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  1. Forgot to talk about (Dawn?) and Cher. If my mother.. EVER wanted to dress like me when I was in my late 20s early 30s - I would kill her (edited to add: My mother was SOOOOO jealous of me - she left my dad and wanted the SINGLE LIFE.) When I tried to reach out to her she was ALL OVER my boyfriends. Wonder why I don't have anything to do with her now. Sad, but true. The grass isn't always greener... MOM. cheater.
  2. Laura Leigh is kind of in a no-win situation, Lauren ALWAYS either sides with Lisa or rolls her eyes when Laura Leigh says something. I know.. This is a sick show and it is so out of my imagination that these women could be like this. But I love Laura Leigh. She always gets the short end of the stick - But - she seems to be trying to set boundaries (she even said it) when Lisa said that Lauren was coming to "her" house. Laura Leigh said NO.. however, I saw that the bitch Lisa had the carseat and had to come pick them up from the hospital. We shall see. My head would be blown off if I was Laura Leigh (but really, what can she do right now - are they married?). I watch this when i can. Onto Shay. Look, to each his/their own. I don't know if i'm the only one but I feel like Shay's mother is right. Shay seems to give no shits about anyone else. Her mother is dealing with alot. UGH. I don't like Shay. And Sunhe: FUCCCCCKK THE HELLLL OFFF and get the HELLL OUT! I have a feeling that spineless-jellyfish Angelica IS going to leave. I say to (I forget his name - Jason?). Go for custody. Those 2 women are certifiable. (Boy, their baby got so big since the last time I watched them). The 2 fat nauseating bleached blonde duo: JUST SICK. The sister needs to move far, far, away. And posing those children like JonBenet??? Just disgusting. Lord help the guy that goes for either one of these 2. Angelica has no backbone; she doesn't have any ideas and is afraid to go against the BITCH (Sunhe). I hope Jason grows some (if they leave) and goes for custody of the little girl. Those 2 are mental cases. Oh and I completely agree with everything about LL and Lauren (sick, sick sick, relationship between Lauren and Lisa - aren't they all) and now I wonder - didn't LL know about their sick relationship before? UGH. I hate these people - (not LL).
  3. Debbie is so NEEDY. She needs to shut herself OFF. Making us (me) sick watching her with a guy. She's a mess. Definitely developmental issues. He has no awareness. He is an ass. This woman has taken advantage of him - AGAIN. He is another ass (just like Debbie). No self-awareness.
  4. I don't know if i'm in the right forum. I think Caeser is missing brain cells. What an ass. Does he KNOW he's embarrasing himself in front of the world? Again, what an ass.
  5. This Pillow Talk is kind of funny. Robert is hysterical. And just so ya know.. I wouldn't do ED for a million dollars. What a friggin creep.
  6. I'm taking picture of my feet as we speak... I need the money..lol
  7. He might be your LOVE CONNECTION. just sayin. Sorry..lol. I don't remember being 'on the rag'.. it's been so long.. but i'm thinking it's every 28-30 days? Just wondering. Not that I miss it.. but am i right? (When i had a hysterectomy - big fibroids) it was the BEST thing that ever happened to me. Another thing I didn't have to worry about. And it was a big worry EVERY MONTH.
  8. Here's how my brain works. I don't pay for heat. Yet I use my space heater (not using the heat.. I don't pay for heat) because my living room is cold (not my bedroom). Light dawns on Marble Head: I'm paying for electricity. Oh, and my electric bill DOUBLED in September (because it was so hot I decided to use AC at night). It sucks.
  9. Wrap up in a blanket (if it's cold). I thought the heat in the summer was bad; 2 days ago it was in the 50s and i was freezing. I WILL NOT turn on the heat.
  10. She acts like a teenager. I think she's stunted in her teens. It makes me sick. (as an adult woman)
  11. I watch this EVERY SINGLE SUNDAY.. there is something wrong with me.. these people are NOT people i meet in everyday life. I LAUGH!! but who the hell would go for ED (my question every week). Liz is a golddigger obviously. Really. Who wants to touch him, KISS HIM (yuk) or wake up with him - KILL ME NOW! LOL
  12. LOW is such a high bar for these idiots.
  13. Kind of makes you sick, doesn't it??
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