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Cool Breeze

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Posts posted by Cool Breeze

  1. I know time is a sliding scale on these shows but Bill was already $Bill when he showed up in 2009, 15 years ago.  So, pretty safe to say he was already pretty loaded and well-known when he met Poppie at the music festival 20 years ago.

    And speaking of which, the picture they're creating of $Bill as some wild-and-free hippy at a music festival 20 years ago seems at odds with the fact that DD is 61 years old.  And his character can't be much younger.  So, this conservative captain of industry was a 40-year-old, or maybe in his late thirties, when he was out in the mud, dropping acid and wearing neon at a music festival?  

    Heh.  Ok.

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  2. I would be so proud of TPTB if Luna turns out to be pregnant and decides to have an abortion.  (Without going cuckoo like Ashley did on Y&R when she aborted Victor's baby decades ago.) 

    If this show were able to put aside its very conservative, traditionalist roots, e.g., news of Luna and Zende would "ruin her reputation", etc., it would show growth among the Bells and would allow growth of the characters.  If Luna were to decide, perhaps even against her mother's wishes (the mother who decided to keep Luna and raise her as a single mom), that she was too young to be a mother, doesn't want to be a single mother and wants to focus on her career?  That would be interesting.  Instead of completely ignoring the other option available to her.

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  3. I 100% agree with other posters that Steffy never let Finn have any feelings about his "birth mother" (drink!) Sheila.  Even before she committed any new crimes that Finn actually witnessed, or was a victim of, Steffy never accepted that Finn's feelings were complicated.  



    Fuck Finn.  His wife's family was terrorized by Sheila for generations and Steffy herself was shot in cold blood and left for dead.  Then she had to deal with Sheila's constant intrusions into her life and finally, "Sheila" breaking into her home to kill her, forcing Steffy to brutally knife her to death. 

    And Finn comes home elated that Sheila is alive and a "hero"?  Seriously, dude?

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  4. 14 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

    It isn't. I figured Bell would pull this shit. I'm not sitting shiva over it because Zende's entitled behavior and oblivious attitude stinks to high heaven but the should've been blasting all the multiple of other rapists on this show too.

    But "Entitled Behavior and Oblivious Attitude" could be the name of this show!  Why find Jesus only when the Black guy does wrong?  And since they won't go back and indict all the other "misunderstanding" perpetrators, this kid should skate with no real consequences too.  

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  5. My speculation is that Sugar was already dying of cancer/Soap Opera Mystery Disease and Sheila promised to make Sugar's family and beneficiaries very comfortable financially if she took the bullet, uh, knife, for her.  

    My speculation is that Sugar was already dying of cancer/Soap Opera Mystery Disease and Sheila promised to make Sugar's family and beneficiaries very comfortable financially if she took the bullet, uh, knife, for her.  

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  6. What was Sheila's plan exactly?  Consensus seems to be it was Sugar who bled out in the Cliff House.  But was Sugar supposed to kill Steffy?  That may have worked if the real Sheila were working or very obviously and publicly elsewhere so she'd have an airtight alibi.  But the real Sheila was nowhere to be seen so I'm confused how this was all supposed to work.

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  7. 9 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

    The Bold & The Beautiful, now sponsored by Altoids, Certs and Tic Tacs. 

    This?  Is hilarious.  Unfortunately, this is also why this genre is dying.  Certs and Tic Tacs haven't been a thing for decades.  Only older people (like me) will even get this reference.  And it feels increasingly like only older people (like me) are watching soap operas.  It doesn't help the creakiness of the genre that Luna calling her mom a "druggie" feels more appropriate for an afterschool special from the '70's.    

    On the plus side, Zende has stepped up his acting in this SL.  Luna is doing great. Real tears and everything.  But just like his "dad", RJ stinks.  

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  8. Rape or sexual assault 

    5 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

    There is really no way of turning Z actions into a “misunderstanding” night. Z raped Luna under the California Penal Code.  Highlighted by being intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, not having the ability to resist, and the kicker is that the person is known to the person but the person is someone other than, in this case RJ.  Luna believed it was RJ therefore there for Z committed a fraudulent act.   

    Rape and sexual assault are not strict liability offenses, i.e., those crimes where there is no defense.  Statutory rape is strict liability so, even if the victim provided the unwitting perpetrator with a driver's license, birth certificate and sworn affidavits attesting to the fact that she was 18 years old, if she was actually 16?  You're done. 

    Here, Zende has a defense, maybe not a super-strong one, but he does have a defense.  They'd both been drinking, Luna was in Zende's bed when he got home, she didn't appear hallucinatory, didn't call him "RJ" (so Z didn't commit fraud by pretending to be RJ), etc.  It's not a slam-dunk defense but it's something? 

    What's beyond tedious is that this is the fifth (sixth?) time B&B has done this going all the way back to Ridge and Caroline I.  This conceit is lazy, unoriginal and gross.  Do better, Show.

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  9. Donna's son with Justin that she put up for adoption and was only reunited with when he was in his '20's is named Marcus.  Played by the actor Texas Battle.  After Marcus' reappearance and after Donna and Eric's first marriage ended, during which marriage Eric adopted Marcus (he is legally Marcus Forrester), Donna and Justin reunited and married.  (They had one of those offscreen Katie/Thorne splits.)

    Carter is Marcus' adoptive brother.  They grew up in the same family and that's how Carter was introduced.  Ironic that he's now more of a "son" to Eric than Marcus was.

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  10. Yeah, it does kind of seem like Eric will die and Donna will get some sort of windfall, e.g., all of his shares in FC, the house, etc., completely disregarding the fact that Eric has six children who would almost certainly be included in his will.

    The no pre-nuptial agreement thing is just what these idiots, and I mean TPTB, do.  No one possessing the substantial wealth like these characters are supposed to have, would forego a pre-nup.  But, even if they were to divorce, Donna would only be entitled to half of what Eric made during the marriage.  If he had $100M the day he married her and $101M when they divorce, she'd only get half of that million dollars.  But that's just the real world, not Bell's LA.

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  11. On 11/21/2023 at 8:36 PM, Cool Breeze said:

    It would be interesting storytelling if Li was an unapologetic bitch to her sister and her niece, making other characters and the audience sympathetic to them, AND Poppy was the opportunistic sexual mercenary Li claims she is.  

    So, of course, nothing like that will happen.

    Only quoting myself because I hope it's true.  If Poppy 


    did sleep with Jack and Luna is his daughter

    then, in addition to Li being a big ole meanie, Poppy would actually be a troublesome, very untrustworthy character worthy of scorn.

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  12. Interesting that Zende and Carter registered the most emotion by far at Eric’s homecoming.  Some of the best performances ever by those actors.  (Almost felt like they were talking to JM himself, not Eric.  I hope he’s ok.)  Ridge didn’t even try to muster any feeling for the occasion.  

    And what’s up with Poppy’s pills?  I wondered whether they’re for a serious medical condition that will soften her sister and eventually leave Luna motherless (but with a brand-new billionaire dad!)  But we just had Eric’s long, drawn-out health scare so I hope they wouldn’t do that again.  Especially for a character we just met and don’t know. 

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