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Posts posted by SadieT

  1. 6 hours ago, Black Knight said:

    So I refused to watch this show when it was on because I knew Emison would have to be broken up for it and also because after 7 years of Marlene's PLL insanity I knew better than to sign on for more.

    But then yesterday I was lying on my bed watching something else on Hulu, and it ended and Perfectionists started auto-playing (sigh, Hulu knows me) and I couldn't get up from the bed because the cat was on my lap at the time. So I picked up a book instead and swore to myself that I would ignore the computer. Of course that didn't work and I was sucked in by Mona and Ali and Marlene's usual crazy, and now I want to watch the rest of the show. But I know it was cancelled, so my question is: Was there enough resolution (did they know they weren't being renewed?) or did it simply end with everything unresolved and giant cliffhangers?

    There's no resolution. It didn't seem like they expected to be cancelled at all. The main mystery remains unsolved and it looks like the writers intentionally left a lot of threads undone, probably thinking they'd have time to fix things. Marlene has claimed she'll eventually do a podcast to tie up loose ends but it's been a while since she's said that and nothing has come of it. I still enjoyed the season but I do wish we got some answers. 

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  2. Did not see that ending coming. 

    Was trying to see if Madison had a ring on her finger in the flash forward but I couldn’t spot one and it seemed like the camera was intentionally not focusing on her left hand. I’m actually kind of bummed she and Kevin didn’t get married, I like them together, but it was the right call. 

    • Love 13
  3. 2 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

    If my child were in peril and I was in Miller’s place, I would have told Voight to do what he does best. Eff the rules! I thought it was a good, exciting episode.

    Same. If that were my child, I'm breaking every rule imaginable. I'm making up new rules to break if need be. I wouldn't care how big a hypocrite it made me. 

    • Love 8
  4. On 5/2/2021 at 8:58 AM, kiddo82 said:

    Welp.  My other UO, which might not actually be a real UO but I know around here it is, is that I adore Abby.  J'dore.  I'm well aware of all the reasons some people think she sucks but I don't care.  In the hands of lesser actress I might feel differently but Maura Tierney is the bees knees.  Like the other characters, I have no problems calling it like I see it when I disagree with her, but it doesn't preclude me from enjoying the character over all.

    Me too! Abby was one of my favorite characters and big reason why I watched the show. I think a lot of that has to do with Maura Tierney's own likability and talent. She's a great actress and people find her relatable. Same with Sam, the character was kind of a mess but Linda Cardellini is usually pretty good and likable in whatever role she's in. I think the writers knew what they had with the actresses and just decided to dump an unending amount of drama onto them because the actors could handle it and people tended to enjoy watching them. 

    • Love 3
  5. 1 hour ago, Jeddah said:

    One of my pet peeves is seeing unsafe sleep for babies in movies/tv shows. Get those bumpers and extra blankets out of the cribs! And what happened to the Snoos that were such a big deal last week?

    Came here specifically to complain about the lack of Snoos when they were the all important catalyst to the big fight last episode. And I didn’t even know they still sold crib bumpers since no one uses them anymore. 

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  6. When I was a kid I totally pictured living on a compound with my parents and my siblings and our spouses and children when we grew up. This is the second time I felt like I could really relate to Kevin and that scares me a little lol. It didn't work out like that obviously but we're still close. It made me sad to see Toby drawing a line between his family and Kevin's family. I get that each household is its own little family unit (although apparently not when it comes to covid) but I still consider my siblings my family and I would love if my kids one day had cousins their own age they could grow up with. Why wouldn't you want that experience for your children if its possible? Toby acted like cousins going on vacations together was some far-fetched thing when it's really quite common. 

    The snoo conversation cracked me up. I'm currently pregnant with our first child and put a very reasonably priced bassinet on my registry as family has been asking for "a list" to choose gifts from. My sister completely disregarded said registry and sent us a snoo that just arrived yesterday. The idea of having such an expensive baby item, especially one that the baby only needs for a few months, makes me very nervous. I hate being wasteful and could never justify such a high expense on my own but my sister is very excited for us and it's something she really wanted to do.  She called about 5 times to see if her "mystery gift" arrived. It's not something I would buy personally but I happily accepted it because I know she bought it out of a place of love and joy. I get Toby's feeling down about losing his job but sometimes people just want to give you a nice gift. Choosing to look at receiving a nice gift from a loved one as an insult must be exhausting and just shows you're insecure., which Toby obviously is at the moment but it's a baby gift, he didn't have to lash out and insult Kevin and Madison for having more than him.  

    I'm actually kind of interested in seeing how Beth's mom changes the dynamic in their household. I feel like things with Randall and Beth have been kind of stale so their side of things could use a shake up. Would like if they'd interact more with the rest of the Pearsons as well but I guess it makes sense they don't since they're on the opposite side of the country. 

    • Love 23
  7. 18 minutes ago, cameron said:

    Totally agree about the lack of masks on this show and Chicago FD.

    A few of the characters were wearing neck gaiters but we very rarely if ever saw them pull them up. Of the handful of shows I’ve seen recently that filmed during the pandemic and are now airing episodes set in present time, PD was the most lax about incorporating masks and considering the premise of the show is cops interacting with the public, you’d think they’d be better about it. But then again I’ve seen plenty of real cops not wearing masks as well. 

    • Love 3
  8. 6 hours ago, UnoAgain said:

    Why isn't the show letting Kim be a friend to Kevin... Its weird how distant they are.... 

    Adam is Kevin's friend now and apparently he only needs the one. Seems they dropped the close bond Kim and Kevin shared in earlier seasons in favor of Kevin and Adam's partnership. 

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  9. Was worried the fishing grandpa/granddaughter duo was going to turn into another pointless horse girl tale and got irrationally angry at first. But then I actually ended up liking their scenes together and the “twist” at the end with Randall’s birth mom certainly made it interesting. 

    When the episode opened with young Kevin being weighed on a scale at the doctor’s office my mind immediately went to Madison and the fact that she has an eating disorder and is pregnant with twins. I wondered if they would eventually touch on that and then they did, so I was pleased to see they didn’t just forget that we were first introduced to the character at an ED support group. I’m actually enjoying watching Kevin and Madison learn about each other and really want to see if they’ll work out. 

    When Toby said it seemed like the mother had combed through their social media to figure out their interests I couldn’t decide if that was meant to be super obvious foreshadowing, or if it was an intentional misdirect to make us think the pregnant lady is shady when she’s really not. Either way, Toby and Kate better be careful. 

    Also the diaper fight felt more like a skit they had prepared for the birth mom's benefit to show how quickly they resolve conflict than an actual argument. 

    At first I thought it was cute that Randall was so oblivious to a girl liking him and just didn’t seem interested in girls at all… then that girl said what she said and my heart sank for him. This show can be insanely overwrought at times but that scene was so subtle yet so effective in illustrating the prejudices Randall must have faced every day living as a young black man in a predominately white neighborhood. Fetishizing POC for their “exotic” features is so prevalent but rarely talked about. 

    I don’t think I would have been as angry as Beth was about the video but I definitely think Tess needed to be punished, more so for her shitty attitude than for the video itself. But kids need to learn there’s consequences for their actions and they can’t just do whatever their feelings tell them to. The "did she call you a fascist?" line made me chuckle because I swear kids think any adult who tries to impose rules is a fascist. I hear that word thrown around so much by my younger cousins and nieces that its beginning to lose all meaning. 

    • Love 20
  10. 7 hours ago, readster said:

    Dramas are notorious for that kind of stuff. I mean when Abby was kidnapped by the gang member. I mean we were told a month had passed and she was just coming back to work. Yet, no follow up or how everyone was: "Shit, we were really stupid and selfish people to think that Abby was just throwing a hissy fit." Never mind the fact that if some doctor or nurse ever did that, their ass be fired or put on suspension. 

    Yeah, for sure tv shows tend to drop the ball after the initial big dramatic event, but I actually feel like there was at least minimal follow up with Abby's kidnapping (ridiculous that more than 1 character on this show has been kidnapped). She's shown to have taken some time off, have had trouble sleeping, be jumpy and irritable, a handful of characters comment on what she went through and her being gone, she's shown reacting to a man shouting in the hospital and struggling a bit to get back to work. It's only for one episode so it's not like we saw her continued process of dealing with her trauma, but Sam got even less than one episode of follow up. It wasn't even made clear that she took any time off because the week time skip shows her standing around the admit desk acting completely normal, no one welcomes her back or asks her how she's doing (other than Luka who we know wasn't working) so it almost seems like she might have been at work earlier in the week. We don't see her struggling to get back to "normal", she just is all of a sudden. I know the show was infamous for it's catastrophic storylines with little follow through after the fact, but I feel like Sam's situation was particularly glaring. Maybe because I've always had an issue with shows having female characters get raped for drama or as a ratings stunt and then forgetting about it. 

    Plus I feel like the show missed multiple opportunities to explore the realities of PTSD. There's at least half a dozen characters who experienced horrifyingly traumatic things, either in the ER itself or a way from it, and somehow we never got an in depth look at how post-traumatic stress effects people, which would have been fitting for a medical drama. 

    • Love 2
  11. On 3/3/2019 at 4:59 PM, Camille said:

    The show never seemed to handle that very well. Aside from the concern for Mark after his attack, no one was ever worried about Carol/Carter/Abby/Sam after similarly traumatic experiences.

    Going through the thread as I rewatch so apologies for resurrecting an old conversation but I just re-watched season 13 and I was shocked at how little attention was paid to Sam's horrific ordeal at the hands of Steve in Bloodline. She gets kidnapped, raped, and is driven to kill her abusive ex as her son sleeps 30 feet away...and then the following episode jumps a week ahead and she's back in the hospital like nothing happened. She gets a hug from Weaver when she first discloses the rape and I think Luka asks her how she's doing at one point, but then it's not brought up again until like a season or two later when she shares her experience with a rape victim in an attempt to comfort the patient and gets chastised by Wexler for getting too personal. The idea that someone would be able to bounce back from something so traumatic in a week's time and then proceed to carry on like nothing happened is baffling. I know there was ton of personal trauma spread around that ER but I feel like Sam's experience was one of the most egregious cases of lack of follow through. What was the point of putting her through that? More attention was paid to how it affected her annoying kid. 

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  12. On 7/14/2020 at 4:08 AM, Hiyo said:

    Unpopular opinion (for this site, it seems): I liked Abby, I liked Luka, and I liked them together.

    lol same. I started watching around Abby's first season so I always felt a connection to the character. Also she always had a lot going on so she was interesting to me. 

    Luka had his moments, I wasn't as attached to the character himself but I thought he and Abby were a good fit. They both had pretty heavy lives and needed a partner who understood that. 

    • Love 2
  13. This show should have definitely ended after season 1. Season 2, 3 and 4 just got progressively worse. This final season was an utter shit show and difficult to get through. And killing Justin just felt like a cheap way to make viewers emotional over the ending of a series that hadn't been good in years. 

    • Love 11
  14. 8 hours ago, talktoomuch said:


    This^^^. I knew I was sucked into their relationship when I was worried about what would happen when Jen finally told Judy the truth about killing Steve. I mean I was legit scared they were going to break up. All emotional and whatnot.

    I've felt that way since the end of the pilot when it was revealed Judy was driving the car, that's how strong their connection comes across to me. It was almost instantaneous how invested I felt in these two characters as friends. I was worried Judy's secret would ruin their relationship and couldn't really see how two people could come back from that... but somehow they did and did so in a way that felt believable despite the extreme circumstances and I think that's largely due to chemistry.

    But this season, even after we find out that Jen is lying to Judy about killing Steve in self-defense, I never felt their friendship was at risk because of it, at least not on Judy's end. Even with Jen still angrily pushing her away in the first couple of episodes of the season, it's obvious Judy just wants to remain in Jen's life pretty much at any cost. And sadly, it's in Judy's nature to accept being mistreated and blame herself, so I never expected her to walk away from Jen even after finding out she lied to her and murdered her ex-fiance. Judy was still telling Jen it was ok after learning the truth and blaming herself up until Jen lashed out at her for loving anyone who shows her attention... it's only then after Jen continues to push her buttons does Judy crack and finally say it's not okay.   

    3 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    Season two might not have been quite as electric as season one, but I still really liked it, the friendship between Judy and Jen is just so fascinating and they just really sell how these two women who so outwardly different (and who killed their respective partners!) can be so close. They have such great chemistry, Christina Applegate and Linda Cardellini just play off each other so well, I especially loved a lot of their parenting team ups this season with Judy playing good cop to Jens bad cop. Even without all the murders and cover ups, I would totally just watch Judy and Jen hanging out by the pool drinking wine. 

    I generally liked most of the supporting characters this season as well, even if most of them were pretty broadly drawn. I liked Judys new girlfriend a lot, and neighbor Karen and her next door saga was good comic relief, even of her schick did run thin sometimes. I actually thought that Charlie showed growth this season, and while he can still be a dumb teenage boy with no impulse control, he did seem to realize how much his mom loved him and how hard she worked for them. Just please, stop rummaging in stuff! Well, them maybe Jen should also stop killing people...

    I love they always seemed to contradicting each other at first with the boys but would quickly get on the same page. The simultaneous "you're not in trouble"/"you're in so much fucking trouble scene" with Charlie cracked me up. As did the scene in the first episode where Henry asks why the pool cover is on and Jen says a dog died and Judy quickly adds that it was an old dog that probably killed itself. 

    I also read that one their little "eat my fucking butthole, Judy" / "I would but I'm seeing someone now" exchange from this season was completely improvised, which just goes to show how in sync they are with each other and their characters. 

    Overall, I thought Charle was less annoying this season and he had some nice moments where he seemed to realize his mother loves him and is trying her best. But yes, the snooping needs to stop. Assuming he goes ahead and reads the letter he found under Judy's bed, he's going to get all angsty and annoying again when he learns that Judy was involved in his father's death and I'm not really looking forward to the fallout from that. 

    • Love 9
  15. 7 hours ago, SG11 said:

    Not only is Atwater underused, Ruzek is playing the same supporting knit cap wearing nothing role every week with the occasional nothing spot on Fire. And Burgess, the Senior female agent with accomplishments greater than anyone on the squad, is basically used to stick perp pics on the whiteboard now.

    Yeah why does it seem like Burgess is till the low man on the totem pole when it comes to assignments? She always seems to be the one hanging back doing office grunt work. I suppose I could see why Upton might be given the lead on some cases since she's a detective and for whatever reason they haven't had Burgess or Atwater take the test or get promoted yet, but Rojas is a total newbie and she's always out in the field. 

    • Love 1
  16. 3 hours ago, leftlane said:

    WTF does her weight have to do with her providing a loving home for a child. Get out of here with that fatphobic nonsense.

    Unfortunately lots of countries restrict international adoption by BMI and possibly some private agencies too. It's also very unlikely that any doctor would have went through with Kate's fertility treatment. I know they discussed it being a risk on the show but the doctor was ultimately swayed. In reality many fertility clinics have strict BMI guidelines and if you're over it, they won't even consider you a candidate (it's usually in the 30-40 range). I have a good friend who is overweight and struggling to conceive because her husband is infertile. She's healthy and has no reproductive issues but so far she hasn't found a clinic that will perform IVF on her and I'd say she weighs about 100 pounds less than Kate but is still considerably overweight. I know she's also looked into adoption and all the info she's come across has said it's unlikely she'd be chosen at her size. It's a shame because she and her husband would make wonderful parents.  

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  17. Future Kevin is hot, like hotter than present day Kevin. 

    Hope this is the last we'll see of Marc since he's such a piece of trash but rarely do abusively relationships end so cleanly so I wouldn't be surprised if it takes Kate a while to leave him.

    I was glad Madison decided to come clean to Kate. She doesn't seem the type to be particularly good at keeping secrets and this why we're spared a future tantrum from Kate about both her best friend and brother lying to her. I just hope we get to see Kate be an actual friend to Madison at some point.. maybe during the pregnancy (if Madison isn't a red herring and is in fact the baby mama). Do we know if Kevin and Baby Mama are still together in the future or just that there's a kid? 

    I feel for Randall for having to keep his mother's secret and I'm glad Kevin isn't holding it against him because it really wasn't his place to share that information until Rebecca was ready, but now I'm really curious as to what could have caused the rift between the brothers. Maybe Randall tells Kevin he's not ready to be father? 

    Nice to see Kate acknowledge that she's been kind of a jerk to her mother all these years. It's not uncommon for women to get closer to their mothers once they become mothers themselves so for Kate to realize that she'll be slowly losing her mother just as she finally got to a good place with her was really heartbreaking. 

    I feel like this season as a whole has been really about Rebecca as a mother, whereas the past few seasons were centered around Jack the superhero dad. It's nice to see Rebecca get her due. Randall got his time with his mom, being the one to realize something was off and take her to the doctor, and we saw in Kate's episode last week that even as a child and an obvious Daddy's girl, she still wanted her mother, plus we got some nice scenes between them in present day together at the pool and all that. I hope we get some Kevin/Rebecca bonding next. 


    • Love 23
  18. 20 hours ago, NJRadioGuy said:

    Now with that said, after watching that climatic scene, Marina Squerciati can act, and act (bathtub) rings around Wooden Barbie. That was intense, painful to watch and must have been a bear for her to film. I can't say I enjoyed it, but I guess I could say I appreciated what went into it. 

    I've always thought Marina can be a little over-the-top in her acting at times, but this was probably her best work. She was solid the whole episode and that fight scene was absolutely brutal and she handled it and the aftermath well. 

    The fallout will no doubt be predictable... guilt, rage, isolation, recklessness, etc.. Here's to hoping the writers don't hit every tired grief cliche. 

    • Love 8
  19. Toddler Kevin is adorable. 

    Jack giving 3(?) year old Kevin a big Jack Pearson speech about his stuffed animals was a little ridiculous to me but I guess he can’t help himself. 

    I’m glad Kevin’s baby mama isn’t Sophie. Tonight’s episode gave some nice insight and closure to their relationship but I think it would have been unfair for Kevin to disrupt her life yet again just because he decided he was finally ready to settle down. There’s too much history there and it’s not all good so I think they made the best decision leaving it in the past, hopefully. 

    Last week I said I hoped it was Madison in Kevin’s bed but that they’d probably be a train wreck together….still I was pretty happy to see her open Kate’s door. Madison has been a loyal friend to Kate who has stuck by her even though Kate doesn’t always deserve it, so Kevin pointing out that she’s not the one who gets left but rather the one who’s willing to stay actually makes sense with the little bit we know about her character so far.  And Kevin seems to need someone in his corner and I think Madison can be that person for him so I’m kind of excited to see their relationship play out… if this is indeed for real and not a fake out. 

    Madison has also been kind of a fan favorite so I wonder if that played into the writers’ choice. 

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  20. It's very obvious how much Miguel loves Rebecca and he deserves way more respect from the Pearson kids. Rebecca was a relatively young widow and it would have been a shame for her to spend the rest of her life mourning Jack and never finding love again. Her kids should be grateful she found someone to share her life with. I don't blame him for not immediately scheduling her for a brain scan because she forgot the word spatula. 

    I low-key wish Madison would be Kevin's mystery baby mama because I enjoy her and want to see more of her (I'm offended on her behalf that she wasn't invited to the party she helped Kate prepare for), but realistically they would probably be a trainwreck. I have no feelings on Sophie so whatever guess she'll make a fine baby mama. I figured Sophia Bush's character was a fake out from the start because it's unlikely she'd be available to return as frequently as they'd probably need the character to, but the hall pass twist did surprise me. 

    I too am over the Jack and Rebecca dating flashbacks. Nothing we're seeing feels fresh or new. Time to move on. 

    Can't believe I'm saying this, but definitely see Kate's side of things more than Toby's. First Toby keeps getting caught in lies, and while I'm glad there was no cheating going on it does sound like he was having somewhat of an emotional affair with this other woman. Props to him for taking himself out of the situation when he realized it but maybe don't bitch about how unhappy you are with your wife to another woman? And it's totally understandable that he'd need time to come to terms with his son's blindness but he bitched Kate out for the avocado incident saying he misses all of Jack's big moments, when he's been intentionally avoiding being around him. 

    I just assumed the guy in Randall's house at the end was a random intruder... dude kinda looks strung out so maybe a drug addict looking to steal to feed his addiction. At first I was expecting the following episode to be all "what happens next?! will Randall and family survive?!" high drama, but based on the previews it looks like it's going to be more about his anxiety and how he handles difficult situations. 


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  21. 1 hour ago, marinaalexis said:

    Possibly (yet another) controversial opinion, but I've always perceived Sofia as a little full of herself, so I'm not overly surprised that she hasn't posted anything. I wonder the same thing about the cast - I sure hope they've known for a while and have planned not to return. It would really suck if they'd had to pass up opportunities for long-term projects because they didn't know if they would still have contractual obligations to TP.

    I truly agree with you that I think TP would have really come into its own in season 2. It had a rocky start finding it's footing and figuring out a good balance between remaining in the PLL world and becoming its own thing, but the last few episodes really seemed to start evening out. And the finale really set the stage for a great, solid mystery. It's really shameful that the network couldn't give it a fighting chance. They made so many huge mistakes in their promotion, it's like they gave up on it before it even really began.

    I actually think Sofia seems really sweet and gracious and I’ve only ever heard nice things said about her (I’m on another entertainment forum where someone who worked on one of her Disney projects said she was super nice), and she was so gung-ho in her praise of the show and Marlene and seemed so happy to be a part of the PLL franchise, which is why I find her silence kind of odd and wonder if she’s pissed about something. Eli on the other hand just doesn’t seem the type to say much, but considering the huge gamble the show took with casting him as a complete unknown with no other credits to his name, he could probably throw them a public thank you. 

    The kid who played Zach (I think) tweeted that he found out when the news broke online but I wonder if the main cast was at least given a heads up. Didn’t Janel post a pic with the caption “onward and upwards” or something a few hours before the story broke? I’m starting to wonder if that was a nod towards the cancelation and they were just given a bit of a heads up. 

    7 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    I always feel bad when stuff like this happens (show gets canceled or a character is killed off unexpectedly), especially when we later find out that people were settling down. I remember someone on Lost (I'm 99% sure it was Ian Somerhalder) said he had just bought a house in Hawaii and then found out his character was being killed off. Something similar happened to Autumn Reeser. She bought a house in Hawaii and then Last Resort was canceled.

    Didn’t Sasha and her husband sell their house and move to Portland? Unless she just rented a place there and kept her place in California, but I do vaguely remember her talking about moving for the show, which kind of sucks to have gotten settled in a new city only to have to move again a few months later. 

  22. 11 hours ago, marinaalexis said:

    Oh, she's totally going to do it. "That was the plan all along guyssss!! #Emisonforever"

    The part I bolded is what really gets me, too. I saw people online whining about this show to no end, but...it's PLL. It's a Freeform show. What did people expect? It is such an unbelievable bummer that the PLL world is forever closed on such an unresolved note. And although I'm sure they partially expected the cancellation, it also sucks that Janel and Sasha, who have played these roles for nearly a decade now, didn't get to say a proper goodbye to their characters.

    Haha she already confirmed they were “always endgame” and end up happily ever after with the twins in Rosewood. 

    Yeah, like I have no issue with ridiculous shows as long as they don’t try to be anything else and I think The Perfectionists knew exactly what it was, and likely would have only grown into its own more as time went on. The show was silly and campy but this isn’t HBO, what did people expect? I think Freeform was too hasty in pulling the plug and should have given it at least another 10 episodes to see what it could have done. They owed it to the franchise at least with how successful the original was for them. Plus Ashley was supposed to guest star in season 2 and that would have likely given them a little boost in ratings. 

    Anyway I’m kind of surprised Sofia Carson has yet to acknowledge the cancellation in any way. Almost everyone else in the cast (save Eli) has posted or commented on it but she seems to be avoiding all mention of it even though she’s typical very active on social media. I wonder if she’s upset about the way it all went down, or if she’s just waiting to put something together since she seems like the sentimental type. I’m kind of curious as to how much the cast knew before the news broke, like were they turning down jobs and opportunities  thinking they’d be back in Portland filming in the near future. 

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