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Posts posted by Porterest

  1. Wow. That episode was underwhelming. We have the requisite DR shouter. And I like Liz personally, but who wears a romper like that for one's entrance on national TV? It looked like a nightie. Of course, Julie's dress reminds me of when a Project Runway designer doesn't quite get the avant guard challenge, so there's that.

    I have never watched AR, so that was less than interesting. Jackie (?) seemed interesting. Now, these extra two are here to stay, right? Why leave them out of the interview cycle of everyone is sequestered? I would like to know more about them and their strategies.

    The second guy to lose (the one that threw the comp)--that was so obvious. Surely the other hamsters could tell.

    BotB and nomes should be next, which should make everything more interesting.

    • Love 1
  2. I'm rolling my eyes--after all the trauma, let's hope that Jack is not actually shot, even if it is the bulletproof suit.

    When Pratt's interview about how this will be turned on Snidely (sorry--love the name, Orange Billy!) and how the audience will sympathize as he protects his family, I was dubious. As we are getting to the actual events, my attitude has not changed. I still blame Victor and I don't see what could happen that will actually change it.

    Watch--in a couple of weeks, Jack will be back like nothing happened (unless he's actually shot.) No PTSD, nothing. The only difference will be (according to the spoiler I read in the daily group before this thread) is Marisa and Noah will come together. I'm glad to see the kid get a story (it's less for HK), but Marco, who must be close to the same age as Jack Abbott, should not have an ex that the son of Dick and Sharon gets together with. I'm cool with age differences for the most part, but this could be creepy. (Still glad the woman is older for once.)

    • Love 4

    Stitch is terrible, terrible I tell you. God the guy can't act. I am afraid they are saddling Ashley with this loser. Just make him the killer, please.


    You know, the more and more I hear Stench rant about keeping quiet and not being a target, the more I think, he's the killer! Motive? He was with Vic at the time, and her family (and Abby's too, of course) were all going to be EXPOSED in a secret biography. Big protector Calliou to the rescue! Plus, his whole family seems to be crazed.

    Here's a thought: A credible biography cannot be just a bunch of nutters sitting around, talking about bad things the NewMans and Abbotts did. That's possible hearsay and defamation. They can say, "I really hate Victor Newman; I saw where he parked his limo in a handicapped parking place once"; however, without interviewing the other side and/or at least getting some more proof (surveillance footage of Vic parking illegally), it's crap. No reputable place in the country will look at it, and it leaves Austin open to a lawsuit. Plus, MOST of the bad stuff they've done has already been in the tabloids (excepting retroactive writing about possible Olympians diving from the balcony and being paralyzed.) To think of it, Hero Nick has talked to Daddy but hasn't hunted down this woman. That could be an original romance for once--no bear traps needed.

    • Love 2
  4. I've kept up with the reading, but I'm not sure if this has been mentioned.

    I'm in Central Arkansas, so naturally our local media is covering this as well. It's been reported both locally and nationally that one of the victims that is still a minor requested for the redacted report to be destroyed. If it's for one of the girls, I cannot blame her, even though it's like putting toothpaste back in the tube afterward.

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  5. As far as writing do's and don'ts and posting them on the refrigerator for emergency situations--this would normally be a great idea. However, I'm not sure that many of the younger ones were ever purposed to learn to read. After all, they don't seem to be able to do math.

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  6. Just one point (which I'll repeat while TWoP is still open:

    I, too, did not care for Root's ending narration. Yes, I get she is the voice of the machine, but her voice is too thin and high pitched for this. (Plus, all the secret ops, the baby hackers, and "non-relevant" is the best she can do? Come on.

    Anyway, what I would have done is maybe had Acker read a line or two, then have one (or both) of he principal males read the rest, which could have easily been changed into a letter that Root left for each of them than a direct communication. We start the series most weeks with a VoiceOver from Michael Emerson; he would have been an excellent choice to do the rest of the ending narration for the season.

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