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Rachel RSL

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Posts posted by Rachel RSL

  1. The audience was totally pro-Dane which I can understand - he’s, by far, the least odious PB and he’s played a really good game. I mean, I cannot believe he somehow convinced everyone to keep him. That was such a dumb move, I can’t see anybody winning if they’re sitting next to Dane in the final 2. Fools!

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  2. Funny how I absolutely loathe the family visits on Survivor but in this show I thought it was adorable. I guess it’s Probst turning it into an over dramatic talk show that makes it so unbearable. I don’t know why BB felt the need to prank the moms by making them choose though. That was just mean lol!

    I loathe Adam so much. What a prick, speaking to Kyra that way, like he wasn’t going to evict her next. I don’t care who wins at this point as long as it’s not him.

    Funniest part of the episode was when Adam thought he was going to bust Anthony in a lie but then Mark backed up his lie with another lie. I cracked up! 

    Speaking of Mark, what’s the deal with him and his family? Do they not speak or something?

    • Love 2
  3. 5 hours ago, Melina22 said:

    I'm too tired to go back and change all the pronouns. Apologies. 

    Lol I’ve had that issue every time I’ve posted about Kyra. I don’t really know which pronoun to use, to be honest. I think maybe the correct pronoun is “they” but that’s confusing because  it sounds plural. And there’s no way in hell I’m using “it”, so I keep defaulting to she/her.

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    Adam is such a little bitch. The righteous indignation, like he wasn’t 100% ready to evict Kyra if a PB had won. I have disliked him since the first 5 minutes of the first episode and my instant dislike feels more and more justified as the season goes on. 

    I couldn’t handle waiting so I checked the spoilers. For those who are interested in who won veto: 


    Adam won veto. DAMN IT!! 

    On a random unrelated note, I was curious about where Damien lives so I looked it up and it has a population of 562. No wonder they were all so excited about him being on BB, he probably knows literally everybody. Which is kind of cool but, on the other hand, you’d never be able to get away with anything.

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  5. 23 hours ago, Samwise979 said:

    Isn't it weird (and I thought against the rules, but I guess not) for these guys to be telling jury members secrets about their game play? What's the point of the sequestering then??

    That’s always been allowed. I think the reasoning is that, in the goodbye messages, the houseguests can say whatever they want the evicted person to know, whether it’s about strategy or kissing up to get their vote. The houseguests are in control of what information is being given out. If the jury wasn’t sequestered, they’d be able to see everything, all the secret DRs and information that the houseguests still playing may not want them to know. 

    • Useful 1
  6. 20 hours ago, Pass the Tequila said:

    Was Damian not aware of the 4 PB alliance when he had that advantage at the beginning of the game? Why didn't he do something?

    THIS!!! Don’t get me wrong, I was unhappy about the Penis Alliance , especially since it turned the season into gender wars within the first 10 minutes, but I always thought Damien’s best move would have been to go to them immediately and “suggest” a Penis Alliance. I’m sure they gladly would have made him their 5th bro. And if he didn’t want to join them, why didn’t he actively try to break them up?

  7. Why are the double evictions always so disappointing?! It never goes the way I want it to. The audience reactions were hilarious tonight. I don’t ever remember hearing such loud boos during the voting before. I liked Damien too and I’m not really sure why I (And Canada) like him so much. I mean, he didn’t really do much other than repeatedly get nominated and, even then, he never really campaigned. Do we like him because everyone else is just so odious and he seems that much better in comparison? I don’t know but I’m sad he’s gone.

    I hate that a stupid PB is going to win. And how dumb is Este that she didn’t know about any of that? It seems like they all knew about it early in the season but did nothing about it, then forgot about it. Idiots.

    • Love 5
  8. 14 hours ago, Haleth said:

    The two blondes who are more than a bit ditzy can leave any time though. 

    Janelle totally comes across as a ditzy blonde but she’s actually really smart. She was a comp beast on Big Brother and not just the physical ones. Now, how well those Jedi skills will work under the stress and pace of the race remains to be seen.

    On 4/24/2019 at 10:53 PM, burntheflaws said:

    It seems like a lot of people here hate Rupert and Laura. I know nothing about them (I've watched maybe one season of Survivor, where Yul the puppet master won), but honestly, they seem like a really nice, supportive couple. Even when they were behind they never got frustrated at each other, they didn't say anything ignorant about the locals (Pet Peeve #1; low bar, but it's one of my biggest pet peeves because racers do it all the freakin' time), and they just genuinely seemed really sweet together.

    My main issue with Rupert is exactly what we saw last night when they wandered around the park for hours because he refused to listen to Laura: he can be unbelievably condescending and dismissive because he thinks he always knows best. I don’t think he’s, in any way, a bad person but I’m glad we don’t have to sit through an entire season of him.

    • Love 10
  9. Yay! Bye Rupert! Even though watching him try to reason with an elephant was hilarious. I forgot how he says everything with such gravitas. Won’t miss him.

    I know I’m in the minority but I’ve always had a soft spot for Rachel. Despite her tendency to be a drama queen, she just seems kind of sweet. I’m here for the Reilly sisters!

    Not that I’m excusing his behavior, but I got such a kick out of seeing the flashbacks of Intense Colin. We all remember the classics like the broken ox and “I’m packing it!” but I’d forgotten about golden oldies like arguing with the cab driver and throwing the money. 

    • Love 18
  10. Smell ya later, Wardog!  Is it just their egos or did I miss something? Why do Wardog and Ron think they’re the biggest threats? Neither of them are challenge beasts or particularly smart. 

    I don’t know, I really don’t have a horse in this race. This season has just been so meh, go Lauren, I guess? It would be fitting if Reem won it all.

    • Love 18
  11. 9 hours ago, jah1986 said:

    In my opinion what hurt them in their season was the "betrayal" by Chip and Kim.  That kind of blindsided Colin and never seemed to recover his control and he started making mental mistakes

    The only thing that hurt them in their season was bad luck with a cab. Colin really was great at the thinking/planning aspect of the race. In the final leg, he not only called ahead to have a cab waiting for them at their destination city, he specifically requested a driver who very familiar with the city. What they didn’t show on camera was the flat tire that cab got, basically putting them out of the running. I’m still so bummed about that. I really can’t wait to see how they’ll do 15 yrs later!

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  12. 23 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

    I’m sure a lot of people like Becca but I can still recall the episode where she was revealed as a poser. There was some kerflufflle with their passports and she got real nasty, real quick and I was like...oh, there's the real Becca when she dropped her mask

    I also remember that episode and can honestly say that if my racing partner lost his passport for the 2nd time (It was revealed in interviews after that Floyd had already done it one time that wasn’t shown on camera.), I would be pissed too. If I remember correctly, all she did was kind of snap at him in a bitchy tone and that was it. It’s not like she berated him for hours and never forgave him. I would have been way bitchier about it, to be honest.

    • Love 23
  13. 59 minutes ago, chitowngirl said:

    I think the scaling back is simply the fact that it’s a different world than the early seasons of TAR.

    You’re spot on. The first season of TAR was the only season that was filmed before 9/11 and it was filled with people running through airports, scrambling to get on a faster flight, or booking different connections through different countries. That all changed for obvious reasons and they usually ended up spoonfeeding the teams a selection of flights. It wasn’t as fun as before but at least there was some benefit to hustling. Now I think they’ve just gotten lazy and realized it’s easier from a production standpoint to have them all on the same flight whenever possible.

    • Love 2
  14. Finally got a chance to watch. I’m so glad TAR is back! Normally I loathe when shows recycle contestants but, I have to admit, I didn’t mind it this time. It was kind of nice to just enjoy the race and not have to try to learn a bunch of new names. Not that I’d want this every season or anything but it was kind of nice to give my brain a break this season.

    It also helps that I like almost all of the contestants. I’m fine with Art and JJ going out first because they’re the only ones I don’t remember at all. But they prevented us from getting rid of Rupert so I now hate them. 

    I remember back in the old days, I was one of a handful of people who absolutely loved Colin & Christie and, it turns out, I still love them! It’ll be funny to see a mellow Colin.

    • Love 7
  15. I really think it's a non-issue at this point.  Everyone here clearly knows Wardog's name is Dan, as evidenced by the many many many posts discussing it.  So there really shouldn't be anymore confusion.  

    • Love 1
  16. 6 hours ago, mikewho said:

    I didn't think it rivaled Edguardo's blindside. The look on Edguardo's face (and the other guy whose name I don't remember) was 'What the fuck? What happened? Huh-oh. I can't believe it!' Their faces really fell. Pure shock.

    Eric just looked like, 'Oh no.' To me, anyway.

    Plus, Eric wasn’t even close to being as smug and annoying as Edgardo and his buddy (I wanna say Alex?). To be honest, I didn’t even really know who Eric was until this episode. Don’t get me wrong, it was a great blindside but it didn’t bring the same sense of satisfaction as when Edgardo’s face fell. Now I want to go find a clip of that Tribal! (Also an example of an actual iconic moment, Jeff.)

    • Love 1
  17. 1 hour ago, blackwing said:

    I agree that others are suffering as well, I'm just not sure why "I'm hungry" seems to be her primary edit and hers alone.

    I'm guessing the editors have made that her primary edit because they wanted a big lead up to her passing out. 

    • Love 9
  18. 1 hour ago, blackwing said:

    I agree, she seems to be getting credit for being a badass because she fainted and got up.  I don't see anything "bad ass" about that at all. 

    I don't think I ever said I thought she was badass because she got up after fainting.  I also don't think I ever said that she was a badass player in general.   I said that I thought she was kind of badass in this specific situation because the only thing she was upset about was not winning the challenge.  And she didn't whine about it or try to milk it for attention, which I appreciate.

    10 hours ago, dstann said:

    I don't recall anyone calling her Big Wendy around camp so it is not like it was what everyone else was calling her Big Wendy and Jeff refused.

    I heard quite a few of her tribemates call her Big Wendy.

    • Love 3
  19. 26 minutes ago, Samwise979 said:

    Crazy how this show is edited though. Corey and Anthony are tight? Kiki and Damian are working together? 

    I know, right? And why do Kyra and Keira hate each other so much?  And did I miss where they told us that Keira injured her foot? I had no clue why Anthony was carrying her up the stairs and was surprised when a random crew member carried her out.

    Not using the blood Veto was sooooo anti-climactic but I’m kind of glad she didn’t use it because I didn’t like Keira. I could have done without her eye rolls during the goodbye messages when people were genuinely being nice to her.

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  20. 1 hour ago, blackwing said:

    Oh I know they were joking in the sense that they didn't actually think the chickens would wander into their camp.  But Lauren was talking about how hungry she was, and my observation was that I find it strange that they all talk about how hungry they are but then nobody actually tries to obtain any food.  We saw Ron just shovelling rice into his mouth.  Nobody even talked about looking for the Wendyfreed chickens (I still am unclear as to why none of them have made any concerted effort to catch them) or trying to catch fish.  I don't understand why they all complain about being hungry but then make zero effort.

    I’ve been wondering if they made any effort to catch the chickens or if they decided it took too much energy. I seem to recall some chicken-chasing shenanigans in past seasons. I hope that didn’t happen this season and the editors deprived us of that footage, I love rooting for the chickens!

  21. 55 minutes ago, blackwing said:

    I didn't get why they were hoping the chickens would magically come to their camp offering themselves up so she can have some food.  Go find them yourself.

    They were clearly joking about that.

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