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Again, there must be so many reasons why veterans return or don't or even get cut if they do. Maybe, for some, one season (or in Kalyssa's case, half a season) is enough. It is probably an amazing experience but also an intense one where you have to be on the clock and toe the line (had to look up toe v tow!). Some state that they have medium or long term career goals (one was going to medical school), others might get job offers, others want to start a family etc. For some, that rookie season might be the top of the mountain as far as achievement and to stay up there, they might just not have the drive to keep going through it all again.
Great facial expressions. Not afraid to break out a bit from the 'Yes ma'am', deferential, kowtowing, even somewhat fearful way of speaking.
Thanks again. I'm always interested in people's motivations and with these 'ladies' as K calls them, these must be varied including the prestige, the fun of the experience, and a stepping stone to other things, including media (Melissa), modelling, entertainment industry etc. Some, as noted become stay at home mums or moms, as you call them in the US 🙂 As debated and noted, they don't do it for the pay, well not the immediate pay, which despite increases after that court case, is still not huge. I noticed Kalyssa left half way through the season. Doing a google search sees her doing modelling which, if she is successful, will pay her very well. Also, I spotted that Keira is now a real estate broker so I'll keep my eye out for her on Million Dollar Listing, the show which is on just before DCC on the UK channel I watch it all on!
PPS I think I may have worked it out. When Taryn was cut, she said, 'Last year, they took 37. Wish they could take 37 again.' That says that with her exit, the number became 36 and the further discussion and interviews about the other 3 were with the question as to if they should go even smaller, down towards 32 which they had done before. That would explain why no more cuts in the last episode and a squad of 36......I think...... Thanks. It fits with the post I have literally, just put on, assuming that 36 was the final number 🙂
Hi ByTor, Yes, I reckon she would have been cut after the transgression and if so, the 37 number they kept talking about may even have been 38 at that time, as they cut Taryn to take it to 37 and that was the number they were talking about when those final 3 interviews took place (Krystina, Savannah and Keira???). That meant when we went into this last episode, I was expecting one more cut. Then K and J line them up and tell them they have made the team. So that's a squad of 37, isn't it? If so, that's not a problem but they told Taryn that the target number was 36 and that was why she was cut. Of course, they can end up with whatever number they want. I assume that with 4 teams of 8 on gameday (or is it 4 teams of 7), they will still need people in reserve for injuries or substitutions if people get tired or overheated. PS I am still amazed at how many steps / moves they learn. Dancing for the best part of 4 hours is a huge amount, especially where, in most of the routines, it looks like they are making a move of some sort pretty much every second.
Thanks Scorpio but I'm afraid I'm still a bit muddled. Bear with me. I know Holly left but I thought her departure was included in the 37 number. I've picked up that Erica left too and from what others have said, and my own viewing of the episodes, I don't think her departure was shown. But depending when that took place, I was still under the impression that 2 days before K and J announced the squad, they were on 37. Hence the jeopardy involved in those final 3 interviews when the participants felt they had been given a reprieve. I'm not questioning that it all happened as reported, I'm just not clear on the chronology and was expecting one of the 3 from the previous episode to go when in fact, none of them did and they all made the team. Maybe they got rid of Erica over that last couple of days? Not sure of the schedule here on the ITV Be channel I have been watching the show on but if next Monday goes to plan, they should be starting it all again with season 13! As with most template reality shows, after a while, you feel like you could write the script. It may be the case as I get going on S13, I'll be talking to the TV as if I'm J or K - ''You gotta empty your bucket on this one, y'all.'' PS Don't know if you spotted my first post on one of the previous episodes but in 1992 on my travels when I went to Texas stadium to see a Cowboys / Rams game, the half time show was a celebration of the DCC since their inception back in the late 60's. The field was COVERED in DCC of all ages and by now, for some, all shapes and sizes!
Help. I'm confused. In the penultimate episode, after cutting Taryn, hey finished on 37, sending 3 of the girls away on a sort of 'one more chance' situation. Yet, in this episode, they didn't cut anyone and announced that all those in the triangle were on the squad. Thought they were going for 36, not 37, even though I know that the season before, they went with 37. What did I get wrong? Is that where the Erica firing came into it. I wan't aware of that. Maybe it was edited out on the ITV Be episodes here in the UK that I'm watching?
Hi everyone. My first post. I have a longtime interest in American Football, both College and the NFL. Also, on my travels, when I visited Texas Stadium back in 1992, the half time show was a celebration of DCC since their inception. The field was FULL of just about every DCC who had ever worn the uniform - quite a sight. Anyway, years later, now working from home, my late lunch break now coincides with DCC - MTT and I'm hooked. It's something to do with the process K and J go through, I think. Also, on the corporate side, I did spend 12 years working for American Express in marketing and sales in 4 countries although not the US, so I get all the references to the corporation, brand etc. as applied to the Cowboys. But if anyone is interested on all of the above, I'll tell more another time. For now, on the Jenna and Holly issue, it's so easy to pontificate and make decisions on what to do from afar and while watching a show on TV but, if the DCC operation is so strictly linked to and part of the DC brand and has clearly written and communicated policies, as thrust under both women's eyes, if participants breach that code, they have to be cut / thrown out / asked to leave - call it what you will. What good is such a framework if there is no price to pay for breaching it? J and H may be veterans and fine performers but as we are shown by the audition process, there are literally hundreds of others out there willing to make the necessary sacrifices. If they were not cut, what are we to conclude? That because J and H look so great, K and J have to suck up the indiscretion? What about all the other spiel about the DCC being representative of the club and ambassadors etc? Easy to say but from my own management experience, those who cause trouble and waste your time have to go. Life is too short and achieving success too hard to have team members pulling in the wrong direction. Finally, although questionable behaviour against the company norm provides some drama and in some ways makes the show fit the profile of a reality show a bit better, on the other hand, an issue with the show that I've had since getting into it a few weeks back (we get a an episode a day at the moment on the ITV Be channel here in the UK) is its squeeky clean image. I hear all the mantras about Sisterhood etc but are we really supposed to believe that there aren't clicques, arguments, fights, bitchiness and ruthless behaviour in something so intrinsically competitive and set up to conform to a dog-eat-dog model? Then again, I may have got that all wrong. Maybe the DCC's really are looking out for each other and the hugs we see when either someone gets cut or not are genuine? I look forward to episode 10 tomorrow. PS Enjoying all the pots from everyone else.