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Posts posted by txwatcher

  1. I loved this years Christmas Special. I gnashed my teeth, laughed at River not recognizing The Doctor. I laughed even harder as River revealed how she would "borrow" the Tardis. Then it was misty bawling from the time River made the "Doctor love speech" until "And they lived happily..." blew away like snow in the wind. (ok their were moments of levity in there too) Also, I noticed the handholding bit (probably because I just seen SW7:TFA) as well as the warp drive comment. And Captain Jack can show up anytime ...

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  2. The best parts: <br />Tiny Tim singing, I loved that song as a kid for some reason.<br />The Wolf chiming in "I will" when Morgan and Carol were arguing, it just made me smile.<br />Deanna going out in style. Why waste a bullet on your dying self, when you could thin the herd a little and provide a distraction?<br /><br />No you didn't moments:<br />Dropping your weapons when the Wolf only had a knife. I know Denise is the dr and your new gf, but really! But is was cute how Eugene sheepishly placed his machete on the floor.<br />In the same vein, do not get out of a fuel truck when confronted by a biker gang, esp if you have an RPG. I doubt they will shoot at your mobile bomb, which would take some of them out too. RUN THEM OVER!<br />Lastly, Sam Sam Sam But it really is Jessie's fault for her pretend BS. Not a good way to parent during the Zpocolypse., if you want your kids to survive.<br />See ya'll next year.

  3. Tom is an idiot and lost. The only good thing he did was tell his mother off. But running to Meg was pure stupidity. I loved Liv Tyler's reaction when she learned Tom wanted to go to Miracle. As for Meg's motivation, I going with guilt for doing coke while her mom was having a heart attack. She is targeting Miracle, because she didn't like what Hand Psychic told her. She wanted a profound statement to assuage her bathroom-coke guilt, but got something mundane. And now that is in GR hierarchy, she has the means to teach them a lesson. Matt cracked me up when he brought up the flyers. I was like you idiot esp. when Meg said she'd forgot about that. I could see her adjust her plans a little. It doesn't look good for you Matt.<br /> "You were waiting for me."-Meg

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  4. tankgirl173 As I was reading your post %u26A1%u26A1 Maybe that was dirt from Gallifrey. It could act as a tether enabling the Confession Dial to transport the Doctor home. Presumably he be dead. fwiw %uD83D%uDE01

  5. Naz and FBI aren't the threat to Mr. Finch, she actually gave a nod of approval and parental respect. Despite the whole mental invompetency thing. Morra is the wildcard. I can't wait to see how this part plays out.

  6. Morgan just for the record, Osensei meant killing should be the last resort. For instance, if your life or those you care for were in mortal danger. Sorta describes your current situation with The Wolves and other assorted murderous groups roaming about.


    Yes I know he is a fictional character, but I just had to speak up for aikido.


    Welcome back Glenn! You didn't miss out on the carnage.


    And poor people Enid, she's just in time for more traumatizing experiences.

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  7. After watching Tennant in Jessica Jones all weekend, it was kind of creepy to see another Doctor dressed in a purple suit.

    haha my thoughts exactly, esp. when The Doctor got all revengy. But Clara was brave and took responsibility for her actions. Athough she was a little anoyi g at times Clara was/is a good companion for The Doctor. RIP Clara Osgood we'll miss your soufflés.
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  8. This a good straight forward spy show. Likable characters and believable plots,so far. Last night's episode left me wondering if Jon's ex is going to appear again, but on the dark side of things. I also so agree with John needing so others assistance to flesh out the good side roster.

  9. Love this episode and can agree with most everyone's grievances. My two are:<br />1. Laura's naive insistence on publishing the docs, even though there are a trail of bodies already. Plus Numan seems ok with Carrie'a decision.<br />2. Why the hell didn't Carrie at least shoot the goon who opened the safe. Getting the goods and the laptop.<br />My wish is that Carrie does some more work on the documents before going on the ill advised meet with Allison(Aleska her real name since she is a SVR sleeper), finding out she squashed the mag. from Carrie's Iraqi asset.

  10. Add my vote to Caleb 's dad being a treasonous ass. Honorable mention for Caleb going along with deleting the emails, covering up his dad's affair and Alex's possible innocence. I hope the HackerDuel have copies. And Shelby is soooooo stupid in the pas and present.

  11. RIP Penny Man, you were one of the highlights of this season. My favorite baddie is Parkman. Although I wonder if he has scanned Erica, ever. And where the hell is Micah? I thought he would be more central to the show.

    And lastly, I liked that Katana Girl is back, even if there is only 4 episodes left.

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