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Posts posted by pagooey

  1. 10 hours ago, AZChristian said:
    12 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

    Timothy Anderson v. trashy tenants is reason #684 why I will never be a landlord. That home and yard were beautiful and they totally trashed it. We didn't have the resources to get up off our asses and let the dogs pee outside. Disgusting. 

    But, your honor, they had a doggy door!!!!

    Evidently THE DOGS likewise did not have the resources to get up off of their own furry asses and exit to do their business!

    • Love 6
  2. I'm of two minds about the format change this season. I have to imagine that the producers thought the hikers would be in greater peril overall, bushwhacking over ten miles apiece through brutally rough terrain with every conceivable obstacle between them and their partners. 

    But so far all the tap-outs have come from the campers--whether due to injury, freakout, or a combination thereof (ankle-twisting knife brother). I get the sense that this is a psychological wrinkle that occurred to no one: that spending up to a week starring in Alone (But Not Really) has led the stationary participants to 1. wait around for their buddy before tackling any serious survival prep, and 2. fill those idle hours with poor decision-making. Instead of clearing brush, setting my gill net, and starting a lean-to, I'm gonna run around in the woods! I don't want to be here AT ALL build a cabin until Dad gets here to help, so instead I'll just roll up in this tarp and pillow my head on five pounds of Bear Snax! It's like another long prologue to the actual meat of the show.

    I'm willing to cut poor Shannon some slack, because that sounded like a wicked and terrifying fall; any time you jack up your back is bad news. But the fact that Jesse admitted he was hurrying to get there because the odds were good that Shannon would hurt himself in the space of a week...yikes, fellas. 

    So...points to Brooke, for getting busy with her spa lodge immediately. I don't understand why she goes into whispering prey mode when she spots a wolf, especially considering her boisterous speechifying to all woodland creatures in the morning...but at least she's making an effort. Team Soap might have the last laugh. 

    I did enjoy how delighted Team Other, Other Brothers was to find each other. I doubt they realize what a significant achievement this is, given the first week of the season!

    • Love 8
  3. Quote

    There is a clear shot of his eye lid tattoos. That's right, he tattooed eye balls on his eye lids. Creepy as hell!!

    Oh, god, I can't stop laughing at this, just because: you know those little plastic eye-covers you can wear while tanning, either in a booth or out under actual sunlight? When we were dumb teenagers, my sister cut eyeballs out of magazine photos--DIFFERENT eyeballs, understand--and glued them to her eye protectors. So we'd go to the beach and she'd lie there with two supermodel eyeballs, pointing in different directions but generally right up at the sun. And no one ever bothered us, who'da thunk it? :D 

    • Love 5
  4. Quote

    It seriously drives me nuts that there are still competitors who go into this thing super lean. Morons, you had ONE JOB to do, and that's gorge on peanut butter-filled cupcakes from the moment you get the casting call.

    One of the all-time series highlights, for me, was the online bonus footage of Fuckin' Larry just going ecstatically berserk at a local bakery upon his return home. Before reuniting with his family, even--he showed up on the doorstep with a box of pastries. 

    • Love 5
  5. Quote

    As for the arduous trek...  I wonder if production tested it out in a different season when the salal wasn't so exuberant?   Because it should have been obvious if they tested it under the present conditions that ten miles was too far to bushwhack cross-country.  Or maybe each placement was carefully selected because there is an "easy" way, but our intrepid hikers didn't find it? 

    Good thoughts! I would love to know more about the production side of things for this show in particular, since we're given to believe that any and all manipulation of the placements and personalities has to be done before the drop-offs. The lack of artifice is why I watch it. 

    I also wonder if, a few days in, production started to panic when folks were tapping out left and right. All their crafty presumed enhancements, washing right out to sea!

    • Love 3
  6. Quote

    The episode description here called it a "devastating accident", but I can't put too much stock in that.

    I read that too, and the entire time Shannon was carving away at plastic detritus to make his crab trap, I was in a full-body cringe waiting for him to sever his own thumb.  We've seen multiple, vivid blade mishaps over the previous seasons, so I'm primed! A slip-and-fall was almost a letdown...although I like Shannon and his brother, and so the "devastating" cliffhanger is making me sad.

    Logan, I just feel sorry for. News flash, Pops: at 19, he already is A Man, whatever the mold you're trying to cram him into. The blacksmith brothers from last week probably bitched each other out in the helicopter and got over it, but I have a gloomy sense that Dad's disappointment is going to cling to Logan for a long, long time. 

    And I'm still pretty sure Team Ginger Giant is gonna kill each other once they're in a confined shelter together, bickering and farting. 

    • Love 11
  7. Good lord, they could've just dropped me off to drag a camera hither and yon in the salal tangles for 15 minutes, and come up with enough B-roll for this entire episode. (And then put me back on the helicopter with a quickness, please and thank you.) 

    That was a mighty fast tap-out. I feel a bit sorry for the young brothers, but after Pretty Teen Man-Bun nailed himself with his hatchet early last season, I don't have a lot of faith in the real young 'uns' skill sets. They can't seem to just calm down and slowly construct an impenetrable fortress, like Brook.  Youth and rampant energy don't always translate to methodical survival play, I guess. 

    I'm also worried about Dad Alex's breathing. He reminds me of a combo of Mike Ehrmentraut and, with that little watch cap, Jacques Cousteau. 

    Anyway. I guess Alan only narrates the "Making the Cut" episode, since there's no narration for the core show itself. But after someone brought up my beloved F*ckin' Larry on the other thread, I got to thinking: how great would it be to have HIM narrate a director's cut or DVD commentary of this show? Critiquing everybody's screwups. "What the bleep is this bleep doing now? Dude, you bleeped your bleeping ankle, maybe get the bleep out of the bleeping woods. Soap? I will throw your bleeping soap into the bleeping ocean!" (YMMV, depending on whether you thought F*ckin' Larry was a ticking time bomb or a hilarious guttermouth who just got sick of his job.)

    • Love 11
  8. Quote

    I know its the time period, but Mr. Philips and his stupid mustache looks like the punchable hipster dickhead in all of Brooklyn. 

    Had to quote this because it made me guffaw out loud at work. Mr. Philips has undergone a little modern-grittiness application himself! 

    It's probably been more than 30 years since I read the books--I am An Old. I scoff a bit at some of the updates, like Anne running into a damn burning building...but overall I can't help but love this adaptation. When Anne got her precious puffed sleeves I cried like a ninny. I also laughed out loud at (paraphrasing):

    Marilla: "I'm sure it's a very dignified affair."

    SMASH CUT TO: Snake Juice chaos at the Cuthberts'. 

    I also have to shout out to EAG46: I loved the All-Of-A-Kind Family books as a little girl, although I was a tiny bit confused and thought that the Lower East Side was perhaps still overrun with tinkers' carts and horse-drawn carriages. In the 1970s. It took me a while to figure out Historical Fiction. 

    • Love 2
  9. Quote

    She Shed

    GAAAAAAAHH yes, this. Haaate. Many, many things annoy me about all house-hunting couples on those ubiquitous shows ("This 18th century Paris flat doesn't have four bathrooms, so we'll pass!"), but the Man Cave/Lady Hut or whatever concept boggles me. It basically says "well, I deigned to marry someone of the opposite sex, but we can hardly stand to be in the same room, so I'll need a separate space for my exclusive interests that they do not share. Actually we hate each other, tee hee, battle of the sexes!" 

    I was mystified by the hoarder cleanup mayhem, too. I wonder if most (all?) of the VEE-hickles being bandied about were part of Grandpa's hoard, actually; it sounds like there were a good couple acres of crap to sort through, at least. 


    the sight of those limp dingles flopping around


    OT: I worked for years in a bookstore chain that also carried a couple of skin mags for either sensibility. At some point I learned that the softcore publishing guidelines permitted ONLY limp dingles to be shown; more...uh...activated dingles were not allowed. But this meant that all of the magazine layouts of fellas just looked like these pretty himbos had forgotten their pants. Dude working on a roof, wearing only a toolbelt! Dude doing...something with hay...in a barn, sans pants! Feeling a cold breeze, wondering why!

    • Love 7
  10. Quote


    The Martin Sheen one--no fault of his--was TERRIBLE.


    I watched that one over Christmas. I'd confused it with this update/remake--about which I'd heard good things--and was so perplexed I felt gaslighted: were the books I'd loved for 35 years actually...bad? what was happening? What a relief, to see this! It looks very promising. :D

    This appropriately gawky, young, true-ginger Anne running around in the damp, grey woods for a stretch there does make this look briefly like an extremely weird prequel to The Killing, though(Don't worry, little red: you grow up into Mireille Enos!)

    • Love 2
  11. I got reruns that were new to me yesterday (they must have aired originally when we had a milimeter of snow or something), including the Party House Piss Trench landlord who let a passel of 20-somethings rent his backyard, as long as the ladies didn't flush any TP down the one working commode, and the fellas used the convenient latrine he'd dug out back. GOLD, semi-literally. JJ rightly found for the plaintiffs who'd paid money for these stellar event accommodations...but I was distracted by the plaintiff's son's perpetual serial-killer affectless glare. 

    • Love 5
  12. Quote

    Due to the comprehensive knowledge of Archie comics that until this show came on I had NO IDEA I HAD, I can tell you his name is not Jughead.

    maxineofarc, that's a deep pull. And now that I know it, I'm sure to remember it on my deathbed...while forgetting the names of my entire family. 

    • Love 4
  13. Quote

    Ok, now to get back to my adult office job because I am an over-30 adult who shouldn’t be so consumed by this, dammit.

    This made me LOL at MY grown-ass-lady office job.

    This show is trying to be so many things at once--teen melodrama omg the talent show!!1!, murder mystery procedural, batshit bonkers Twin Peaks homage--that it's not really hitting any of its landings clean...and yet I can't stop watching it. I don't know...gloomy, Troubled Teen Jughead, WHOSE NAME IS JUGHEAD, pushes all of my inner-16-year-old's buttons. 

    And we are always who we are, I guess: seeing lanky, dour Jughead and pretty, practical Betty, sprinting around the woods in a BC downpour solvin' crimes? Oh my god, SWOOOOON. My shipper bona fides go way, way back.


    • Love 10
  14. Quote

    2001 - Archie and the gang are all born in the same year.

    This was the sentence that made me think "oh dear god I belong in jail." A la Miss Grundy, who I am also plenty older than. Uh oh. 

    That said: moody, sullen, broken-home movie-geek Jughead is 110% in my wheelhouse. Or my inner 16-year-old's wheelhouse, or something. Isn't Cole Sprouse a twin? I seem to remember him acting since birth--another indicator that I am an ancient crone who shouldn't be enjoying this show nearly as much as I am. :)

    • Love 12
  15. Quote


    The quick case with the 83-year-woman falling off the bed while trying to turn on a fan made me smile and sigh a little bit because that is EXACTLY the kind of dumb thing my mother would do to hurt herself. 


    Oh yes. Third-generation short woman here, and I have inherited my mama and grammy's tendency to take dangerous, poorly thought out spills. Oh, the decades of tipped-over ladders, collapsing antique step-stools, and inapproppriate heel heights that precede me. (In my case, I tried to change a clock battery by standing on my rolling desk chair for just a second. Plummeting to the floor seemed to take forever, so I had a lot of air time to think about my mistake. ;)

    • Love 10
  16. Quote

    given that I currently find Susan Sarandon revolting

    Ohh, I know. Why can't Lange punt her in the head please?

    I'm still in, though, and vaguely ashamed of it. But I can't help thinking of a friend's kid, who encountered the word "feud" for the first time in a book, and asked his mom what "FEE-uhd" meant. I will call this show Fee-uhd for all time. 

  17. I had a pair of Levis in the 80s that I had custom-pegged (oh, 80s!) by a professional seamstress (!!). And then I wore them to rags, and then one of my best friends, a pretty capable seamstress herself, patched them with lurid fabric scraps from her own sewing projects. So I had a dolphin appliqueed onto the back pocket, knee and butt patches of tropical fruit, alphabet-print from a toddler's outfit, etc. They continued to rip around the patches, and so I wore them with colorful tights underneath, to remain decent in public. I was 18 and I thought I was the HOTTEST of Hot Shit. (Where did you think you were coming today, pagooey, a grunge club?) Oy, the only way I could wear those insane pants today would be as a colorful scarf. Wish I had that waistline back, if not the pants. 

    </pants> JJ's digression into the difference between a paraffin treatment and waxing for hair removal was...probably more than I wanted to know that she knew?

    • Love 4
  18. Dang, Callie. I absolutely did not see that coming! I can't begrudge anyone their reasons for choosing to tap out--I would be crying and begging to return to civilization on Day 1 with one leg still in the boat, if by some inexplicable nightmare I found myself on this show--but I don't even have an inkling of her reasons. That final feast looked like some rustic farm-to-table fare you'd pay $100 a plate for in a hot new pop-up restaurant. I don't get it, but I wish her luck. 


    Seems that Dave might do well to eat more of his store of fish and gain back enough strength to string his bow.  If he could bag a pig, he'd more than replace the extra fish he'd eaten.

    I wasn't fond of Dave from the beginning; he just rubs me the wrong way. But seeing him hoard food while not comprehending the possible consequences--like being too weak to string his bow or, eventually, hunt--makes me think I'm watching an eating disorder develop in real time. That, or he had some undisclosed disordered behaviors before, and that will take him out. 

    (Am I nuts, or did they tease him taking a bad fall in one of the very first episodes? Black-and-white, eerie foreshadowing? I've been waiting for it ever since; looks like we're finally getting to it next week. I don't want that to be in the context of him winning this thing...but only because I don't like 'im. Petty, I know!)

    I'm rooting for Fowler. His "journaling staff" is going to be a magnificent souvenir of this experience. I'd be happy to see a woman win this thing, too, but I don't have particularly strong feelings for either Megan or Carleigh. 

    As for the flashback editing: After the first commercial break, I said aloud (to my living room) "oh, so they're gonna dick us around with this boat all night!" But I appreciate the effort to mix things up a little. It really did build suspense, as I imagined horrific injuries for everyone as the days ticked by. I'm still jumpy every time anyone uses any sort of blade!

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