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  1. I googled 'ISSA' and this is the first thing that popped up. Personal training courses. https://www.issaonline.com
  2. So, you must scoot over to hWhit's IG to see the Q & A she has going. So many intelligent, thought provoking questions from her stans.
  3. In her announcement for the new app she lies, lies, lies, lies, lies. I just love this. ...work out multiple times a day??? ...covered from head to toe???? BWAHAHAHAHAHA
  4. Ok, so this has been bugging me. Ever since I checked out the Air BnB site that mamadrama found, I kept thinking that the pool really looked familiar. Twit had posted on her IG pics of her swimming naked in some really nice pool. Found the pic and yup, it is the same place. You can see the blue chairs in the background and it is dated September 15, the same time frame as a pic of her at the falls. Who the hell was taking these pics?
  5. Yes, she has said that. Sooooooooo, what has she got on her IG today? Yup, a makeup tutorial. bwahahahaha
  6. I think Twit misinterprets this...
  7. Y'all gotta check our her IG story now. She's replying to "assumptions about me". Hilarious.
  8. Is that a regular bra she has on? Sure looks like it to me. That girl has no sense of propriety.
  9. There is a sample workout on the NoBSactive web page. Looks lame to me (she sits for most of it) but not being a fitness instructor what do I know? lol What do y'all think? https://www.nobsactive.com/
  10. Yeah, her stepfather owns Germain Racing as well as a zillion car dealerships.
  11. This is Chase's girlfriend. There is a pic of her on Chase's IG in the delivery room. Ryan's GF has claws and pumped up lips. Also, does that look like an engagement ring???
  12. @with_this_body This is her 'therapist's' IG. Although a doctor she does seem a bit lala. Methinks this is the same person she was going to a couple years ago as she is a 'fat positive' and 'lover of all bodies'. Twit would only get reinforcement of her obesity from the looks of it. An example from the doctor's IG.
  13. I'm thinking that Covid might do her in as far as not being able to do the big trip thing. That usually was the centre attraction of the season. Also, any side activity they did (rock climbing, kayaking etc.) would be severely limited because venues are restricting numbers of people at one time. Airing this season early in the fall rather than January makes me think they have zero content other than the 'breakup'. In normal years they would have been full tilt filming at this point and there would be the big TADA series premier in January. Let's hope she just faaaaaaaaades awaaaaaaay.
  14. Twit has a Q & A on her Insta. Several times she is asked questions about the 'reality' of the show. She doesn't answer. Also, she hints that the Chase/baby/broken engagement will be part of the plot next season.
  15. This sure would be the perfect time for Twit to learn to cook! Lots of time on her hands...oh wait. She always has plenty of time on her hands. And cupcakes? I thought she didn't like cake?
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