Smurf.....just like she wanted. Speaking of J, why is Mia still around? Hell, I liked Nikki better, can we get her back?

    And I cringed so hard whenever Adrian tried to lie to Deran, baby boy, you are not good at that at all. Or thinking on your feet, he just gave up Deran's name. I know he probably didn't have a choice, but ouch. Now they're gonna want you to inform on the Cody's next.

    And I'll just repeat my earlier comment: they got Bones out here looking like a crackhead! But that hug  with Pope damn near broke my heart, he is so damaged, I don't see him surviving Smurf at all. He's gonna break soon.

    • Love 13
  17. On 6/1/2019 at 8:47 PM, LennieBriscoe said:

    But is there a duller and less attractive pair of actors than JM and Noah Emmerich?

    Disappointing, for the book is one of my all-time favorite non-fiction tomes. Its opening chapter of the dying airplane passenger is far more suspenseful and gruesome than the televised scene. Plus,  the movie omitted any search for the source of the Ebola Zaire virus in bat caves.

    I have an inexplicable crush that I can't explain on Noah Emmerich, (it lays dormant until I see him in something, then I remember he exists, and I get heart eyes) but yes, they had no chemistry together. 

    Yes! I thought something was missing! I would have liked to see them at least try to track it down.  That was a pretty big/important section in the book. I guess we were supposed to think that when Carter went back, that's what he was doing?

    • Love 2
  18. 6 hours ago, Melina22 said:

    So true. Sadly this describes half the shows I watch lately. Is a convincing wig really that hard to find with a multimillion dollar budget? Is it that bad for women to have foreheads that move? 

    Look, all they need to do is head to their nearest hood. You can't tell me that they can't find anyone that would be willing to clear a few weeks to properly put lace fronts on celebs? 

    Side note: Julianna had this issue on The Good Wife as well (bad wig) did she have her natural hair out for E.R?

  19. 20 hours ago, WritinMan said:

    Overall, that was a pretty good mini-series. I might have to check out the book. 

    You totally should! With the book, there's this mounting horror at what's happening and I feel it described the panic a bit better. And if I'm not mistaken it goes more into how they think the virus was created. I kept having to out it down and double check that it was a true story and not made up. 

    fun fact: I was looking at jobs near there,and started reading about Ft. Detrick and USAMRIID. Decided, no thank you. If any of that crap got out, I need to have something of a head start!

    • Love 2
  20. 4 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    For the life of me I can't remember the name of Craig's on-again, off-again girlfriend. Rae? I wouldn't care if they dropped her. 

    Frankie is the one I hoped we had seen the last of. TV has been trying to make Dichen Lachman happen for years. She turns up like a bad penny everywhere I look.

    3 hours ago, SuzieQ said:

    I couldn't remember her name either!  I have no feelings on whether or not she's back, but Craig growing up and being responsible for a kid would be an interesting arc for him.  Maybe being a legit landlord is the first step? Although they basically have those property holdings to launder money.

    Her name is/was Renn.

    And ditto on Dichen, she must have a great agent, but I'm not feeling the "sultry, wildcard seductress" that the show is aiming for.

    • Love 2
  21. 4 hours ago, palmaire said:

    My guess is that the show does have advisors who know better but JM thinks wearing a hat and having her hair up make her look less attractive. That would never do.

    Which is at odds with every other female wearing their hair correctly!  I was Air Force, so we were already more lax than the other services, but no way was walking outside with no cover, or hands in her pocket (especially around your higher ups in your chain!) ever condoned. It kinda take me out of the story every time I spot something so blatant. 

    Forgot to mention the Hazelton manager? sitting in his car listening to the monkeys as they grew more agitated. He seemed genuinely upset that he couldn't help them in some way.

    • Love 3
  22. I remember reading the book, and really liking it. Although every time Juliana is on screen, I want to scream. At no point would an active military member have her hair down like that. Don't they have a person on set to catch that? 

    But I'm looking forward to the last part.

    • Love 2
  23. Welcome back to our bunch of dumbasses. 

    Craig cheering on Pope was cute, but it was so obvious that Pope is just barely hanging on. The fact that both he and Deran were even discussing whether or not Pope should be allowed on the job is proof enough. He is a ticking time bomb. And Smurf is just standing there waiting for him to blow, so she can swoop in and play Mother Teresa.

    Was happy to see that Adrian wasn't informing on the Cody's, but I'm pretty sure that's gonna happen soon. But he and Deran were so cute laying in bed, planning out an alibi/paper trail.

    J is in college and it looks like he's found a new batch of Nikki's, them kids aren't gonna know what hit them.

    Funniest bit? Craig venting about being a landlord. Seeing him trying to be an adult is equal parts funny and horrifying .

    • Love 8
  24. There was a point made that I want them to expand on next season, the fact that they're jumping into bodies with a soul/personality already,what happens when they jump out of that dimension? Do their hosts remember? Or is there a gap in their memories? 

    I did enjoy this season a lot more than the first, though. The robots were the WTF thing that  I didn't see coming this season. 

    Also, since we know that they're jumping into the dimensions of their NDE's, we've seen Homers, we're about to see Scott's, but did we ever see Rachel's?

    • Love 3
  25. 1 hour ago, Glory said:

    @bosawks got it right. This shit is BANANAS. 

    I watched this while my husband was out and when he came home I tried to explain it to him and I just had NO WORDS. This entire story is bonkerballs. I am telling him "Well, this pedophile seduced a husband and wife to get to their child" and he kind of raises an eyebrows and then I'm like "Well, wait. There are also aliens." OMG. 

    I just feel so bad for everyone involved but also so ANGRY. Why would you continue to speak to this man? I don't understand any of it. Jebus. 

    I can't even imagine your poor husbands face at "there are also aliens"! 

    The continued contact is what kills me. How hard would it have been to....change your frigging number? That is all. He would have no way to reach you! Oh and monitor your mail! Why did you allow Jan to still get and send letters? 

    Also, who cares if B was threatening to expose the dad? All they had to say was "he's lying to cover up the fact that he kidnapped my kid, even the FBI says so" boom. Now he's a lying, perverted, sick man that kidnapped their daughter! 

    But they each let their desire for B overrule common damn sense. Poor Jan never had a chance.

    • Love 18
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