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Posts posted by Pixilicious

  1. Ryan's idea of a high quality Mexican meal was just tacos with huge wedges of lime...his presentation is awful...nothing looks 5 star and apparently the taste isn't either...he puts in minimal effort and then acts like an ass when the guests don't like it...what an arrogant POS...Chef Marco was so talented, but still would do research for guests' preferences...Marco is a REAL chef, and Ryan is just a cook.

    Such a relief for viewers to see Magda go...captain was way nice about it...if it was me i would've listed the BS she pulled despite being warned multiple times...and she's still clueless and thinks she tried hard...what a moron! Good riddance to someone who just wanted air time because she's "an Eastern European model"...she never wanted the actual stew job, i think...there's hundreds who are prettier than her and have a better work ethic so GL finding jobs from the TV exposure.

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  2. A normal person with a conscience could be influenced by time spent with real homeless women...however, Erica is a true narcissist and i honestly don't think it would have any effect on her...sad to say, but she'll never have compassion for what others go through...but if a camera were on her and there was a check in it for her, i bet she'd try to fake emotion and briefly act it out...even a moron would see through the act, though

    Speaking of morons, i sure messed up quoting cosmocrush...i apologize 😂

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  3. On 9/8/2022 at 1:37 PM, Cosmocrush said:

    But she hasn't lost everything - she's in Aspen in a luxurious home with a private chef where she arrived via private plane for crying out loud. She has "job" on television paying more than most people's real jobs.   And when she goes back it's to an address in Beverly Hills  where she still has assistants and assorted paid friends.  

    Erika thinks because she lost her extravagant lifestyle (that she LOVED to brag about) she's somehow in a women's shelter.   In fact, I think visiting a battered women's shelter would do this narcissist a world of good.  

    3 minutes ago, Pixilicious said:
    On 9/8/2022 at 1:37 PM, Cosmocrush said:

    But she hasn't lost everything - she's in Aspen in a luxurious home with a private chef where she arrived via private plane for crying out loud. She has "job" on television paying more than most people's real jobs.   And when she goes back it's to an address in Beverly Hills  where she still has assistants and assorted paid friends.  

    Erika thinks because she lost her extravagant lifestyle (that she LOVED to brag about) she's somehow in a women's shelter.   In fact, I think visiting a battered women's shelter would do this narcissist a world of good.  

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  4. Why aren't the crews' phones left in their cabins when they're on duty? It's not like they don't get breaks...and horse-faced Magda has had comments from the Captain about the laundry room and still doesn't get it smh 

    The disgusting pig who threw up in the hot tub didn't even have enough common sense to be embarrassed wtf? 

    I hope Captain Jason is really as patient and chill as he seems and isn't just angling for his own show...God knows he's hot enough to carry a spin-off with the way he looks 😍 lol

    Ryan is an arrogant ass...i would think it's editing or show drama if i hadn't lived on the East coast for awhile and met people just like that in the Philly area...lots of nice people around there, but definitely alot like Ryan...hope i didn't offend anyone as there are assholes everywhere

    I hate the theme parties, but this one was actually kind of cute...beat the hell out of Magda doing the ugliest ever impression of Marilyn Monroe...poor woman was probably rolling in her grave as Magda rolled across the table in a 70 year old woman's wig, bad make-up job and a nip hanging out...surprised no one threw up in the hot tub after that performance 🤢

    Tumi is a gem...kind, classy, smart, hard working woman...she's easily one of the best (if not the best) stews we've seen on any of this show's franchises 

    Culver seems to be knowledgeable about the job and willing to do it, but he needs to burn the mullet wigs...it's already getting old and not funny

    Brittini is much more attractive than she seems to realize...i also like how open she is to learning and doing better...so far i like her

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  5. Rinna looked like a hag at the 70s party...the wig and make up were awful...funny that she's "launching" a beauty line while looking so hideous...also, if her products worked, why does she spend so much time and money on things like botox and surgery? She's beyond pathetic...and her buddy, Erica, is nothing but a classless POS...have never liked her, but she's not even trying to hide the ugly anymore...and it's uglier than we ever imagined

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  6. 11 hours ago, shouldbedancing said:

    What does David mean he didn't like Anya because she was "too shy"? But she's not too shy to be his friend? Is that code for she wouldn't sleep with him right away? 

    Supposedly he's been type chatting with Lana for 7 years because she's too shy to skype or actually talk on the phone...i guess that kind of shyness is ok, but Anya's isn't...at least she actually exists

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  7. 6 hours ago, BlackberryJam said:

    Was I the only one who noticed that Victoria had an amputee model as well? She was wearing a white pantsuit I believe. I don’t think I noticed any particular swell of applause for her.

    Puffy garments have been a fashion thing for a while. One the biggest red carpet moments last year was Ezra Miller in Moncler. He was fierce as fuck.


    Geoffrey was referential, but his entire collection wasn’t puffer and his was done in metal mesh, an incredibly difficult material. That black coat wasn’t a fluffy light puffer. It probably weighed 40lbs or more. 

    Geoff’s looks were more fashion forward than anything else on the runway.

    Someone above nailed it but the quote got lost for me, Victoria made Ann Taylor separates.

    Nancy found great fabrics and then did pretty much nothing with them.

    Sergio made beautiful, well-tailored dresses that I could go in any store and find right now BUT he added fringe. And ugly fringe at 

    Ngl i think ezra looks like some type of larva in moncler's design...maybe moncler and geoffrey can team up and do an insect themed runway show...or even make "fashionable" sleeping bags...i've seen sleeping bags that looked similar, but probably more attractive and better priced!!


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  8. 7 hours ago, mostlylurking said:

    No you’re right but I just think it’s funny someone who talks about his masculinity as much as Joe does has literally three spent when your supposed to have like a million or whatever. Random fact but I was actually a patient at the fertility clinic they went to and it’s amazing. I got my little miracle baby because of them!

    That's great that you got your baby! Congratulations! ☺

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  9. 13 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

    Teresa is full of shit about having a child at damn near fifty. And freezing her eggs?!  Bitch please. Those eggs shriveled up a long time ago and if she still has one rattling around in there it’s definitely not fresh. 

    That being said I did understand Jennifer’s point that if you get married to someone new you may want to start a new family with them.

    I'm also not mad at Jen for putting Joe on blast about his three sperms. The more you talk about something, it just comes across as insecure and Melissa seems repulsed by him. Bill was the only one with any shred of class on that stage. 

    I think Bill did great too...and not defending Joe Gorga, who acts like a Neanderthal most of the time, but sperm count has absolutely nothing to do with virility 

    Funny thing, though...i'd bet money that neither Jennifer nor Joe knows that 😂

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