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  1. would the staff have been allowed to have all those parties at the nurses station and break room with loud music?
  2. Robin was a bratty before her parents left like 91-92
  3. Go watch clips of robin in the early 90s. She was not a saint as a teen. This emma had more personality imo
  4. I am on hulu and er won't load. I can get every show to play except er. Wtf
  5. was there an episode where mark got agressive with a violent patient and inflicted pain on him?
  6. they should've had langston emancipated instead of going through all that with her uncle
  7. is austin really into maxie? does he know about louise
  8. how tall is spinelli? he's an average looking guy but very popular and was put with maxie. i thought spencer would be similar to him when he got older TBH, smart and nerdy but more cassadine ish.
  9. yeah i think it was more him still looking like a teenager than the other kids but i could be wrong.
  10. His bio says he's 5' 8" https://www.imdb.com/name/nm5699931/ and i thought it was more of him looking young than his overall height but maybe i'm wrong.
  11. well if she's an adult she wouldn't really need them much. And my point was NB might change in looks as he ages.
  12. i wonder if emma will be SORASED. I Can't imagine them not wanting to explore her character at some point.
  13. does anyone think think they'll bring back nicolas bechel when he's older? he won't look like a teen forever
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