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Posts posted by SadieT

  1. 1 hour ago, Perfect Xero said:

    So we've got Bashful the Horse, Pepe the corpse sniffing dog, Tippi the bird, and ... Pigtunia, sounds like all the pieces are in place for a spinoff, PLL: Pets.

     I would 100% watch a crime procedural series staring Bashful, the horse detective, and Pepe, the corpse sniffing dog, where they trot around Rosewood solving all of the town's open murder cases. 

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  2. I still have so many Twincer questions. 

    So Twincer helped Hanna escape when she was kidnapped? Why? Wasn’t she the one who took her? 

    What was Twincer’s motive for impregnating Ali with Emily’s eggs fertilized by Wren’s sperm? Just to fuck with them? 

    Why did Twincer go so easy on Mona after finding out she killed Charlotte? The whole point of the game was to find out who killed her beloved sister and then when she does find out, she just kind of lets it slide and then invites the killer to be on her team? But yet when she thought Hanna and Alison were guilty she was ready to torture them? 

    Also I just remembered Alison’s class was reading Ezra’s book in the episode. I wonder how she introduced that lesson plan: “So class, this week we’re going to read a book by one of Rosewood High's former teachers, who was obsessed with me when I was 15, and who statutory raped one of my best friends after he stalked her and our other friends for a year.” 

    • Love 21
  3. Ok I finally stopped laughing long enough to compose a few thoughts. 

    I wanted actual Spencer to be A.D., not knock off British Spencer. Seriously, I love Troian, but that accent was horrible. And really, another secret relative? This time a secret evil twin? Could these writers be any less imaginative. 

    Pains me to say it but I kind of agreed with Caleb re: Mona. I mean I’m glad she ultimately “won” the game, but girl is straight up crazy and there’s clearly no helping her so all Hanna did by sponsoring her was give her an opportunity to escape and get suckered back into the game that’s ruled her life for so long. 

    Byron giving his daughter’s statuary rapist his blessing before their marriage. How sweet! 

    I guess Charlotte and Alex use the same underground bunker guy. 

    Are Ali and Emily ever going to find out who fathered their children?  

    And all the ships lived happily ever after. How shocking! 

    Somewhere in the world, Jason DiLaurentis is picking up the phone, finding out he has yet another sister and screaming into the night. 

    Fully expected the last scene to be Addison going missing but I don’t think they did it to set up a spin-off, I think it was just done as a nod to the original story and to show the mystery lives on in Rosewood. 

    Not sure what we were supposed to make of that opening scene with the girls having coffee outside. 

    • Love 21
  4. 22 minutes ago, Artsda said:

    Because of this show was based on how horrible Ali was to them. 

    It was more about all the various people who stalk and torture the girls, Ali was just the catalyst for everything. 

    And remember this is a wedding between a statutory rapist and his victim so Ali's involvement is really a non-issue in comparison. But like it or not, the girls forgave her and she's a part of the group now. 

  5. 19 minutes ago, marinaalexis said:

    That doesn't explain why the baby looks absolutely nothing like Emily, why she's way older than their baby logically would be at that point, and why she doesn't appear to be present in any of the other pictures from that same scene, or from the episode in general. That's my problem with there being an Emison baby in this episode - where is she? There have been so many pictures/clips released of Emily and Alison running around with the other girls...where is their baby during all of this?

    With grandma Pam.

    Seriously though, who else would the baby belong to? 

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  6. I feel like this particular wedding is not going to happen judging by the liars looks of distress in a couple of the pics, and then later on in the episode when AD is truly gone, Aria and Ezra will try the whole thing again and get married for good. Because this show would make us suffer through two Ezria weddings. 

    • Love 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, marinaalexis said:

    Those pictures are making me dread the finale even more than I was before - I didn't think that was possible, but here we are. I'm so over this whole lovey-dovey friendship crap between these girls who genuinely don't even seem to like each other anymore, it seems so false. Aria's dress is awful, and so are the others. Hanna looks like she has a potato sack on, and Alison's isn't even the same color. Is she even supposed to be a bridesmaid? 

    Oh, and - 

    That's not really supposed to be the Emison baby, is it? She's adorable, but there's no way she could be blonde. And that if Alison's at most two months pregnant at this point, a year from now that baby would be no older than about four or five months old. The child in that picture is way, way older than that.

    The dresses are all the same color or they're supposed to be. It's just the lighting I think. 

    The sperm donor could be blonde and fair skinned (possibly Jason or Charlotte pre-transition) and that could account for the baby's coloring or it's just bad casting. Also what other baby would be at Ezria's wedding and why would Spencer be holding it? There's been some talk about Ali and Emily possibly having twins so maybe the other baby has darker hair and skin. 

    Also looks like Emily has an engagement ring on. 

  8. 1 minute ago, Chinspinner said:

    I am no fashion expert, but they all look pretty awful with the exception of Spencer, even Caleb with the tux/ black shirt combo. 

    I don't think the bridesmaid dresses are that bad, but Aria's dress is kind of tragic. But then again so is her relationship with Ezra so it's fitting. 

    • Love 3
  9. 14 hours ago, dwmckim said:

    For those wishing for JAson, it's interesting to note that Marlene is saying he's not in the final episode despite the fact Drew Van Acker was photographed on set around filming of 7x19.  (Maybe Craft Services is just THAT good that he had to get in his last crack at it?)


    I feel like there's something odd going on with Jason/Drew. Marlene has said a couple of times now that they weren't able to get Drew for the season/finale and that Jason won't be involved, but we know Drew was on set around the time they filmed episode 7x18/7x19 but didn't appear in either episode. Not only did Drew himself post a goodbye from set pic that featured broken down sets so it had to be during the end of filming (he later deleted the pic) but Lucy mentioned a couple of times that Drew spoiled who AD was to her so he was obviously on set and around the actors and for some reason made aware of the final reveal. 

    Marlene also tweeted at some point during filming that they had to do some rewriting because someone couldn't honor a commitment to them and she was not happy about it. I always wondered if that was Drew and maybe they had to throw out whatever he filmed for the earlier episode because he couldn't appear in the finale and are now acting like he was never there? 

    ETA: I've read some people believe his contract with Training Day on CBS might not have allowed them to legally use him or whatever they may have shot with him prior to the finale but the way they're pretending he was never there is still kind of odd. 

    • Love 2
  10. 3 minutes ago, Chinspinner said:

    Yeah, it needs to be a central character. Things that will annoy me: -

    1. If it just turns out to be some orbital red herring character, like Lucas. 
    2. Any twin story-line. I was told to stop writing about twins at the same time I was told never to open a piece with a dream sequence; PLL uses both copiously. Twins are a deus ex machina and a contrivance.
    3. There are too many plotholes for anything to make sense at this stage; but if they go for something utterly ludicrous; kinda throwing the remote control at the TV ridiculous. 

    I agree that it needs to be one (or more) people who are very central to the show. My preferences would be Emily or Hanna's mother (just for the amusement factor). 

    Melissa is my main suspect but even though she's close to one of the liars and it would be a big betrayal for Spencer, I still think she'll be an underwhelming final reveal because she's barely around. I want it to be someone who's been in most, if not all, of the episodes and who I'm actually invested in as a viewer, like say Spencer but actual Spencer, not Twincer. 

    Ugh the amount of crucial moments on this show that revolve around secret relatives and masks is so ridiculous but I have a feeling both might come into play in the finale. Marlene actually confirmed that we'll see a mask or two in the finale so get ready for some true Scooby Doo nonsense when AD is revealed to be Twincer only for Melissa to rip off her sister's face later in the episode and maniacally laugh at how it's been her all the time.... and she would have gotten away with it too, if she hadn't gotten tired of watching the liars get absolutely no closer to figuring her out and decided to out herself out of boredom. 

    • Love 3
  11. 26 minutes ago, Chinspinner said:

    When I read this blog, all I thought is that Emily could equally have been behind many of these "clues". I have (as posted here before) always felt that Emily could be the big reveal; she is just too nice, too dumb and too innocent. Her break up with Paige and reunion with Ali does not ring true- maybe it isn't. This theory is only tempered by the fact that after the CeCe transgender debacle, the writer's would have a hard job making another minority character A; but then again, the writers on this show maybe entirely blind to the resulting furore.   

    Emily being AD would be pretty interesting and truly shocking. I feel the ideal outcome would be that one of the liars or someone very close to them (the boyfriends) is AD because I think that’s the only way the big reveal is going to pack any emotional punch. Because who cares if it’s some random character we hardly ever see? Or a secret relative we never met? In order for the reveal to be truly shocking or to feel like a real betrayal it has to be someone the audience cares about, but are the writers brave enough to actually go there? Nope so it’s most likely someone’s secret evil twin in a mask and the whole show has been taking place inside one of Jenna’s snow globes as she sits playing the flute at the Blind School or something equally ridiculous. 

    And I’m not opposed to Alison being AD, I just don’t think anything we’ve seen this season supports that and the "proof" relies a lot on personal preference or interpretation (although I guess that's true for most theories). But as I’ve said in the past, I actually think it would be hilarious if Alison turns out to be AD and at the end she’s just like, “of course it’s me you morons, I've literally been signing all my messages with my own initials,” and then she rips off a mask of her face to reveal her actual face, changes out of her old lady clothes, slips on a red coat, and hops into a small plane waiting nearby and flies off while laughing at how stupid the liars are.

    • Love 7
  12. 9 hours ago, AftermathTV said:


    I want so badly for all the instances pointed out here to be an intentional lead-up.

    #NotMyLiar #PleaseGetKilledOff 

    Most of these things are pretty iffy to begin with but a main part of this theory seems to hinge on the idea that Alison is either faking the pregnancy or lying about the baby coming from Emily's eggs but we know that's not the case because 1) we saw the flashback of Alison being impregnated in Welby, 2) Emily did indeed accompany Alison to the doctors to get the baby's DNA tested even though we don't see it and 3) we saw Alison's emotional reaction to learning the baby is Emily's and not hers when she was alone in the baby clothing store. It's not like her reaction was for anyone else's benefit but the audience's because no one was there to see it, so her response to the triggered memory of being impregnated and the donor necklace revealing Emily's name has to be real. 

    Also why is it suspicious that Alison set up a romantic night in the woods for her and Emily when a crazed killer is after them, but not suspicious that Caleb did the same exact thing for Hanna the episode before? Maybe Caleb's AD.  Unless you think a tent made of nylon and zippers is enough to keep Haleb safe during their nighttime romp outdoors. 

    • Love 1
  13. 15 hours ago, mac123x said:

    If they'd left it alone after the flashback, I would have been satisfied that it was just a character moment showing Ali's vulnerability.  My problem was that they referenced it again when Spencer danced with Delusion!Ali at Radley.  That set the audience up for expecting that it was relevant. 

    Ooh that's right they did bring it up again during the Spalison dance scene, which is one of my favorite scenes in the show so don't know how I forgot that. Obviously it was meant to mean something and the writers probably just forgot to return to it or couldn't figure out how to work it into the last minute Charlotte reveal and just dropped it. 

  14. Surprise, surprise, the writers made the flash forward a dream because they never had a plan for it to begin with. 



    “I’ll be super honest with you — that was one of those things we didn’t have a well thought-out plan for,” King tells TVLine. “We did know that we wanted to leave that 6A finale giving the fans a sense of urgency and a little bit of a jumpstart into the time jump. And we really struggled, because we didn’t know what that was at the time. We really struggled as a writers room to fit it into the post-time jump world. Ultimately, in an homage to the horror aspect of Pretty Little Liars, we decided that we could just have fun with it as a dream sequence.”

    King credits executive producer Joseph Dougherty, who wrote the penultimate episode, with the idea of presenting it as a dream.

    “I thought it was a great homage to how much Emily cares about Alison,” she explains. “Attacking it from an emotional standpoint, instead of from a plot or mystery standpoint, was what made it work and what made it rewarding for fans.”



    I like how Marlene admits that they often don't have a well thought-out plan for things because it definitely shows. 

    • Love 5
  15. 15 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    Honestly, this just makes my blood boil. They just threw that in there without having an explanation or answer?! As for her "answer" that it was one of Cece's college friends, that's not enough of an explanation. So some college kid backhanded Ali? WTF?

    My guess is they included the scene to show that Ali was vulnerable and at times victimized herself and not always in control like she pretended to be, but they still could have accomplished that by providing a real answer as to who it was that gave her the damn bloody lip. Even if the who wasn't someone we knew or someone necessarily important. Did Ali sneak off to see some older guy and he got violent with her? Why not just fucking say that's what happened? Have Spencer ask her about it or have Ali share it with Emily at some point. Anything that provides viewers with an actual answer. Because it was a mystery for so long and  we shouldn't have to get answers years later in a facebook live interview. It's so annoying that they leave these things unanswered and fans obsess over them trying to tie it to the mystery, thinking they actually mean something, when in actuality they mean nothing and the writers have no plan to tie it to the plot or ever even explain it. 

    • Love 5
  16. We got another “answer” from Marlene during a recent interview. So who gave Ali the bloody lip we see in Veronica Hastings flashback from episode 3x23? According to Marlene, the writers room never had a specific person in mind (shocking) but it was supposedly one of the “older people” Ali was hanging around with at the time, i.e. CeCe’s older college aged friends. 

    Link for anyone who's interested.

  17. 32 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    True. I agree that she needs some serious help because she can be a danger to others. I just think that I prefer her attitude of owning her behaviour to the Liars pretending that they're so much better than people like Mona and AD, when they're just as much dangers to society as Mona. They killed people and covered up each of those murders, don't forget. Mona's killed two people but both times were accidents, just in a slightly different manner. 

    But yeah, it's hard because I can acknowledge Mona's wrongdoings but still want her getting a happily ever after ending because I still love her over the Liars. If she deserves to be in a mental institution (which she really does), then the Liars deserve to be in jail. Unfortunately, the Liars sticking in jail for all the crimes they committed is never going to happen. They're going to get away with so many crimes. I mean, would A/Mona, Uber A/Cece or A.D/currently unknown be able to manipulate the girls as much as they have done if they WERE innocent and didn't have as many secrets? If they went to the police or went to an adult at any point to tell them about what was going on at any point during the series and the multiple A's, then they wouldn't have as many problems as they do. Instead, they half ass with trying, taking their time in going to tell someone with the evidence and when A intervenes, they say "Oh no! I guess we're screwed!" and they give up.

    Mona doesn't always own her bad behavior though. She encouraged Ali to run and play dead and then let everyone grieve her as if she were really dead. Killing Bethany was an accident only in that she accidentally killed the wrong blonde girl and didn't tell anyone for years. She was trying to kill Alison...intentionally. Killing Charlotte may have been an accident but her rage that led to the accident was real. She also let Hanna stay kidnapped and be tortured when she could have put a stop to it by fessing up but instead she let someone else take the fall. She also could have stopped the liars from playing the game and suffering all the consequences (like forced unwanted pregnancies) had she been honest  

    I mean I get it, I fall into the pity trap when it comes to Mona too and I love watching her outsmart the liars and just be all around better than everyone, but it's just interesting that for most of the fandom some characters are completely irredeemable for their transgressions but someone like Mona who was literally A and murdered a few people gets a pass. 

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