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Posts posted by funnygirl

  1. Sydney Herron! Gosh I miss her. I've always hoped she'd pop back in since she disappeared sometime in season 4, but instead we get forced-down-our-throat characters like the season 9-10 interns and now Maggie Pierce.


    They should've given Meredith a BROTHER. Like, why another girl? I think a brother would've been more interesting and the conflict would have been a little different, not to mention it would add fresh male blood to the group (who could've been a romantic option for Stephanie/Amelia.  Not saying neither could swing to a lady, but so far we only know of them to be with men).

    Maggie shows up, introduces herself to Meredith at the worst possible time during what seems to be a wind storm, and then she gets put off by Meredith when she's not all kumbaya with her. And so instead Maggie goes the complete other way and tries to be a hard ass with her "I don't need you to like me", "look at me being a hard ass doctor" shtick. Meredith was too busy getting down to business and trying to save her patient, not to mention having her personal life to deal with. Sorry the world doesn't stop for the new kid in town, but I don't see myself feeling sympathy for the put-out wunderkind spawn of Ellis. Why is she even at GSM if she's no longer interested in knowing Meredith? That hospital is no longer the place Ellis Grey built. And Maggie should maybe check her attitude while she's addressing one of the hospital owners. Man, 2 days of marinating on it and I am officially over Margaret Pierce.


    As for Amelia, do we think that the secret she mentioned that Derek doesn't know about is the baby she had on PP? I didn't really watch PP but I recall something like that happening.

    • Love 3
  2. I'm just going to get this off my chest... Margaret Pierce does nothing for me. If I'm supposed to be sympathizing with her, I don't. When she went off on Meredith I was puzzled because he was Meredith and Owen's patient and even when the Chief of Surgery is helping to rush the patient to an OR, you kinda know it's not the time to start picking because you needed an echo (was that it? anyways...). The vending machine scene was awkward. And nothing against the actress, but she just doesn't have that certain "pizzaz" that draws me in. Richard's reaction during that scene is what I felt the most. As of right now, I couldn't care less about her, nor am I jumping for joy for next week's Maggie-centric episode.


    Loved Meredith and Alex. They are the last two from their little "MAGIC" family standing.


    Interesting reaction out of Meredith when Derek chose the family over DC. I know she doesn't want him to resent her/them down the line, because she does realize how big of an opportunity this is for him. And just because it's so huge, doesn't mean she should want to change what she's got going, either. It really is a grey area. I'm very much looking forward to seeing how they navigate through this.


    I loved how Geena Davis' character (Dr. Herman?) was just there, being all kickass and just hidden from us all this time. And that's quite a new development for Arizona professionally, should she choose to ultimately go forward with the fellowship.

    Her and Callie seemed a bit out of sync last night. I realize they are still trying to get their footing, and they are still fresh off of learning that Callie can no longer carry and the possibility of surrogacy. I look forward to see how they navigate through their differences/disagreements/etc, and hopefully they can get back their spark of magic that, sadly (in my opinion), has been slowly fizzling out since the plane crash (for one reason or another).

    • Love 1
  3. Thank you for sharing the sides, windsprints.


    I agree that it's Callie and Arizona arguing in the "Woman" side, though I think it's actually their marriage counselor (as opposed to lawyer or adoption agent). Amelia's probably on the motorcycle case as I anticipate Derek being in DC, and even if he isn't the show's bound do give Amelia some stuff to do to officially bring her into the fold. I hope the missing side is in fact related to Callie and her sensor-prosthetic work as I'd love to see that evolve more this season.

  4. Thank you for the sides, windsprints!

    Assuming the cases stay the same, it seems like this ep is going to be heavy on Maggie Pierce/cardio (Yawn. I already miss Cristina!).

    It will be interesting to see who Amelia bonds with outside of Derek and Meredith.

  5. It's crazy to me that Arizona jumped to the conclusion that Callie cheated on her, but I guess that's the worst-case scenario and the one thing Arizona would want to kill Callie for. In any case, I choose to embrace any and every step forward they take in the healing of their marriage, They are bound to have hiccups along the way, even of the hypocritical nature. 

    The leftovers argument aside (because I agree with April on that), Jackson's finances are nothing knew. April and Jackson were supposedly such good friends before they even first hooked up, some of these things shouldn't be that much of a shock to her.

    Bailey was on point tonight! And I liked her moment with Cristina at the end. MAGIC are her babies, after all.

  6. I know the mom of the cardio kids is one of those Hey It's That Guy actresses, but I can't place her.


    I know she played JLH's sister on The Client List and was also the chick that Stiffler went down on in American Reunion. (lol)


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