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Posts posted by Legalbeagle421

  1. On 6/13/2022 at 2:52 PM, funnygirl said:

    I think it's funny that Julie was in fact at the Critics Choice event last night. If not for this thread, I would've been none the wiser. I thought it was great that Melissa, Kelley, Danny, and Tokyo were there as the show representatives. They looked like they had a nice time together. That Julie was separated from the rest of them speaks volumes. Production honoring Kelley's wishes for boundaries tells me that they were very much aware of Julie's behavior while filming and understanding of Kelley's concerns. 

    Same! I thought she wasn’t invited. I went to her Instagram to see if she had posted anything about the Kelley situation and saw pictures of her dressed up. They truly paid her dust and no acknowledgment whatsoever and I love that for them.

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  2. I think it’s worth noting too that Kelley suffers from Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, which can be very painful. That probably contributed greatly to the stress of being in that environment. She wrote in her book that she feels worse in the morning and I think that’s when Julie ambushed her. 

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  3. 1 minute ago, BingeyKohan said:

    I think she thinks she is building a brand so I could see her agreeing to fake out a story about listening to yourself to mask a need to only give them a week.

    She is definitely trying to build a brand about being the low-key, no drama, no stress, nature lady. I’m actually reading her book right now (it’s really good). Her and her husband do Instagram lives sitting outside in nature. She posts constantly of herself standing around trees lol. I think it was probably very hard to get her to agree to this and once she did, she said “I don’t want no mess” lol. 

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  4. I have something nice to say about Julie. Her abs looked amazing for a mom of 3. I’m jealous as a 28 yo with no kids 😂. Now back to our regularly scheduled program. If I were Jamie’s wife, I would be pissedddd at my husband. He shouldn’t even give the producers the illusion that he’s going to fool around Julie. I hope he warned her.

    I’m an apathetic Christian, but I could understand Matt’s perspective. I find astrology so interesting that I would have absolutely gotten the tarot card read.

    That’s all I got. This one was more low key.


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  5. I don’t know why but I’m finding myself hella attracted to Jamie. I didn’t watch the original season because in 2000 I was in elementary school 😂 and I only know Jamie from the gauntlet (whatever season where everyone was pissed at Cara/Suzie). Didn’t find him cute then but I’m feeling him now.

    I was thinking last week that Tokyo was going to have to change rooms, so I’m not surprised this came around this week. I don’t get how Julie doesn’t see that. Why would she want to room with someone that she claims was aggressive with her? Stupid. And of course Jamie, who I assume is married doesn’t want to room with her either. Makes sense. 

    Tokyo was trying to help. As a Black woman, I probably wouldn’t have grabbed her. But it’s very clear that he had no ill intent. She was a danger to herself and the club wanted her out too. Julie needs to check herself. I hope after seeing these episodes, she reflects and gives him a sincere apology. 

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  6. 22 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

    Tami has lived an affluent lifestyle for the last 30 years so I’m not sure why she’s so angry and what more she wants out of life that the system is preventing her from attaining.  

    Affluence does not change the reality of disparate treatment within this country. This is why Black Harvard professors are falsely accused of “breaking in” to their own homes or professional athletes are pulled over in their fancy cars. My father, a federal prison warden, was pulled over years ago while driving his marked government vehicle not because he was speeding or failed to signal or because of some other traffic violation. He was pulled over because they wanted to see some ID because they assumed he stole it. I’m an attorney. People assume I’m the secretary or the court reporter. We’ve lived a very affluent lifestyle. Didn’t change how we’ve been treated because we’re Black. 

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  7. 20 hours ago, ichbin said:

     I found it interesting when asked about her relationship with her son during the reunion that she started saying something about things getting better and then seemed to catch herself as though she revealed too much.  Assuming, as I did, that she was talking about the son she gave birth to and not her step-children that was something I had not heard before.  Any other time  remember her mentioning him she made it sound like he simply has no interest in being on the show.  Now it sounds like there is more to it. 


    My understanding is she has her biological son and then two stepsons and a stepdaughter through Jan that she raised. We’ve seen Bret on the show, so there was never an issue there. I’ve seen pics on Instagram of him with Joe and Marge on Christmas, so he’s really unbothered, I guess lol. What I thought she was saying was her relationship with her other stepson (not Bret) had improved but her relationship with her stepdaughter had not. I think her bio son was living with her at one point and is planning to move back in with her, so I think they’re fine. 

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  8. 4 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

    I don't know (or care) whether Margaret started the "rumor", but I am really not loving Jennifer at this reunion, so far.  

    On the one hand, she is quick and she's got her ammo ready and gun loaded, but on the other hand, she just seems a little too pleased with herself when she's shooting the gun.  Those self-satisfied little smirks after every comment is not a good look, imo.


    I like all of the women on this cast but Jen can be the most annoying to me. I think in real life she is probably a legitimately kind, funny person. On the show, she thinks a little bit too much of herself. I had to get off Reddit. You’re not allowed to criticize her at all over there. It’s a cult. 

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  9. I’ll have to investigate but people were saying on Reddit that Stephanie is not an actual social worker (doesn’t have a license) but worked at a clinic that discouraged abortions, which was considered “social work”.  Someone said she only has a psych degree.

    Someone also said Travis SCRUBBED his social media of its ignorance after the Westcott debacle. All I have to say to that is LOL. 😂😂😂

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  10. I guess I don’t understand why there has to be an explanation or other reason for why this happened. Some people (many people, sadly and honestly) are just racist. Point blank period. The optics don’t look as good in 2021, so some people try to hide it, while others don’t. Tiffany could be a complete piece of shit (she’s not) but that would not change the fact that the Westcott’s are racist. Two things can be true at the same time. “You’re racist against me as a white person.”, “Anti-racism is racism” “‘white privilege’ is racism because it judges people by skin color”, “I’d rather eat dog food than a customary Asian dish”, “Chart” Wescott’s whole social media profile (check out all the references to being “cancel-proof” and tweets/pics of him making fun of cultural appropriation) are certainly not indications of people who are on the right side of history. And considering all the hate and violence against AAPI people in the US right now, their actions are especially dangerous. It’s exhausting. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, lunastartron said:

    Because Kameron’s articulation on WWHL was ambiguous - she maintains that she was drawing an analogy between Tiffany’s domineering disposition and that of her season four co-stars when they either directed her not to attend/leave the sex show in Thailand (LeeAnne) or insisted that she participate in the group outing (everyone else). She referred to the “girls,” which is a term that she and the cast at large commonly apply to the talent. 


    Well she’s not dumb enough to outright say “yeah, I compared my Chinese co-star to the sex workers I saw in Thailand”. She didn’t decide to let her racist flag fly until Thursday of this week. Though, the reactions below make it clear both Tiffany and many viewers are not all wrong/confused as to Kam’s intentions that night.


    Even if you take away the WWHL appearance, the behavior of her, her husband and her brother-in-law over the last week (and likely their whole lives in private, let’s be real) paint a very clear picture of who/what they really are and it ain’t good. 

    Edited to add: I can’t remember if I saw it on Reddit or elsewhere but someone was rewatching the season 4 cast trip and Kam allegedly (I say “allegedly” because I can’t remember myself and it’s the attorney in me lol) referred to the Thai women as “bossy” during that episode. 


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  12. 3 minutes ago, emmawoodhouse said:

    How did I miss that? There's no excuse for that, Kam. 

    They fired LeeAnne for less.

    I watched it live and it was uncomfortable as hell. Andy and Cheyenne Jackson (other guest) looked like they wanted to run and hide after she said that. I think the actual clip is floating around Twitter. But here’s Tiffany’s tweet about it from yesterday or the day before:  


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  13. 8 hours ago, klh25 said:

    I could be completely wrong but I just get a feeling there is more to this story....we saw Tiffany outright lie that Kam had not reached out to her as a new housewife.   This is unusual behavior, I think something else happened. 

    This is not unusual behavior for the Westcott’s. There was a tweet circulating even last week showing Court DMing someone about how the phrase “white privilege” is racist. They are ignorant and racist. They spent a full day coming after Tiffany. Kam compared Tiffany to Thai sex workers on WWHL. This is very on par. They’re just not doing a good job of hiding it anymore. And thank God because racists should be exposed. 

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  14. As much as I like Katie, I’m kind of annoyed that she got a pass when people are still mad at Kendal for not falling through the platform three weeks later...

    Also, as the poster above mentioned, Arissa tweeted out a long explanation. People were using her designated cooking supplies for cooking things she would allergic to 😬, among other things. I think she was just ready to go. Her outburst was hilarious though. Not surprisingly, Ace has a whole post supporting him up on his Instagram. Kind of cute. Monsters and snakes, y’all. 

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  15. Guys, I was dying at Arissa giving us Ace’s “you guys are monsters” energy when walking into the elimination 😂. Don’t these people realize someone has to go in? It doesn’t make the other players “snakes”. 

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  16. 2 minutes ago, AntFTW said:

    Just the aftershow, it seems like they felt that Kendal didn't participate as fully because she didn't want to fall through the platform... I think.


    Coincidentally, I’m actually watching it right now! I don’t understand jemmye’s clearly personal issue with Kendal but I guess maybe we’ll see it later. Jisela was being so extra about it. Good for Darrell and Nehemiah for saying they understood why she acted the way she did, even though they didn’t agree with it. I still don’t think she did anything wrong but I guess they’ve gotta pick on someone lol. 

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  17. I didn’t understand why they were so hard on poor Kendal. It was obvious she was just afraid to fall through. It’s not like she refused to answer the questions and she got pretty far, I thought? 

    I have been watching since like 2004 and I have no recollection of katie and Trishelle being close. I thought katie and tonya were close? Trishelle got married like 3 years ago, so clearly they were still in touch. Sounds like it was just a one-sided friendship. 🤷🏾‍♀️

    Jisela is really just calling people out. First Ace, now Kendal. She can relax just a little bit lol. You can make good tv and not be so obnoxious. 

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