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Posts posted by AuntTora

  1. So Loras is alive, wasn't that left very uncertain in the books? Speaking of, while watching tonight I became convinced that GRRM is never going publish. It just seems like it's pointless now. Are people that in love with his prose? Unless the next book comes out before next season, and takes the story beyond THIS season...I can't see it.

    Literally laughed out loud at the "Tom Jones" style dinner and eye-f'ing. Ha!

    • Love 1
  2. Quote

    Is God's hiding place just something prevents him from caring about anyone or anything?

    Another interesting thing I'd forgotten -- God stating he didn't have a soul. (There were a lot of interesting things in this episode!) That's not generally associated with good stuff on this show. Maybe he'll reconsider the idea that only humans have them.

    • Love 2
  3. There have been a lot of irredeemable villains that were redeemed -- Meg, anyone? In this case the actor sold me on Metatron. My jaw literally dropped when the amulet appeared. Never dragged. Much to like!

    One thing last night that struck me. Back around season five, Sam was "matched" with Lucifer and Dean with Michael. But this go around, it seems like Sam is being aligned with God (being) and Dean with Amara (nothingness). That's got to play into the endgame. (I tend to think the amulet was magicked back into his pocket, not that Sam has had it all this time.)

    Someone upthread commented on,where can they possibly go from here? Honestly I felt that way as far back as Head of a Pin -- how do you have comedy episodes after that? But somehow they manage. Not like there was any danger of me not, but I'm very glad I stuck with this show -- the last year or two I think has been a return to form.

    • Love 4
  4. Quote

    Oh, and another thing: Whose bright idea was it to build a rope bridge between two cliff castles in an area prone to bad rainstorms?  Yes, rope would have lasted longer than wood, but that wouldn't make it safer, would it?

    I kind of like how it was like ship rigging in a storm.

    • Love 8
  5. That "puff pastry fish cutter" prominent in one of the interviews says it all. I'm sure it's never been out of the box. Because it's a PUFF PASTRY FISH CUTTER (whatever that is)! ARGH! Off I go to make a serious effort at cleaning out my kitchen of pointless junk. Novelty coffee cup shelf? I'm coming for you!

    • Love 1
  6. I am weirdly addicted to "American Greed" -- I think it's largely because pretty much all the stories have a "happy" ending. Lots of people lost their life savings, of course, but the dirtbags are all caught and most are in jail for a long time. I'm amazed how many Ponzi schemes there apparently are, and it's made me incredibly conservative with my money. No way are my life savings leaving a bond-heavy Vanguard fund, chasing after too good to be true returns. Somewhere my ex-brother in law, who scammed his way through life, is kicking himself for thinking so small.


    But I do think it's pretty telling that a lot of the commercials that air during A.G. are very skeezy-sounding lending and investment companies, ambulance-chasing lawyers, and gold buyers. I guess it's where the suckers congregate....

    • Love 3
  7. Have we ever seen an alcohol addict before, who never had even a minute or two of "clear" in order to provide some narrative? Even the meth addict from last week (week before?) with the word salad was more together at times than Kacy. I feel awful for her family, who uniformly seemed pretty great. The fact that now, in late March, she's (apparently) in the hospital after relapsing in early February sure sounds like a bad sign. Hope that's just an artifact of the program schedule.

    Kacy needs to accept that either it was SIDS and there was nothing that could be done and it wasn't her fault, or it was just a tragic horrible accident and she CAN forgive herself, and live. She has two other children and people that desperately want her in their lives. She's slowly killing herself and I'm sure on some level that's on purpose. Her family also needs to find a way to accept that whatever Kacy does, they did everything THEY could, and be gentle with themselves if the worst comes to pass.

    • Love 2
  8. That brown or orange halter Zaz was wearing was...something else.

    Glad to see an animal hoarding ep with a positive conclusion. Wish Nathan and his whole family could let go of whatever poison religion they practice and find something more loving. Not optimistic about finding it in Florida though.

    • Love 6
  9. I've been home sick for three days and ended up zoned in front of about six eps in a row, hoping to see a "flop". I'd be more interested if there were a flop once in a while! Just saying.


    Anyway, do people really, really like the exact same finishes in the kitchen and in the bathroom? I sure don't -- those are different experiences for me. The people walking through ALWAYS comment on oh, how awesome, it ties it all together! And I'm thinking...I don't want to be reminded of the last big dump I took when I am at the kitchen counter preparing dinner. Christina has ONE design aesthetic and it is imposed on every house. It appears to work, so more power to her, I guess. 


    $420K for ONE BATHROOM? Unless that's on the beach in Malibu or on Coronado Island, no way. At least a bath and a half is as much a requirement as an accent border in the shower or some soon-to-die flowers planted at the entry for "curbside appeal", at that price point. And I've been a homeowner in San Diego and currently live in the burbs north of L.A., so I'm not ignorant of the craziness in the SoCal market. SMH

    • Love 2
  10. Wasn't there another hoarder who told her kids that she's have aborted them except, Jesus. However horrible she was, she's lapped going away by Peggy. How long must it have taken for those poor animals to skeletonize like that? Years? Right there next to her? It seems she is punishing herself pretty severely. (Of course, that doesn't mean I don't think the animal protection authorities shouldn't be knocking on Ruth's door like yesterday.) Hoarding is a pretty minor issue when you contemplate the full picture. Peggy needed Dr. Melva - Mark is a quality dude but...not as likely to drop the hammer in the same way. Those poor kids! It's funny how many of them retain tremendous amounts of compassion for a parent who CLEARLY in no way was ever that to them.

    • Love 2
  11. Fuzzie and Fredd, husband-and-wife punk/goth/slackers: the ones Matt told they had enough hobbies and needed to get jobs..


    Ugh, those were in my top ten most hated hoarders. I remember one of their art pieces -- a bucket of used broken vibrators. I suppose I'm outing myself as a philistine, but calling something "art" doesn't make it art! Sometimes a bucket of used broken vibrators is just a bucket of used broken vibrators. Unless you macrame a flat rat in there, of course.

    • Love 9
  12. That episode where Sam tells Dean, yeah -- he was building something with a girl, and also there was a dog, showed up on the Tivo the other day and I watched it while doing dishes. I got annoyed all over again. I'm glad TPTB recognize what a big deal it was. Not so much Sam's actions, but the way he expressed it to Dean, still rankles.

    • Love 1
  13. My brother blew up his hand when he was about 16, playing with "explosives". He was apparently trying to built a "super firecracker" -- like putting three M80's together or some crazy. He didn't end up losing fingers luckily, but he had this poster of WC Fields that got splattered with blood and whatever, and that gory poster HAUNTED MY CHILDHOOD.

    • Love 5
  14. Two things I really, really want to see the experts try with these people:


    1. For the newspaper/media hoarders, give them an iPad, a subscription to the paper/magazine, and show them how to search.

    2. Ask at the outset, what percentage of this stuff do you think needs to go? When asked, people are often surprisingly reasonable when it's a "big picture" question. Then when they argue about a piece of urinated paper, ask them how this fits into their percentage analysis? I'd just really like to see that attempted.


    Agree Judy is probably too sick to respond to reason, in need of some kind of conservator situation, or at least heavy meds.

  15. but I wouldn't give a penny to this organization JUST BECAUSE OF THEIR COMMERCIALS


    I was thinking this exact thing. They are WAY OFF with these commercials. Show happy kittens and old dogs finding loving homes! Have the narrator say, you can make this happen with your contribution. But I think 99% of people will change the channel or FF when these come on, they way they are now. Brutal.

    • Love 9
  16. I guess "giving up and clearing goat trails" is the new model. Well, that's a whole lot more realistic than "coming back from final commercial magically the house is clean!" Dang I'm glad this show is back!

    • Love 3
  17. Hrm. I really liked that Dr. Tobin (Tolin?) said a lot of the things to Judy that we, viewers, have desperately wanted to say to these hoarders. And it didn't do a bit of good. And Corey's move with the filth-meter was genius! Also completely failed.

    Judy was personally a little discomfiting, because at the beginning when she was running through some of her rituals, I was kind of thinking, well, that's not so bad...that's almost reasonable...that seems kind of familiar.... Until she started having to open and rip up bags before (theoretically) throwing them away. Then I snapped out of it! (It's perfectly rational to take a shower and wash my hair when I get home after being on an airplane dammit!)

    Sherri was awesome. I hope that APS has gotten involved by now and taken over. Remember the hoarder (though I don't recall if it was this show or the other one) who also relied on diapers and a plastic chair that acted as her chair/couch/bed? She ended up in some kind of home and it was the best thing that could have happened.


    Edited to add: Reverend Awesome is on the case:

    "Those are good pants!" -Judy
    "I'm not fucking around with you! Your life is crushing down on you and you want to talk about pants?!" -Tolin
    I'd like a better look at these pants.


    • Love 5
  18. Def. something odd about Arianna. Unless I misheard...she said she'd been clean three years, but was still living in a sober house? Maybe I don't get it, but I'd think after three years of sobriety she'd be out on her own. Obviously she had little kids, but that seems to be a public assistance thing not a drug treatment thing, if she wasn't able to support herself and family. If she truly did have three years in the bank, and relapsed shortly after the interview, I can't imagine how badly everyone involved probably feels.

    • Love 1
  19. just as making a tremendous self-sacrifice by entering the cage again is one that he is committing to a little more every week.



    I'm completely unspoiled, so maybe I'm way off here -- but it would kind of surprise me if they went down the exact same road again, Sam jumps in the cage to Save The World. It seems like they've got the Adam complication now, plus the Darkness, and Death... I'm honestly kind of wondering if ultimately DEAN doesn't hop in there to stop Sam from doing it. Or Castiel?. But whatever happens, I hope it isn't just lather-rinse-repeat. And I'd be surprised if it is.


    Anyway about this ep, I kind of fell asleep toward the end, but that's on me for siting in the comfy chair. I found it very meh, but it was nice to see some benevolent supernatural creatures, and Sam and Dean being completely accepting from pretty much the outset. Live and let live, benevolent supernatural creatures! But thinking back on it later, um, Sam never mentioned this guy to his dad or Dean? I mean, it seems like Sparkle and the little girl sort of had an understanding that, oh -- wacky parents not seeing me! But young Sam would surely have a different mindset.

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