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Posts posted by AuntTora

  1. They can't afford Gary Puckett?


    Well, I didn't find it pervy. There's something going on there clearly, but it's not human-sexual. Still I will be happier when Amara is back to the actress from the premiere. Genuinely creepy and disturbing.


    Anxiously awaiting the return of the Borg cube. In space!

    • Love 1
  2. I think the "in the nick of time" change purse/hair pin/machete was meant to be a wink that Baby takes care of Dean.

    My favorite line: "Where's the rest of the beer?"

    I thought the whole thing was great.

    • Love 4
  3. I wonder what happened to make the judge immediately give Corey custody. Was there an emergency hearing called because Addie was found wandering around?

    I would suspect the judge, at the last hearing, gave a "this is your last chance, get your act cleaned up" speech.

    • Love 2
  4. Yellow Fever? /bang head forever.


    Aside from that completely wrong selection, most of these are at least plausibly in the running for best, but wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Brimming over with wrongability. The correct list:


    Faith? I don't debate this strongly, but I'd go with Skin
    What Is and etc.? Also a valid selection. I prefer Nightshifter
    Mystery Spot? Love it, but Jus in Bello vastly better
    Yellow Fever? Lazarus Rising is the best episode of the entire show, so....
    Changing Channels? My Bloody Valentine
    The French Mistake? OK, but I'd rather rewatch Frontierland if we're going down that road
    Death's Door? What is this "season seven" of which you speak?
    As Time Goes By? Everybody Hates Hitler
    Bad Boys? OK, you got me there. I might make the case for First Born, but...ok.
    Fan Fiction? Fan Fiction is legitimately fantastic. But I'd still go with Reichenbach, which is, IMO, the best ep. since Season 4.



    • Love 2
  5. I thought Johns daughter wasn't that much older than Angelina. But you're correct, she was only shown at the beginning.


    I think there were two daughters. The one at the beginning, with the locked door, was John's from a previous relationship, she lived there, and that was the only glimpse we got of her. The one later one was one of Laura's from her previous relationships who had been removed from her custody, and was participating in the cleanup/haul away. But maybe I made it all up in my head.

    • Love 4
  6. You know that question, mental illness or just an asshole? I think tonight we saw a clearly mentally ill person who was also a giant asshole. Dr. Green NAILED her at the outset -- "there's some paranoia...".Hooray for Dr. Green telling it like it is. I wonder if, because she's an actual M.D., she's less willing to hold hands and talk uselessly about feelings? There were consequences all over the place (except for the very end ugh. Hopefully that situation has resolved by now), which is what is usually completely lacking. Yay for consequences!






    How does Laura have ANYONE in her life that can still love her and want to help? I mean, who knows what really goes on -- but John seems to have been an actual saint for putting up with that for fifteen years. Except, he really should have read the writing on the wall long ago and sent her crazy/asshole ass packing, and got those poor kids into therapy. ALL of them, not just the youngest. The sister was awesome too. Sounds like Laura has terrorized everyone in her proximity for decades. Having been in that situation myself (super crazy sister who controlled the entire extended family by her willingness to be nastier than anyone else), nothing could have been more schadenfreudey than watching Laura be confronted by people who FINALLY didn't back down.


    Best episode of Hoarders ever! Except for the text at the end. /gnash



    • Love 9
  7. So, my pre-order of a Funko Mystery Minis box came today. Twelve blind out of a total population of 17, I think. I hadn't really paid attention before to what the characters were going to be. I will have to fill in, but now I know what's possible, and I have some questions. Two Abaddons -- one regular and one demon. No Ruby? Mary but no John. Thinman, really? They couldn't have put Death in there in his place? At least no duplicates in my box.


    I do appreciate they made Demon Dean (I got one!), and Gabriel. The one that will be hard to find is the Hellhound -- $60 on eBay yoiks.


    Just glad to get some merchandise after all these years.

    • Love 2
  8. I find it hard to believe that those dolls were worth half a mil unless she had some very rare early Barbies.

    I personally know nothing about the market for Barbies. But, a friend's brother recently died and in cleaning out his house she had to deal with a big collection, though significantly smaller than this one. It fit in one room! His things weren't hoarded up with dust and filth, of course. She found someone who specializes in selling them on ebay, and agreed to split the proceeds. So far she's received $30K as her share! Apparently the little accessories -- shoes, purses, outfits -- can be hot sellers. It looked like Michelle had thousands upon thousands of these things. The problem for my friend was finding the space to store, and the time to sell everything one at a time. We all know Michelle will never do that.

    • Love 1
  9. Genny was a piece of work. I think this is the first time the "official" hoarder wasn't the worst person on the show? Of course who knows, maybe Maurice was just on his best, and uncharacteristic, behavior. But if alcohol's your thing, that house + the mother and daughter passive-aggressive/aggressive-aggressive duo would certainly drive ME there.


    The DVR cut off just as they were (apparently) going to give the update on Mary's house. Was it torn down? Or was it the usual, "she's mulling her options" endings?


    I think part of my fascination with this program and others like it, is that I recognize in myself some of the tendencies. To not throw away something that has life left in it. Obviously not rat turd infested clothing or other porous items, but honestly -- if Matt took a dump in that glass bowl, and then it was cleaned with bleach, yah I'd eat out of it. If you got a kiddie pool and filled it with a high concentration of bleach, and ran her dishes through it? That seems not unreasonable. Clearly 99% of the contents of that house, plus the house, should have been shoveled directly into a dumpster. But if there was jewelry, or china or whatever, I don't think everything was necessarily unrecoverable. Am I on a slippery slope here?


    /side-eyeing the Funko dolls on the bookshelf

    • Love 2
  10. I'd be willing to bet there was a bit of -- fuck this guy, going on as well. If he flies out of the same airports over and over, it would not be shocking if the gate agents didn't have stories they tell around the cafeteria table. That being said, flying as much as these guys must do would turn me into a frothing crazy person. Flying just a handful of times a year is almost more than I can bear.

    • Love 4
  11. Did Jon talk to no one about Hardhome details except Sam?  Terrible.  


    It kind of bothered me we didn't see it, but I think it's reasonable to assume it's been discussed and is widely known. It wasn't just Jon that saw it, hundreds if not thousands returned from Hardhome.

    • Love 5
  12. Maybe for the next iteration, Damiano's brother should compete. I'm tired of hearing about that guy.


    Massimo is not, let's say, decorative in the same way Damiano is. Not quite ready-for-TV. I was at the shop in Moorpark last week to pick up some gelato, and it appears their business has exploded. They now have valet parking! in the middle of the week! And they're in some low-rent strip mall, sharing with a Salvation Army thrift store and some kind of auto repair business. But not for long, I suspect. I'm really glad for them, because they do make amazing stuff.

    • Love 3
  13. I liked the Italian guy til he made a face when the other guy won the first part.  Ladies and gentlemen I believe we have found our villain.


    That kind of repelled me too. However, being as I live in Thousand Oaks which is right between both of the Carrara shops, I'm pulling for Damiano. EVERYTHING he and his brother sell is just amazing. Their gelato (only at the Moorpark location) has ruined all other ice cream for me, forever. Their "signature", the frittelle which is a sort of cream puff only with a donut instead of whatever a "puff" usually is, is probably the best thing I've ever had in my mouth. And everything they make is just incredibly beautiful.Just hoping he isn't a dick.

  14. Okay let's speculate about what the boys are going to be up to. What are they in training for?

    Check out @jarpad's Tweet: https://twitter.com/jarpad/status/593486360549404672?s=09


    Please let it be American Ninja Warrior!



    Hee! The very suggestion I made back in July of last year in an American Ninja Warriior thread:


    The CW is missing the boat not having an all-CW star miniseries of this run during the summer.



    Come on internets, make this happen!

  15. For the first time ever, I fell asleep during an ep. Woke up and watched a few minutes, and then I was just angry. That was really bad, right? Sam's hair was TERRIBLE. But next week looks a lot better. Even Sam's hair!

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