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emergency ring

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Everything posted by emergency ring

  1. the emotional and mental abuse this family has made shaeeda go through!! 😭😭😭
  2. i cant stand emily!!!! shes an insufferable partner and i BET shes an even insufferable mother.
  3. yup! i started doing chores today. never been this happy to clean!
  4. peace and love! peace and love! i am excited to be with you all tonight. i survived covid!!!! lol
  5. i won't be joining you all tonight as i am terribly sick to the core. have a safe week! take care of yourselves.
  6. well...... good night everyone! have a safe weekend. give your pets a hug for me
  7. patrick is just staring at her cry.. thats so sad. id walk out. no hug no rub on the back no nothing!!!!
  8. stooppp 😂😂😂 i just laughed so hard made my night!!!
  9. does anyone here watch love in paradise? im just glad yve isnt danielle level.
  10. stop HAHAHAH miona being OK with all of this is so funny to me. shes like yeah!! i would LOVE to
  11. its barely 6pm and im sleepy........................
  12. "tell me i wont tell them" LIAR LIAR if i was her, i would tell aaaaaaaaaaaaaall the girlies
  13. love freddie!!! the people at r/catsinsinks would love freddie!!!
  14. bilal is so fucking passive aggressive. its ok for him to "give the talk" to shaeeda, but he is hurt when she does it to him. i hate him so much. i cant stand him. i dont want him back on the show
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