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Posts posted by glowlights

  1. Where did it go???


    LOL! Maybe it fled the crazy.


    My personal opinion/hunch is that the doctor told her she has a weakness in a muscle or some structural issue that means the muscle wasn't engaging properly. The answer for that is physical therapy, but not if you want a great excuse to get out of doing things... Think about it: what if MEchelle didn't have a small army of helpers to do all the childcare for her. The doctor would have expected her to leave her baby on the floor all day? Hire a full-time live-in nanny to compensate for a back muscle? Pull the other one, MEchelle, it's got bells on.

    • Love 2
  2. Good grief, really??  Well, I'm sure she said it but What - A - Crock.  She gets around just fine as far as I can see.  Tubing on a lake, ziplining, etc etc.  But holding a child?  Come on, Michelle, give us a little credit, will you?


    IIRC she claims to be missing a muscle in her back which means she can't hold a child... but that is apparently the only thing it precludes her from doing. It's one specialized muscle!


    I will give Jim Bob a pass on the fruit trees as they can be tricky, but most anyone can grow blackberries. Not to mention tomatoes, zucchini, beans, etc. Maybe tending to a tomato vine = worshiping a false idol.

    • Love 4
  3. I might buy into the carpool theory if the Duggar Bus used an alternative fuel source. Maybe they could find a way to run it on tater tots.


    We had a receptacle,too. Held a good volume (just in case!) and could be washed/bleached out in the garage. You'd think that for this many potential sick stomachs the Duggars would have figured out a similar system. Styrofoam cups sound incredibly impractical and isn't this family supposed to be frugal?

    • Love 1
  4. Well now my (old) family doctor, riding instructor and mother have SOME 'SPLAININ TO DO. And here I was all worried about Diana Spencer when she had to be inspected for virginity... Guess I'm no better than Jim Bob who thought getting chicken pox means you can't get shingles. lol

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  5. Yeah actually seeing riding horses as defrauding men and women would be consistent with historical views of horseback riding. In the nineteenth  century etc.  women rode side saddle, because riding astride was considered vulgar and too much pelvic stimulation. I don't know too much about it, so you can google side saddle to find out more about the practice. In side saddle, they put both legs on one side of the horse.  I'm not surprised Michelle doesn't know her history to know about the side saddle tradition, but I could see them thinking it a good idea.


    Also, riding can break a girl's hymen (truly!), and then she can't prove she's a virgin and no man will have her. Not to mention the aforementioned "funny feeling" one may experience en route to saddle-induced hymen destruction. And the hip thrusting action if you're riding with an English saddle is akin to dancing like Elvis. *sigh* I hope Hannie or any other Duggar girl makes the most of her brief time on horseback.


    VERY GOOD POINT upthread about the Duggars using a school lot for their Derby crap given their attitudes toward public education.


    I think Josh and/or Anna read forums and message boards. Heck, I think Jim Bob and/or MEchelle read. How could they resist anything that's all about them?

  6. Yeah. I think it was some craaazy amount like 2 cans a week!  I don't even think I go through 2 cans in a year, and I style my hair every day. He's single-handedly depleting our ozone layer.


    That's one of my biggest peeves about the Duggars - their carbon footprint. They're practically gleeful about it. Which goes hand in hand with their belief that over-population is a myth because the whole world could fit inside... Jacksonville? Some city like that. One of the most bone-headed thing they've ever said, imo.


    What do you suppose all that hairspray does to their lungs?  They must inhale a lot of it.


    I picture Jim Bob holding his breath to spare his lungs while carelessly letting the kids breathe it in. He and MEchelle really don't seem to like their kids very much, when all is said and done.


    One of the NUMBER ONE things I detest and despise about this family and Gothardites in general is negligent/abusive attitude toward animals and pets. Every sperm is sacred, but God's creatures can kick rocks. IIRC Josh and Anna went away during the winter and left their cat to fend for itself outside. The Bates family's horses have appeared underfed. Duggars get dogs that "disappear" in short order.  Shame on all of them.

    • Love 7
  7. And I wish Phyllis writers seemed to care about it.  Like, when she found her own photo put away, she made a point of putting it out, but I think they should have had her see a photo of KELLY that WAS out and had some kind of reaction to that, so you at least feel like it's something she's going to get to 9run over with a car) later. 


    LOL! Fingers crossed...


    You're abslolutely right about Jack's statement re: avoiding marriage his whole life vs the recent storyline with him and Phyllis. They keep rewriting history, including recent history, and it makes it harder and harder for me to connect with the characters. Who will any of them be next episode? Who else will suddenly have mad chemist skillz that were never mentioned before, or a child, or a totally different perspective on relationships? Maybe Lily has been practicing as an architect this whole time. It's all up for grabs.

    • Love 3
  8. Some observations I had in this episode:

    -Why the heck is Jana holding baby Marcus at the ladies' brunch instead of Michelle. She's the grandma who doesn't get to see her "grandbabies" very often because of distance. I see no loving connection or grandmotherly excitement from this woman. 


    As the daughter of a bona fide Narcissist I will first preface my comments by saying that I am loathe to throw out the N word too often, because everything looks like a nail when you're holding a hammer. On the other hand... I love that you guys use the term MEchelle. It paints the picture perfectly. And from where I sit, everything about MEchelle screams narcissist. If not to the level of a personality disorder, then certainly many of the traits. Everything towards others is a shallow facade. Loving connection or grandmotherly excitement, as you put it, exists only in the sense of putting on the act of those emotions when it will garner the narcissist some sort of recognition or make her look good. For MEchelle, she wouldn't have been the center of doting grandmother attention by simply holding a grandkid at that luncheon, so it didn't matter to her. That wedding dress excursion would only have worked for her if it were billed as The World Famous MEchelle Duggar Takes Daughter Gown Shopping For MEchelle's Big Important Day As Mother Of The Bride.


    The comments about hormonal changes are probably on the money too, but imo it was narcissism that created the whole Baby Machine situation in the first place. Narcissists don't typically want to be mothers, they want to have little puppets. Mission accomplished, MEchelle. All my opinion only. I'm not a mental health professional, just someone who grew up under a N's reign of terror. FWIW.


    Anyway, I am glad Jill was treated to a meal served on real china (seriously! that's pretty special with these folks), but it would be nice if these girls could go gown shopping and have showers, etc. without all the parental controls and hovering family. What a joyless way to get married.

    • Love 5
  9. A few seasons ago when Michelle and the older girls visited a public school, one of the students asked the girls what was their favorite book that they have read? One of them, I'm not sure which one, said Waiting for Prince Charming", or one of those "young persons fundy books" written by that skinny lady.


    LOL!!! That's exactly how they should be cataloged, too. :)


    I just realized I should be shocked that Someone-Whose-Name-Starts-With-J-I-Can't-Tell-Them-Apart told US Weekly they watched Footloose. That movie is full of devil's music and satanic dancing. I thought the Duggars were only allowed to watch Kirk Cameron movies? Was this for a SOTDRT anthropology class?

    • Love 1
  10. One of the biggest issues of growing up in a fundamentalist or even some very conservative evangelical homes is how much they are afraid of a person's imagination. And the way they treat an imaginative child can be very heartbreaking to watch or experience.


    That is so very, very sad to think about. :( I can't imagine how horrible childhood would be for a kid who isn't allowed to explore their imagination. It's an important part of development, imo. So much fear mongering, and for what?


    I do take the point re: others (besides Duggars) restricting Halloween, but as some mentioned you can do princesses, robots, Zorro... the Duggars seem to think that doing anything on that holiday is akin to invoking Satan. Not to mention all their other restrictions on music, films, books, etc. It appears there's no dividing line in their world between what one imagines and what is real. Does it work the other way? If they sing a song about a bible character do they think s/he's in the room?


    ETA: DangerousMinds, let's hope someone sneaks into the church and decorates it for Day of The Dead. Sugar skulls would be festive. :)

    • Love 4
  11. 'Magic, sorcery, witches, spell-casting, and the like are all part of the demonic realm that God wants us to stay away from,' explain Jill, Jessa, Jana and Jinger in their book, Growing Up Duggar.

    'One specific thing that our parents have always been careful about is magic, which often shows up in children's movies. As harmless as it may seem, it's not a joke in God's eyes,' the sisters add.


    Okay, I had sworn off even reading forums (like this) about the Duggars in order to keep my blood pressure in line. But there they were on a tabloid cover moralizing about love and sex while I was at the supermarket trying to check out in peace. It isn't that they have these extreme beliefs (to each their own, I suppose), it's that they are SO SMUG toward the rest of us. There was a great memoir about growing up JW called "I'm Perfect, You're Doomed." I think of that title every time I see a smarmy Duggar face.


    Anyway, regarding the quoted above... have they not heard of or understand the concept of make believe? Seriously, does that concept not exist for them? Do they see a movie and think the plot really happened? Children dressed as witches for Halloween are actually possessed by evil? A little kid who plays magic carpet is truly practicing sorcery? If so, that is a mind boggling cognitive deficit even by Gothard standards.

    • Love 7
  12.  I don't see the purpose of so many on the show. Lily? Cane? Devon? Neil? Dough face Avery? Dullan?


    Agreed, though I don't mind Avery (UO, incoming!). It's just that Cricket was specifically brought back from soap opera limbo, and for what? And because of her they gave Paul more of a storyline, for what? Blathery scenes about nothing. It's all so pointless.


    ETA if I had use for soap recaps I would hire peach in a heartbeat. Totally mean it. This is some pro level snark.

    • Love 6
  13. Ashley and Stitch feverishly discuss fragrance chemistry in front of the whole world, making Abby feel like a third wheel.


    Right? Who needs corporate espionage when you can just go have lunch at the GCAC and hear all about it.


    Also, maybe I'm turning into Howard Hughes but it skeeved me out when Jack wiped his desk where Ashley's shoes had been. So now he's got the shmut from the bottom of her shoes on his hands... *sigh* Definite confirmation that this show has lost all its lustre (and/or it's driven me insane) when I spend half an episode wondering if Jack used Purell.

    • Love 2
  14. Everything about her is horrible. There has not been one day she has been on the show that I even remotely liked this nasty character. What a miserable shrew.


    I wanted to punch her bitter little face through the tv screen when she said "What I am DEMANDING of you is..." All she does is ride around GC on her high horse. That's when she's not nagging Paul.


    Where on earth are they going with either of these characters? I can't see a single purpose for either of them.

    • Love 4
  15.  I get that the judges' wanted editorial--hell I love seeing interesting, creative, editorial designs on this show, but it was a Pepto Bismal sheath with some gold leather and embellishments sewn on.  I saw zero design in that outfit. Zero. 


    I saw a Logan's Run reject.


    There had better not be one word next week about something looking costume-y after they let Sandhya win for this. All it was missing was a space helmet and a little gamma ray gun.

    • Love 6
  16. Seriously, though... I concur with ragstoriches, the book really wasn't as bad as you'd expect. i realize it likely involved a ghostwriter (or two) but still...


    Viking by Fabio is one of the worst things ever published and it is the standard of crapitude by which I judge celebrity fiction. I am happy to state, without reservation, that Sandra Lee is a better writer than Fabio. :)

  17. Mariah’s new trick is to run around the house in a tiny tank top and shorts with her laundry basket, because golly gee, she didn’t know Nick was home!! 



    These writers/producers are having a field day with Mariah. First she was with Tyler, which was what-the-fuck. Now they're throwing her at Nick, which is what-the-yuck. i don't think they have a clue where to take this character. Maybe I just don't like the actress? Is there anything to like in these scenes?

    • Love 1
    Recipe Box Act 1: Madness and Mortality

    As soon as she heard the ring, Grace knew there would be no answer. Thus begins Sandra Lee’s landmark novel, a macabre rendering of humanity’s greatest struggle – the knowledge of and resistance against our own mortality.


    At first glance, the story is deceptively facile – the simple tale of a simple woman who enjoys simple conversation with her simple friends.  There are fall festivals and cute apartments and flower gardens and Midwestern homilies. But as one is drawn into the narrative of the novel’s first act it is evident that there is more, much more, going on. As the narrative quickly spirals into the surreal, we realize that Lee has constructed her tome so that the reader’s progress through these pages – dread building upon dread - mirrors the characters’ long march toward eternal expiration and the madness that journey wreaks upon them. The experience is visceral, and haunting.


    As the story opens upon that unanswered ring, Grace, who does something for a living, and her friends Ken (who also does something for a living) and Leeza (who sits around the house all day) are grappling with the certainty of Leeza’s breast cancer. Grace has a mother, with whom she is estranged after an unfortunate incident with a recipe box, and a daughter, with whom she is estranged after an unfortunate incident with a divorce. Or does Grace have a daughter? By page 6 we have  descended into a bizarre tangle of hallucinatory images and conversational grotesqueries.  Grace and Leeza discuss sweaters on scarecrows, Leeza’s husband  has a psychotic break and thinks he is the comic strip character Snoopy, there are vampires in someone’s kitchen (whose kitchen?) and someone freakishly named Farty Artie. Grace believes her tackle box contains total consciousness (is tackle box a euphemism?) and cruelly taunts her cancer-ridden friend with a rendition of California Girls by the Beach Boys. Odd missives appear at seemingly random points in the text, like excerpts from an alchemist’s diary written in code – sour cherries, chopped bacon, 10 minutes at 350 degrees…


    What is going on? Is this the crazed distortion of an unreliable (albeit omniscient) narrator? Or is this one person’s hellish descent into madness? Or possibly two persons, or three?



    Slowly, slowly through the mad miasma of Lee’s prose, a theme emerges.  The characters are at once bound to their fates, and in a near-constant state of attempted escape. Whereas their lives are a prescribed march to the inevitable, they try to thwart it through flight. Grace keeps getting on planes but they always land in the same places – wherever you go, there you are! Emma flees her dismal existence by hitching a ride with a surfer only to have her escape blocked by an inconsiderate motorist. Leeza would like to trick fate by procuring immortality through procreation, but her plan is dashed by disease and, no doubt, her husband’s aforementioned psychotic break. Ken lives on a houseboat in which he could sail to brighter shores, but it is lashed permanently to its mooring, a potent symbol that there is no getting away from one’s lot, or also possibly someone tied the knots super tight.


    Moreover, Lee enables her characters with a different, existential type of flight in the form of mental delusion. The greatest delusion of all may be Emma, who may or may not exist outside of Grace’s fragile psyche. For what is Emma but Grace’s youth reflected back to her, a psychological ruse by which Grace scrabbles backward away from her aging reality?


    The answer key to Lee’s narrative maze is a cockatoo (not a euphemism) named Halo. Halo appears to Grace at key points. She understands him to be a pet who lives in her apartment and eats rawhide. This makes sense to Grace, who is irreversibly addled. But to the careful reader Halo is revealed to be none other than the recording angel in feathery costume, death’s harbinger watching over these mortals as they fight against life’s slipstream.  Halo is at all times lucid and grounded in the moment, in stark contrast to the other characters’ fragmented intellects. While the others engage in nonsense dialogue, Halo speaks clearly and logically. Compare Halo’s refrain of “God bless America!” and “your point?” to the sort of babble we hear from Grace (“watch out Wisconsin State Fair cake competition”), or Ken (“I only need one sparkler”).


    Toward the end of the first act we learn that Grace’s horror traces back to a traumatic incident in her youth, wherein she encountered what she now refers to as a “recipe box”. It is clear from the description that this box is in fact a plain wood coffin, and the scraps of family memories she perceived herself to flip through are simply the ghosts of her dead ancestors, the dust to which Grace will also be reduced. Is it this that set Grace on the lunatic path which has led to her current state? Lee offers this clue when introducing the “recipe box” scene: [Grace had] been almost the same age Emma was now when she lost her way.  Lost, indeed, and forever so.


    And what of this story’s beginning? Whom shall answer that hollow ring? As the first act mercifully comes to a close (for how much more mayhem can a reader endure?) the first knell is heard: Leeza succumbs to the cancer.  Grace, Ken and Emma are frozen in their existential flight, while Halo calmly, steadily watches all through the eternity of his beady black eyes. Ask not for whom the bird squawks, it squawks for thee.

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