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  1. and he cannot lie? I'll be going now.
  2. No, I SAID the tooth size thing in an attempt which would be objected to in a court of law as being a "leading question". The dum dum just laughed. He's fired. I think we're getting into extremely dangerous territory with the spousal consultations here. There are some thing I do NOT want to know about my mate. Graphic sexual history, if he has a "one that got away", and his numerical rating of my favorite against my least favorite DCC.
  3. He said "meh...maybe a 4". I said, "OK. a 4. Any other observations you'd care to make? I'm not looking for anything specific, just, anything you notice?" pregnant pause "Tooth size??" The man thinks Hannah is a 5 and Seabiscuit is a 4. He's clearly not firing on all cylinders anymore. Don't listen to him, it works for me.
  4. I asked the husband to rate. He said 4 or 5. I'm like, if THAT'S a 4 or a 5 to this guy, what does this MF rate ME?!!?
  5. That's what I think. As much as she could dance, she really came off as incredibly entitled and spoiled. Like people have told her how great she is her whole life. "I put myself up here...." said it all. Damn I wish I would have said that.
  6. Kelli is 100% getting the mercy killing cut. Like SHE saved Brennan from herself. Eyeroll. Here's how Brennan's cut is going to go: Brennan's edit to viewers will be every single stumble, fatigued forehead wipe, momentary confused or thoughtful expression with an ominous, foreshadowing musical score. Nanosecond clips of her appearing weak, exhausted, pale, lethargic. Brennan is called by whomever the new door lady is into the office on the last night. Cut to the office. It's only Brennan and Judy's stool awaiting Kelli's arrival. We see Kelli opening the office door, clad in her tube dress and heels she can't walk in, straining against the gusts from the blizzard outside. She walked here for Brennan. This is for Brennan. Her nurse's cap with a blue star is sucked off of her head by gale force winds and swirls off into the night. She uses her full bodyweight to latch the door against the storm. Such a journey for one lamb, but she is the shepherd and this is her flock. Kelli makes her way to the table, stumbling, aching. The lights flicker, will there even be enough power for Kelli to go through with her merciful pilgrimage? Judy's stool steps aside in deference. (It doesn't matter where Judy is). Brennan, glassy-eyed and barely able to sit in her chair, her sportsbra drenched in perspiration, once beachy waves are now sweaty tendrils. Weakened from malaise and unable to contain her yearning to know her fate, a hoarse, eager whisper passes her lips, "Please, just give it to me straight. Am I gonna live? Will I make it Kelli?" Kelli, rubbing her hands together in a futile attempt to warm them through the fingerless knitted gloves she received at The Mission, drops her head in yielding apprehension, and, in a low rasp utters, "Yes, sweet Brennan, but I must...I must CUT you.....and this is.....*GASP*....a conversation....of...*choke*.....integrity..." Kelli can barely finish the last word as racking sobs overtake her and her shoulders collapse into a defeated shudder. And scene.
  7. I'm not seeing the disdain for Brennan's dress. If I looked like that in a bodycon white dress, I'd be walking around in white like a thot every GOT damn day. Not that Brennan looks thottish, but I'd have to give it my own special ratchet flare.
  8. She's right though, TPTB are extremely vicious and cruel in using these girls as red meat for a tv show. I'm presuming that's what she's referring to, as no one has said a SINGLE pejorative statement about her anywhere that I've ever read. ETA: I just saw Lemonbus's comment that Bri does post things about equality and social activism so I'll take that for what it is. Either way, I fully support her on either of these rationales for said story on insta!
  9. OOOOOHHH OK gotcha!! That makes sense. I understand. Actually, I'm LGBTQ raised by LGBTQ parents so I completely get it. Thanks for clarifying, I gotcha.😉
  10. OK Marshall. TOTALLY TOTALLY kidding. I don't doubt what you've witnessed, I just had to be a wisenheimer. I'll see myself out.
  11. Ohh well that's why we need more melrystrick! *runs and hides from grapefruits being thrown* Just kidding all, just kidding.
  12. THANK YOU! That was me, albeit reluctantly. Good for her! ETA sorry @TUOwl84 meant to quote you and thank you for that 😁
  13. I wish I were surprised.
  14. Post of the damn day. We've all exhausted ourselves with a range of reactions from heartbroken to venomous to ridicule to impassioned brawls to swearing off the entire organization and reporting them to the Better Business Bureau and then finally TUOWL84 keeps it real up in here. Who are we kidding.
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