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Posts posted by Unclejosh

  1. Anyone else notice what appeared to be a LOT of grey hair on top of Zooey's head?  Or was that just weird lighting/highlights?  Because it made her look much older than she is or her character is. 

  2. Recently rewatched Baby Jane for the first time since I was a kid and I can't believe BD was 15 in this.  Not in a creepy way, but she was very big for her age or at least appeared that way on camera.  It didn't even look like she was young enough to be the daughter of the neighbor. Anyone else notice this?  How tall is she in real life?  

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  3. I really like this show as someone who never heard of this Feud prior to this series being shown. My only experience to either actress was Baby Jane which I loved and watched several times with my mom as a kid.  Did Bette really sleep with Aldrich or is that speculation?

    I find it funny or ironic that personally I found Bette Davis much more attractive in her youth than Joan Crawford despite the apparently prevailing thoughts as the time as I found Joan's face a little harsh, however Joan certainly took care of herself better and aged better and was prettier as they got older.   However, I have the exact opposite reaction to Jessica Lange and Susan Sarandon.  I think young Jessica Lange was one of the prettiest women in film and while Susan Sarandan was always attractive, Jessica was just flawless to me.  Now those roles are reversed.  I think Susan while older has maintained her looks on another level than Jessica.  Don't get me wrong, all 4 were/are beautiful in different ways, I am just noting the effects of aging and how it can effect people differently.

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  4. The actor who played Ray is awful and has been the same dickhead character in everything I have seen him in.  He is like the worst aspects of Zack Galifianakas without any of the humor he can bring when he tones those aspects down.  Just terrible.

    I don't think Alex has been a virgin for quite some time and while they downplay it unlike Haley, it isn't something that is not known either.

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  5. Johnny is famous for doing just that. At times he will deliberately under-perform specifically so they don't win and he (or partner) doesn't have to be in a position to pick the person going to elimination and risk them coming back and going after him.  He claims that Vince deliberately tanked some challenges on Bloodlines but I think he probably just sucked and they are trying to save face.

    I loved the scene where he tried to get in CT's face trying to impress him by insinuating that not only was he on CT's level but that he would have been his main competition. CT immediately put him on the no mind list, didn't really acknowledge it, and told Johnny to control his boy.  Too funny.  Also a nice moment showing the growth CT has had over the years. Back in his 20's on a drunken night that might have resulted in a situation.

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  6. I think since he brought Octavia back they just assumed he was one of the Grounder allies who have been in and out of Arkadia many times before aside from the Pike administration.  Everyone else is under the belief that they are a fellow clan and ally of the other grounders currently so why would they assume differently especially when he brought back one of the "leader" type people or at least someone in the upper echelon in hierarchy.

  7. Yeah most of the cast would never be allowed on if they did drug tests like it was a real sporting event.  Pretty much every male who has ever won these things has been on something at some point in their history and probably a bunch of the women too.  All of the returning male champs have been on either roids, trt, or coke/pills on challenges, and I would bet my life on that.

  8. Yeah pretty sure Sarah or Susie or someone else on a podcast said that they have to go out or get fined. They also get fined if they dont put their mic pack on the minute they get up and keep it on until they go to bed.  If they take it off without permission they get in trouble.


    I think Johnny knocking out one dude in  a bar and Camilla supposedly doing coke with another local on later challenge probably led to a lot of that.


    I think if they made it obvious they wouldn't be allowed back.  I still think it is funny that they took back (or withheld) Dunbar's winnings from one challenge because of that porno he did.

  9. Yeah I do get more than average. The benefits are great which sort of offset the low pay.


    I dont think it was the only reason but I know she was pissed and ranting about it.  The whole atmosphere has changed. It used to be like a vacation and now it is like a prison stay just in an amazing locale they can't even use most of.  I know they get fined if they go outside of a small section of the property for example. No phones, no computers, no music, no tv, on cast nights out they must go or they get fined.


    Not sure when it started, but I know they have to pay for it themselves now. Remember when CT got pissed he got stuck with a big bill a few seasons ago?  I also think they can only drink beer, wine, and clear alcohol and they have to sign out the bottles 1 at a time or some such regulations like that.  In earlier challenges they had full bars and pretty much all the free booze of every type they could ever want.

    I think the food also is awful which is why you see the winners who got the special meal being a big deal to them.

  10. Deleting my previous post because it is hard to discuss such issues online without coming off in a bad light even with the best of intentions to try and learn so I will just say I absolutely agree omit the word.  Dilemma was definitely the wrong word choice as if it is some real issue.

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  11. Well me personally, I get 6 weeks vacation every year and that payday is more than I take home in a year after taxes, benefits, etc and I have 2 kids.  So theoretically if my work would allow me to take all my vacation time at once it would well be worth it.

  12. I think Cory comes in third not that it makes much difference.   Nelson is 2nd based on spoilers from another site.  

    I bet they were hoping for good things from Theo. D1 athlete, cocky, loud, but he turned out to be a bust. I doubt he gets called back.

  13. I think this episode did highlight a dilemma white people have as fans of hip hop or rap. For the past almost 20 years now, some of the biggest songs in pop culture include a word which is not to be said ever yet in order to sing the song what do you do?  Do you omit the word?  Substitute another?  Even the African American community is split on the issue with some saying it is ok to sing along but others saying never.  Should it be treated like an actor repeating words from a script because they are not using their word themselves but only as part of a performance?  Just because some actor in a play is getting paid, is that any different from someone doing kareoke and singing a song?  Neither wrote the lyric/script nor are they directing it any one.  So many conflicting messages.  Me personally I wouldn't have said it and I grew up listening to NWA, BDP, Easy E, Dr Dre etc where sometimes that word is used more than any other.

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  14. I would think that earning say 30K for 5 weeks max (if they get to a final it is even more) is worth it. Probably a big percentage of their yearly income in a very short period of time.

    Actors and actresses do it all the time.

    I think the restrictions and fines have more to do with some cast members not coming back more than being away or surrounded by the drunken idiots. You forget these are not regular people like you and me. There are fame hungry weirdos for the most part who if production treated the cast the way they used to would love to come back and get drunk and whoop it up like their glory days for a few weeks.

    Trishelle was pissed that production no longer pays for their bar tabs and all alcohol and was a big factor in her not coming back.

  15. Yeah I have only seen a few where it wasn't cringe-inducing. Most times it is just awful and even funny and takes me out of the story completely. Including that scene with Bellamy.

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