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Posts posted by Back Atcha


                                                           What's WORSE thanTyra Banks as "host" of Dancing with the Stars?

    Having Tom Bergeron gone!!    What were they thinking???  

    • Bring him back!
      • Bring him back!
        • Bring him back!
    • Love 14
  2. 45 minutes ago, nickp1991 said:

    Tyra Banks is completely out of her element

    When will these "top executives" learn that TELEVISION is NOT Tyra's element.  She is UNAPPEALING and self-absorbed.

    They keep force-feeding us.  WHO are they?  WHY are they doing this to us???

    58 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

    OMG Tyra this show is just not that dramatic!

    She announces the safe couples like it's the most serious thing in the world.

    She's completely inept!


    • Love 7
  3. 36 minutes ago, ams1001 said:
    37 minutes ago, Koalagirl said:

    She sounds exactly like she did on America’s Next Top Model when she announced who was eliminated. 

    I've never watched ANTM. Does she realize she's not eliminating them here???

    I wish she could eliminate HERSELF !!!

    • LOL 4
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  4. 9 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

      I actually think that Asuelu had a point about volleyball versus stores, etc. (don't hate me...).  He may be playing volleyball with the same small group of people and they may not even have 6 people on a team; plus, it is an outdoor activity. 

    We've seen their volleyball game on the show.  They played inside a gym.  There may be____ people on a team, but there are two teams, spectators, sweat...probably some spit now and then. I won't believe they wear masks. It seems vastly different from going into a store for groceries ( not just wandering around a mall for entertainment) ...where masks are required, where employees and management are being careful--doing your essential business, and leaving the store.  I may be touchy because my vet's father-in-law just died of the Covid virus.

    • LOL 1
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  5. 10 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

    I really wish this show would take a stand on domestic violence and abuse.  Sure, they didn't include Geoffrey and Varya on Pillow Talk, and did not have Paul and Karine on the Tell All, but we have seen Angela push, hit, and verbally debase Michael without so much as a peep.

    THANK YOU, SeaCliffSal.  This needs to be repeated...several times!

    • Love 13
  6. 8 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

    I think Andrei was working undercover or something where he can’t talk about it.

    I don't think Andrei is humble enough to let something like that go without bragging about it to everyone--especially when drunk.  I think he was a minor criminal.  "I was undercover, but that's all I can say about it; otherwise, my life is in danger."

    8 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

    He has good ethics I’m sure.

    I'm not convinced.  "Good ethics" would have him take the jobs that were offered--real jobs...most of us have to start out near the bottom and work our way up.  He's a "big shot" who realizes he married into money and he has taken every advantage... even ORDERING Libby to TELL her father he will pay for a second wedding.  Somehow he's better than everyone else.  His attitude was a negative in his own country and it's a negative here...especially on television!

    8 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

     Libby was wrong not to stick up for Andrei.  (snip)  Libby should know, you don’t knock your husband in front of people, especially those dirtbags.

    Perhaps "in front of people" is the only place a wife like Libby is able to get her point across with a hot-headed husband who declares he IS the man of the house...even though he contributes little.  She is probably not nearly so brave when she's not being filmed.

    • Useful 3
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  7. 2 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:

    Andrei is trapped with the Potthasts dusting bookshelves, vacuuming, and providing half-assed child care,

    If only!  You know that's "woman's work" and he will never stoop to that--even if Libby promotes him to House-Husband Partner.  He and Asuelu are THE MEN OF THE HOUSE.

                                                  No questions. No backtalk.  And especially, no eye-rolling. 

  8. 8 hours ago, AZChristian said:

    IMO . . . Angela has a GUM abscess because her teeth are dentures, not real teeth.


    8 hours ago, AZChristian said:

    The mask is there because she can't wear her dentures until her abscess heals up.

    I saw the scratches that seemed to go from her elbow to her wrist.  I figured she probably fell down. When I heard her lame mask excuse I convinced myself she fell down...and maybe knocked out a coupla teeth!!  She wasn't asked about the scratches.

    • Useful 3
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  9. 45 minutes ago, 2dogmom said:

    his body looks like he has a lot of estrogen. 

    I agree.   Debbie needs estrogen replacement, her own apartment, and a life.

    Debbie, we could respect you if you simply admit that Colt is a liar and a womanizer.  You look like a fool sitting next to him and excusing/encouraging is pathetic behavior.  If it weren't for the Internet, he'd have no way to meet the women he "izes.

    • Love 4
  10. 2 hours ago, pdlinda said:

    I noted that Andreiiii made mention of dabbling in "real estate" because he has a lot of talent as a salesman.  That places him in a prospective loop that involves learning about the business and then attending some classes regarding qualifying for the real estate exam (no easy task).  So, that learning curve could take a LONG time. 

    He probably has NO IDEA what "real estate" means.  He has no respect for his in-laws--probably thinks they're all beneath him in every way, yet somehow they make good money.  He thinks he can do the same.  Will he go to work as a "mere employee" to learn the business...learn what's expected of him by the laws of the State of Florida and his employer (aka Chuck)?  No, he expects to be a partner...right off.  If Andreiiii wants to work in real estate, let him start where others without connections start: the first class.  He won't cut it because he'll be correcting the instructor the first day (probably night).

    • LOL 1
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  11. On 9/18/2020 at 6:18 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

    If Kalani is telling the truth about him going out with his friends, lying about where he's been, and then endangering her and the little kids with his exposure, then she's right to kick him out.     

    Exactly...even if it's as innocent as volleyball, there are several people and A LOTTA SWEAT!

    • Love 5
  12. 5 hours ago, 65mickey said:

    Thank you for pointing out these common grammatical errors. I was in the 5th grade when I learned that a pronoun used as an object of a preposition or direct object takes the objective case.

    And thank you for strengthening Grammar and I's relationship.

                                            Sister Mary Imperfecta.

    • LOL 12
  13. 32 minutes ago, gingerella said:

    That scumbucket, Larissa, the Brazilian who married Colt and called him Coltee, adds an 'ee' on to any word or name that ends in 'e', so I think its an odd Brazilans speaking English affection.

    COLT?  ERIC?   Don't end in "e." 

    Larissa has her own brand of English and adds "EE" to anything that sounds good to her.  

    for Karine (a famous opera singer) PronunceNames.com rolls the "R" and ends with "EE.    Kah-RRRREEN-ee for a "Brazilian/Portuguese" pronunciation.


    • Love 2
  14. On 9/5/2020 at 9:51 PM, GaT said:

    Boy, was this a stupid idea. It's basically her sitting in front of screen saying soothing things & then when they're done she's says something about flying them out just as soon as people are allowed to travel again. Seeing the problems without seeing any resolution is boring.

    OUCH!  I've enjoyed all the shows...doing the best they can under "quarantine" conditions.  Dr. Lee is doing her best diagnoses  without seeing/touching the patients.  I got an idea of what the likely problem was in each case.  It was touching to meet the patients and hear them describe their despair. The show is well-produced; I can't be the only one who appreciates it.

    • Love 8
  15. On 9/23/2020 at 8:15 AM, PaperTree said:

    The editors really don't like Tom.

    Who does?  OH!  Malia.  Sandy (maybe).

    On 9/22/2020 at 7:18 PM, nytonc said:

    Tom is certainly a whiny little bitch.

    Well said!  And his temper tantrums are hilarious and juvenile (also: dangerous to pots and pans).

    On 9/22/2020 at 11:03 AM, laprin said:

    To be fair, Malia and Tom are considered management with equal ranking to Bugsy.

    Even if Tom is merely a "temp" who has never worked this type of charter???   The term "not college material" was uttered by Sandy earlier.  Let me add, "Not lead chef material."

    • LOL 1
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  16. On 9/16/2020 at 8:39 AM, dleighg said:

    I'm an old married lady but I don't get it either. I think neither of them is very smart, or remotely capable of communicating thoughts more complicated that "I wanna suck face with you"

    At least Jess proved (heh heh) to Andy Cohen's audience that she's NOT jealous by getting every answer correct to a little, "Would you be jealous if...."   Oh, she's DEFINITELY jealous.  She also "explained" that the show didn't really demonstrate what "an amazing woman" she is.


    • LOL 4
  17. On 9/17/2020 at 2:05 PM, biakbiak said:

    His explanation is ridiculous because the only person who knew about the cucumbers beside the guests was Sandy so she is the only person his explanation would apply to but he would never call her out by name for not doing it.

    Tom is the prima donna-type who would have a hissy fit upon learning that anyone "other than a professional yacht chef" opened a veggie bin, used one of HIS knives, and served cucumber to a guest (inappropriately cut, of course).

    • LOL 1
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  18. On 9/17/2020 at 4:43 PM, Teri313 said:

    There is so little wiggle room in Tom's world for forgiveness, for leeway, for mistakes on the part of others, for misunderstandings, for human error - the fact that he is holding on to this stupid, insignificant little cucumber incident so tightly makes me wonder how he handles big stuff. I think Malia has her future cut out for her as - at the least - an emotionally abused wife who is always walking on egg shells, never wanting to rock his intolerant little boat. Always afraid of setting off that hair trigger temper of his. What is in this for her? She can say she's the girlfriend/wife of the chef? Big friggin' deal.

    AND...if Malia has never seen these little tantrums before, she needs to bow out now or forever hold her peace (I so-wanted to spell "piece").

    • LOL 2
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