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Posts posted by animalnurse

  1. When I saw Leah's reaction to the news that Cory was trying to get primary custody I thought it was oddly low-key. My first thought was that maybe she had some chemicals on board, but now (in a more charitable frame of mind) I think it may have been just plain old shock. Apparently she's grown accustomed to saying and doing whatever she feels like with no push-back from Cory. 

  2. I'm running late to work so just a brief observation for now. The difference between how Miranda and Cory discuss the coparenting issues and how Leah and Jeremy do is startling.

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  3. I wonder if she knows what an epi pen is? I can give her a pass on not taking her pills for stuffy nose, sneezing, watery eyes type allergies. I don't either. If, on the other hand, she needs an epi pen for anaphalyctic reactions, then she's risking losing her life and leaving her 3 girls without their mother. But, I'm pretty sure she made up the epi pen thing in the first place because it sounds like something you'd get sympathy for so I'm not especially worried.

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  4. You guys you guys you guys! Turns out Nathan is a rocket scientist!


    "Hello, My name is Nathan Griffith," the letter reads. "As we all know NASA has the best of the best when it comes to technology, economic advances and connections to some of the most brilliant minds the world has to offer. Knowing this, I'm sure someone has already thought about this idea or that it has been rejected due to technical flaws. Even saying that I would like to present my idea to NASA."

    "As old or new satellites release transmitters through space, I think we should export an enhance telescope and modify a gun/cannon like object attach to it to project (shoot) a highly durable camera or transmitter," Nathan continues.

    "The telescope will be use like a scope on a rifle. As I addressed before, Newton's first Law, space will allow the object to travel thousands of miles per hour through space until it reaches its destination. Allowing us to search for new discoveries outside our solar system."




    Delusions of grandeur much?

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  5. Former foster parent here. As terribly sad as it is, the system is really set up to deal with physical abuse rather than emotional/mental. And it's not even very good at that. But Jace appears to be getting enough food to eat, has a roof over his head and as far as we know not being hit. Frankly, I don't know that foster care would be better for him than what he's getting now. The system tends to move kids back and forth from their biological families and between different foster care homes. You couldn't design a system better to destroy a child's ability to form healthy attachments to other people if you tried. There's a reason I'm a former foster parent, only lasted a year. At least as it is now, Jace has a limited number of caregivers.  


    Now if Jace could be straight-up adopted by a family who would prioritize his needs, that might be the best scenario. Not that I can see that happening. Barb is too attached and Janelle doesn't care enough about him.

    • Love 4
  6. Cory's probably just tired of seeing Leah spending the money he sends on makeup. Look, I'm usually the first to criticize a guy who complains about child support. But I don't know what to believe in this case. Leah has a well-documented habit of rewriting history. Remember how she and Cory divorced because he bought a truck?

    • Love 4
  7. According to her twitter, the girls' kittens "didn't make it" so now Leah's looking for a purebred kitten (or 2?) to replace them. People are telling her to go to a shelter but she wants a certain 'look.'


    Didn't make it???? I hope she's corrected whatever problem killed the first two. Kittens don't generally up and die for no reason. Why does this girl keep bringing new responsibilities into her life when she seems overwhelmed by what she already has to handle? Or maybe I'm being too generous and once she gets the kittens they'll be fending for themselves.

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  8. Barb really lost me this episode. Threatening to kick out a 4 year old who has already been abandoned by his mother? I just can't.  I think Jace is an angry little boy and with good reason. I know Barb loves him in her way but when I think about the life he could have had if he'd been adopted by someone who longed for a child of their own to nurture...well it's just so sad.

    • Love 3
  9. Leah seems like she desperately needs to take on something that takes loads of time, effort and money right now.  I mean we're always hearing her talk about how bored she is. And Jeremy is always urging her to live a little and spend some money.



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    Kindergarten teacher of 20 plus years here. Very unlikely they pulled Jace the 1st day of school for advanced math. We spend the first few days learning names, routines, etc. No, I am not calling her a liar (about this) , this is just a very unlikely scenario.


    Thanks jacksgirl. I thought that sounded unlikely. 

  11. There's a car commercial that makes the point that the driver is the most important safety feature. It has a woman driving her 2 kids, and points out various things she does that make her a safe driver. My favorite moment in the commercial has got to be when kiddo in the back seat acts up so she gives him the "Mom look" in the rearview mirror and wonder of wonders he immediately settles back down! Love it.

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  12. Mr animalnurse commented on Isaac's grumpiness this episode. My take is that he's a sensitive kid and the strain in Javi and Kail's relationship is wearing on him. Add all the major life changes lately and I'd be more surprised if he wasn't acting out.

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  13. I work with a young woman who has just finshed her residency in a veterinary radiology program. She has a limb difference that would stop most people from even trying vet school. But her parents raised her to stop and think "this is how everyone else does this task, now how am I going to do it?" It's not exactly the same as Ali's situation but I thought it was a positive, yet realistic attitude to instill.


    Watching the show though, I get the impression that Ali's biggest challenge might be being so much smarter than everyone who's supposed to be caring for her. And I say that as a Cory fan.

    • Love 4
  14. I'd love to believe that Janelle was truthful about being off drugs. But...I don't. 

    Wow, Aubree was on a tear tonight. Maybe that was just an age-appropriate meltdown. But I have noticed that Chelsea tends to threaten and then do nothing instead of actually disciplining her, so maybe that's feeding into Aubree's behavior. On the whole though, of this group I still like Chelsea best.

    I actually felt bad for Kailyn when she was talking with her mom.

    Leah and Jeremy, what a train wreck. I wonder if it ever occurred to Leah that he works so much because of his family? Or at least that's how it started out. Now he probably stays as far away as possible because when he's home all he hears is how unhappy she is with him. Ditto for phone calls.

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