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212 Excellent-
Literally me when I saw Gina in Kat’s takeover:
THANK YOU. She looks like she’s wearing PJ bottoms. Those jeans aren’t a fashion statement, they’re a fashion nightmare. Leave Brennan alone.
In the most recent episode (#3), was that Lisa in the front before learning the new choreo? I noticed some over-enthusiastic and borderline aggressive head nodding. Is she even aware that she’s like... being disgustingly hype? Lisa, relaaaaax pls. And if it’s not Lisa, whoever you are, my statement still stands 😤
Lisa WHAT 😂🤣💀
Her actual name is Elisa, but she goes by Lisa. She’s had this look on her face since middle school. It’s engrained into her soul, but she makes herself look too try-hardy on TV. I find it annoying tbh, it gives me eager puppy dog vibes.
I agree, I’d cut Tess because she bores me now. She’s just not grabbing my attention anymore 😕 I’d also cut Lisa because 1) I don’t think she has the “look” and 2) she looks like the most eager puppy dog whenever she’s being talked to by someone of a higher power. Even if she isn’t being directly talked to, she’s being over-enthusiastic and it looks way too fake. I saw it in S14 and it just made my skin itch. Like, girl why are you nodding with your mouth open when Julia is being talked to??? Buuuttt they’ll keep her because “she’s a powerhouse 😍” Another thing is the toxicity rumor from other teammates both past and present, someone doesn’t play well with others.
I don't like her because she constantly promotes a toxic MLM product on her Instagram. Monat is diiiisgusting. Promote something healthy without lawsuits, Alora. Bless Marissa's dumb heart for buying it, too.
Okay Alora, I see that tiny Monat tag at the bottom right-hand side. smh.. "helping others" with hair loss 😒
This MLM crap is disgusting, predatory, and shouldn’t be allowed if you’re on the team in my opinion (don’t @ me, ok?). All of my friends who have fallen for it have experienced hair loss and extreme hair damage. It has taken forever to recover from the damage that this product has inflicted, so I don’t know why she’s electing to advertise such a controversial product if there are so many lawsuits against the company. I’d at least try to find products that I am personally interested in/love/use every day, not something I got looped into by a, “Hey gurrrrll! Long time no talk! Let me tell you about...” Plus, tbh, Monat reminds me of the word Monostat. This is the most I’ve ever written on this forum, and will ever write. I hate MLMs. Exits stage left.
Corgi for point! End of story 😤🤩
I’ve followed Lisa on social media for a very long time now. She’s not the ~best~ dancer, and relies on her rear end to do a lot of the work for her. She was all over the place in this one 😕