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Posts posted by Pixilicious

  1. 7 hours ago, JDAlexander said:

    lol! And we all know he meant to say “self- defecation!” Because he was sitting there like a lying sack of, well, self-defecation! 😂😂😂

    Hahahaha I just made a comment about "self defecation" before i read your comment...like minds, but you beat me to it 🤣

    • Like 4
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  2. 9 hours ago, CriticalMass said:

    Kody’s misuse (and overuse) of the terms on his Manosphere Word of the Day Calendar amuse me. Today’s blunder brought to you by self deprecation. 

    I'm surprised he didn't say "self defecation"

    • LOL 15
  3. On 9/7/2023 at 1:17 PM, laurakaye said:

    I recall a couch interview with a very upset Brianna, where she talks about bringing Covid home and you'd have thought she'd ushered in a certain demise for her entire family.

    Given Kody's insanity, I wonder how freaked out Brianna was when Kody sped Robyn to the ER, and then had to watch while Kody rocked himself in the fetal position when he also caught it because his gluteus maximum hurt so bad he didn't know what day it was.  I hope Brianna isn't traumatized for life, but what am I saying - all five of the kids that live under that roof are going to certainly need substantial therapy one day.

    Doesn't one of Robin's girls have panic attacks? Is it Brianna? Whichever it is, I'm sure Kody's Covid circus act wouldn't help...can you imagine living in the drama he created? He could make the calmest person panic with his theatrics...what an asshole for not acting like an adult..."fetal position" my ass! Smh 🙄

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  4. 13 hours ago, JennyMominFL said:

    Hi all I just wanted to say hi! My life has gone to shit. My 30 YO son had a massive stroke and died on July 15th. We donated his organs . I'm trying to catch up on he show and keep my brain occupied.

    This is heartbreaking...my deepest condolences to you and your family 😢🙏

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  5. 9 hours ago, Special K said:

    Courtney has been on several seasons of BD and def is a favorite. I think you're thinking of another blonde (there are so many on BD).  Perhaps Camille?

    You're right...i was thinking Camille, but had the name wrong...thanks for fixing that 😊

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  6. Why was courtney picked to be one of the Below Deckers? Wasn't she fired during her season and fans were glad to see her go? Definitely not a "fan favorite"

    I really thought Rami had the win...so glad he's still around ☺

    • Like 2
  7. I hope the next time that contestants are held to the directions for challenges...it annoyed me that Jeff and Gary got away with botching the water/gourd challenge...not that Matt could've continued anyway with his injury...maybe production let it slide so they'd have more than 3 going into final episode...still seems unfair, tho

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  8. On 7/11/2023 at 11:30 PM, Skooma said:

    If so then you should get big time Bully Paul vibes from Big Brother from Matt as he led the rest of the minions into isolating and demeaning his targeted victim just like Paul did.  Minus the Josh equivalent from banging on the pots of course cause that would scare away any game in the area.

    I don't know anything about Paul...who he is or about his show...not even sure about Josh either...i remember Jeff annoying matt in another season because he'd yell every single time he'd catch something in the river...Matt is a good hunter and knew it would send animals further and further away, making it hard to hunt...Matt does come off as cocky and sometimes a bully, but he's had reasons to get to where he is...he's earned the respect of other "survivalists" over the years and that says a lot...I think he's a purist of the show, if there's such a thing (his wife was pretty kick ass on her season too)...I don't love that they turned this show into a knock off of Survivor...if the apocalypse were to come, id certainly want to be part of team Matt...and many others way before Jeff...i also think I'm in the minority for liking Waz...he's no nonsense and honest, even if you don't like the way he says/does it...I like Dan too...less experienced, but so promising

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  9. On 7/10/2023 at 9:55 AM, Skooma said:

    So glad Matt, the leader of the mean girls bully pack, is gone.  To isolate and demean one person constantly is the very definition of bullying which to me is third in bad things after murder and rape.  What a poor example he and his herd of lame followers have set for younger viewers of the show.

    Jeff is like the Boston Rob of the show.  He, like Rob, is very self-aware too.  And like Rob as well, is having FUN.  And he actually understands the rules of this competition and seems like the only one actually playing the game the way it was intended to be played. 

    And game it is on this version.  The rest of those people are totally clueless that this whole version is now more like a sports event -- aka a COMPETITION -- and not a silly campfire singalong.

    Some of Jeff's moves can be harebrained and even backfire but at least he is trying to make moves and is fun to watch unlike that herd of dull, self-righteous bully boys of endless smugness.

    I get Johnny Fairplay vibes from Jeff, not Boston Rob

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  10. Gino and Jazmine: I can't even stand to watch them...both are unlikable...her voice grates on me and she usually ends up yelling...her acting is over the top and i'm over it...that $3500 hair?? Not worth it...women were able to attract men long before extensions became a "thing"...i'm sick of seeing it on reality TV...if Gino flat out dumped her and pulled his financial support, i would cheer (and laugh)...it's the only thing that could make him look like a man at this point

    As for Cleo, everytime she's on I feel i'm looking at Marilyn Manson's sister...the eyes...the shape of the face...am I the only one?

    Amanda shouldn't be involved with anyone at this point, but can't she even try to be nice? She was taken to a beautiful park, but complained about the birds...really? That poor guy...at least he's trying...he tried to involve her with his video and she flat out turned him down...and yet wants to whine about if another woman is in the video...and btw, how long was that phone call to his producer (or whatever the f he was)...the sun was out when the call started, yet dark when it ended...weird editing

    The deaf guy (david?) and Sheila? I give her lots of credit for not only knowing a fair bit of English, but she also has learned some sign language...good for her! Lots of 90 dayers could learn a lesson there

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  11. 11 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

    Yeah maybe she was raised in Italy by parents who spoke something other than Italian.  They spent a lot of time on the autism but haven’t mentioned that she’s trans yet and I don’t think she could pass as a cis female.

    I was wondering about the Adam's apple

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  12. 11 hours ago, goofygirl said:

    Me too!!! Barfaroni!  I think the whole LOT of them need to be fired. Start all over again.  No Teresa, No Looney, No Dorters, No Melissa & Joe, No Margaret, NO JEN ADIN.....  Just NO to all of them.

    And NO to the whole RHONJ series...I've had enough!

    • Like 2
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  13. On 6/14/2023 at 3:47 AM, ZettaK said:

    Andy Cohen asked John Fuda "what would be the purpose of his (Louie's) people reaching out to her (the mother of his son)? He said "I couldn't tell you", as in I have no idea. Exactly. There was no reason to "investigate" John Fuda who has no connection with Louie. Fuda was doing Joe Gorga, his friend, a favor by adding to the investigation story. 

    Melissa admitted she didn't invite Teresa to go out with her and Joe when she was single because they do it with couples only, as if everybody does this. Teresa and Jennifer said that Jennifer takes her sister who is single with them when they go out as a couple.

    I think it's kind of funny that Teresa and Jennifer would talk about what Jennifer and her husband do when going out as a couple...it's not like they have a great marriage...probably best to not follow anything Jen says...it makes me feel that Melissa and Joe were probably right, and I hate to think they might be right...and then there's the possibility that Jen's sister might not be an embarrassing, hateful shrew which would make her a better option than Teresa

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  14. 46 minutes ago, ZettaK said:

    Shannon will be wearing her beloved white stretchy pants at her meeting with Tamra tonight according to the previews. She was wearing the same pants in a photo from the Jeff Lewis podcast recently.

    To be fair, I've worn the same pants many times...not on consecutive days and I'm not being filmed...however, she's a bit hippy and shouldn't choose white over a dark color...just sayin'...not sure she's figured out what flatters her...i do like her, tho...not sure why, but maybe because she's not completely plastic...yet

    • Like 6
  15. 15 hours ago, chlban said:

    Couldn't it also mean thar you are caught up in passion and didn't take the time to undress completely? Or did I just read too many romance novels in my youth?

    I might be way off the mark, but when he made the t-shirt comment, i took it as Ariana was not really into having sex so didn't even bother to take off her shirt...this would be a big blow to Tom's ego...in his mind it would help excuse his running around with Raquel...I'm sure she was more willing

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  16. 5 hours ago, realityplease said:

    Don't care what psychiatric "labels" are put on these folks - they're ALL horrible. Not a redeemable one in the bunch.  Not seeing a path forward for some of them to film together - none true friends - each pushing their own agenda for money & celebrity.  To me, none deserving of either.  Frankly, after this season, there's nothing more I want to see of them.  In any formulation.

    For one thing, they're all adults, using the term loosely given their attitudes, actions & capabilities - but adult age anyway.  Some almost middle-age but learning nothing by way of experience or education.

    Tom wanted to leave - he blamed Ariana for what was missing.  He didn't want to work at the relationship but too weak, scared or financially tied to leave. So he did what many others do.  Cheat.  With someone in their circle.  Doesn't excuse it because others do it. He's still an amoral jerk. But not unique. 

    Ariana wanted to stay - she blamed Tom for what was missing.  She ignores her part in any void. Complacent - but wanted to keep on going - on her terms.  Until blindsided.  Maybe. (The signals were there - maybe she ignored them.) She got cuckolded - also not unique. Despite the big pity party, don't need her to sell me products. Please stop.

    Raquel got caught up - but she's no innocent.  Perhaps worse, she KNEW what she was doing was horrible but continued on.  Also, not unique.  To directly inquire of Ariana about whether Ariana wanted to stay in the relationship - get a "yes," but then continue to deceive her - BEYOND ballsy. If she feels ashamed - she should feel ashamed.  But Ariana's verbal abuse was over-the-top & her rage & bitterness & hatred - a woman scorned, indeed.  What else could Raquel or Tom say except a lame-ass sorry - we tried to fool Ariana & all of you - didn't work. Nothing said would have been satisfying to Ariana at that time.

    And if there was more that they didn't say - it's because damn LaLa & James, & to some extent Ariana, and even LVP, didn't let them get a sentence out.  Andy's lack of control - quite obvious.  Though what would be accomplished? When she did say more (the bombshell that wasn't) Raquel STILL lied - about St. Louis, for example. 

    As for the others, Katie sat there with self-satisfied smirk.  Sheana too - though 100 yards due to HER lack of control.  LaLa & James made it about themselves or diverted the discussion into nonsense -La La vs. Raquel as a "nickname" (who cares?) or Poopy-head childish crap.  Schwartz mulling over his Casanova looks declares he won't likely re-marry. (He'll be lucky to even date again as wussy & without game as he's been!) Ally's just happy to be anywhere.

    Not that it's over - it's OVER for me.  Nothing more for me to know about these twits.  They're not learning from their mistakes - it's not in them.  They're mean, nasty, judgmental & unforgiving people (except each about themselves) who lack introspection.  Greed & self-absorption getting the best of them.  I'm out.

    Yes, yes and yes!

    • Like 6
  17. 15 hours ago, Lady of nod said:

    They could have just named this whole season much ado about nothing. Two people had an affair. wow big deal. The woman involved was a friend of the woman who was cheated on. This is often the case because people usually cheat with friends or people they know. This affair gave the show a storyline and all the losers on it something to sink their teeth into and rage about. They all got to show their righteous indignation despite the fact that they’ve all cheated.

    I can honestly say that I don’t like anybody on this show. Lala is a disgusting excuse for a woman. Her nickname should be BJ’s for PJs.

    James is a man child who can’t control himself at all. He’s not funny he’s not cute he and Lala should be together because they deserve each other

    Katie is as always A miserable mean girl and basically just a bitch. Oh and boring.

    Sandoval is a total narcissist and really unbearable to watch.

    I don’t really know what to say about Sheanna other than she was also dating a married man with kids and punched Raquel in the face. Nice.

    I’ve never liked Ariana. She’s smug and condescending and think she’s better than anyone else. I don’t believe that her relationship with Tom was much more than staying together for the show  

    Schwartz, well he’s just Schwartz. He may be kind of dumb but at least he’s not evil. I don’t know how he put up with Katie for all those years.

    As for Racquel, I have always felt that she was a sweet girl who was surrounded by sharks and abused by James and Lala. I still feel that Sandoval took advantage of her naïveté . She said herself that she was a people pleaser who decided to start pleasing herself. Obviously betraying Ariana by cheating with Tom was a really bad decision. I think that she really thought he loved her and probably treated her a lot better than James ever did. She will be paying for this mistake for a long time. I hope that she gets the help she needs and moves on from this shark tank. I give her kudos For showing up and apologizing and speaking in complete sentences. I truly do wish her well and as far as the rest of them I really couldn’t care less if the show gets canceled. I don’t find that a sandwich shop and trying to open a new bar is going to carry a whole season.

    I couldn't agree with you more...you've summed up everything so perfectly! ❤


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  18. 23 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

    I’ve not been a fan of Jackie but hopefully her and Evan stayed and enjoyed the wedding reception instead of running out with that piece of trash,  Ozempic taking, screaming old asshole hag head, straw for hair, bitter faced asshole .

    But how do you really feel about Margaret? 🤣

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