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Posts posted by ErikaAlyson

  1. On 8/20/2020 at 4:36 AM, Hiyo said:

    Scott and Kourtney are like a real life long term on-again/off-again soap opera couple. And what might work on a soap opera doesn't always work out in real life.

    Like a soap opera couple, it's almost like the producers are keeping them still involved in each other's lives for the sake of drama...

    I don’t get the chemistry between them at all lol never have. They don’t have much in common imo. 

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  2. I haven’t watched this episode yet but I just never understood the hate for Candace🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️. She’s not anymore annoying than Sonja from RHONY or Brandi from RHOBH. I honestly don’t understand it. Monique has never wanted her husband Chris imo. But she wanted his money that’s why I think their was rumors of her cheating. 

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  3. 3 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

    I don’t get it either. Michael is a grown man, he’s choosing to participate in this. Why I don’t know but I do know competent adults are allowed to make bad decisions. 

    The same thing could be said for Karine.... I don’t get it. Is she under 18?...I heard her behind was pregnant again smh

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  4. Gizelle is loving stirring up crap between Monique and Candiace lol. Ray is probably mad about Mr. Blue Eyes lol when Karen was working out,her fake screams were something else. She likes to try to be sexy,is that a midlife crisis? Robyn is such a flunky to the group lol. Why is everyone kissing up to Ashley? Lol Monique cares way too much about an apology. Lol can’t wait to see how the new girl fits in lol she seems kind of ditzy. 

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  5. Monique looks beautiful to me this season. She’s always been my least favorite on this franchise though lol. I like Candace. Gizelle was so mean to Candace at both the things Candace invited her too smh. I don’t like Ashley and Monique being mean girls when it comes to Candace. It actually makes me dislike Ashley and she used to be my favorite. Gizelle has gorgeous daughters,the oldest sister is going to be a heartbreaker for sure. Gizelle is going back to Jamal because he’s rich and Sherman doesn’t seem to be in the picture. Monique seems jealous of Candace to me. She shouldn’t be talking and making jokes about Candace to Ashley. Robyn should leave Juan. She can do so much better. Monique wants to fit in with Gizelle,Ashley,and Robyn so bad and I don’t get why. Sad 

    • Love 6
  6. lol Sonja has absolutely no shame. She looked miserable to me while she was “drunkenly” getting her hair done. I think Ramona really has tried with Leah like how she used to try with Bethenny. To me   Leah just wants to find a reason to be mad with her. At the nice event for the nice women Leah was acting like a child. Ramona doesn’t have to talk to her. Luanne always loves to talk to the men she meets on the vacations lol I guess that’s why she was wearing that pretty blue dress. Dorinda and Sonja start a lot of drama. Leah made herself look really bad saying all of that stuff when she was going off about Ramona talking about smh lol.

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  7. I really felt for Denise when they were all at the dinner table. She looked really emotional already as if she knew something bad might be about to happen. Lisa got a lot of enjoyment out of the Denise gossip,she isn’t a good friend to Denise. I’m really liking Dorit this season. She used to annoy me lol but I really like her style and her body is beautiful and fit. I also like this spice she kind of has about her and how she carries herself,must be the Italian in her haha. Garcelle is kind of the comic relief for the show haha😃. Sutton always seems to want to call Teddi out. Teddi is such a pretty pregnant lady😃this is her best season in the looks department to me. I think Denise maybe probably did do something with Brandi. She needs a friend on this show.

    • Love 5
  8. I still can’t tell if Kalani wants to be with Asuelo or not. I don’t understand why they just can’t “co-parent”. Jess got really brave around her family lol she was getting revenge on Debbie. But I agree with Debbie that Jess should not have acted that way towards her. I like Colt’s confidence. Andrei’s family seems so nice ,his dad is so cute😊. Libby’s dad and brother seem intimidating. I don’t get why Libby wants to be with him because she always seems annoyed by him lol. Eric seems like he’s on the down low. Larissa seems to really like him,that’s sad. But I did question the other woman on the phone,maybe she was just telling Larissa what she wanted Larissa to know. But I think Colt handles the relationship with Debbie and Jess just fine. He doesn’t seem to take any sides.

    • Love 3
  9. GG was mean to Nema out of no where. He is the nicest one. I hate how Mike treats him because it makes Mike look like a mean person to me. MJ is quite dramatic lol I still don’t know if I’m feeling Destiney on this show. I almost rather Asa or Asifa and Bobby come back if there’s another season. 

    • Love 4
  10. The looks on Kyle and Teddi’s faces had me cracking up when Brandi told them and when Kim and Brandi left lol. I think Kim and Kyle and Brandi planned that scene out. I don’t think Teddi was apart of that plan haha. They seemed to want the world to know about Denise and Brandi’s hook up smh. Seemed like those three found away to get that gossip out without Brandi being interrupted at all lol. 

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  11. I felt sorry for Brittany. She was probably embarrassed and surprised this happened and especially on tv. As always Angela is a terrible horrible monster of a person. I feel bad for Michael and his entire family that they have to deal with this hick. 

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  12. Again Dorinda and Luanne were acting like they were on more than alcohol. Dorinda was like deranged lol. I love Elyse’s alter ego’s name haha. The girls on this show really go off on Luanne. Bethenny was really bad from a past season,but so was Dorinda with calling Luanne a drunken fool. I don’t understand how she just takes it,I guess because it’s Dorinda’s house. I couldn’t forgive so easily. I wouldn’t have hugged Sonja lol Ramona still isn’t a fan of Luanne as I can see lol. She was on Sonja and Dorinda’s side quick lol. 

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  13. Denise seemed really hurt by Lisa. Lisa seems to just be for herself. Lol she acts like she’s on Big Brother sometimes🤪. She was so cold sitting talking to Denise. Kyle was really frazzled trying to get her party together lol. I thought she looked cute with a pony tail haha. Kris Jenner came in the party looking kind of sinister to me lol. Kyle seemed so excited to see Kathy. I used to like Brandi,her friend looked like a man in drag imo lol. Next week looks like Brandi is getting ready to put her claws in Denise and Aaron’s relationship lol.

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  14. 8 minutes ago, Kdawg82 said:

    I agree! Ramona doesn't seem like a "girls' girl" when she is around other pretty women (Elyse is). How does Ramona have "50 close girlfriends"? Are they all worse looking and worse off in life than she is? 

    That said, I still don't think she is the worse one on the show. She's like a nutty mascot that can be explained away. 

    Dorinda is unstable and unlikable. 

    Ramona used to be my favorite character on here on season 1 lol. I used to really enjoy her outspokenness haha and she seemed like a really honest person. But as the other seasons came on. I didn’t like the way she treated maids and people who had to work for her. She just seems very spoiled lol. I’m not even sure if she likes “minorities” lol. But I love her big brown eyes lol their cute. Her figure is cute,short girl. Ramona really is something else haha. 

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  15. 17 hours ago, nb360 said:

    I feel like I am probably in the minority here, but I feel really bad for Anseulo. When he arrived in America, he was immediately criticized by everyone. No one seemed to take in the fact that he had to adjust t a brand new culture. And I think Kalani sort poisoned her family against him with all of the things she revealed about their relationship.

    He actually seems to be really depressed.

    I agree completely. I never understand Kalani’s attitude towards him. She always seems annoyed by him to me lol. I don’t get what this couple has in common either. I think Kalani is very pretty....maybe she needs a more mature guy. Her dad seems extreme lol I wonder if that tough guy act was for the cameras. Her mom seems concerned and stressed about Kalani and her situation with Anseulo. Maybe they should just “co-parent”. 

    • Love 3
  16. Last nights episode wasn’t that enjoyable to me lol. This show is so real lol. Just Paul and Karine’s struggle. I don’t even understand why they are together. What do they have in common? It must just be a sex attraction type of thing as well as a green card obviously lol. I understand where people are concerned about their baby but Paul’s mom shouldn’t have to take care of Paul’s family. I don’t get why Karine decided to get pregnant,especially since it seems so difficult for her. I just feel bad for Paul’s mom,I’m glad I’m not in that situation anymore lol. My brother was like Paul lol oh boy.

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  17. 17 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

    I still think Kim is the prettier sister.  She just needs a little makeup and her hair done.  Kyle needs a new weave, remove the weird contacts, time machine to undo to Botox/fillers/plastic surgery, 75 IQ points and a personality transplant.

    Garcelle is 53??????

    Just a few years younger than Rinna and LVP.


    Lol I find Kyle really pretty though. I used to love her hair when she wore it longer. I’m surprised she hasn’t tried to go blonde again haha 

    • Love 4
  18. 8 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

    I actually like Teddi as well, when she is not part of the pile-on.  She has some fun snark in her TH shots. I relate to her nerdy need to always be on time.  And on a shallow note I think she is gorgeous, she has this cool androgynous energy I find appealing.

    Teddi is my favorite also haha. Ever since her first season I thought she was a nice sweet person. She’s always seemed insecure to me though,I always assumed because she used to be overweight. But yes Kyle and Teddi are my favorites lol.

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  19. Seemed like Luanne was on more than alcohol,Dorinda seemed like that too imo when they were disagreeing about Sonja. I don’t like the way Ramona treats Elyse. She acts like she thinks she’s better than Elyse. Ramona treated Barbara kind of similar. Leah still seems like she’s putting on for the cameras lol.

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