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39 Excellent-
Caught up on episodes 2 and 3 this week. Caught up on the past 10-15 pages of the board. Will try my best to keep this brief... ROOKIES Kat - I didn't care for Kat after the first episode. After watching 2 and 3 though... how in the world did she make the team? Seriously? That dumpster fire of a solo? Those kicks? 42 on the ranking chart? World class my ass. She's not some world class beauty. She WAS attractive... but what in the world did they do to her hair? Lacks talent and looks worse than when she showed up to audition... Meredith - Made the team for the same reason I liked Kendall. They took Kelsey over Kendall a few years back and I thought it was all about looks. Meredith is/was the prettiest of the training camp canidates in my opinion. Pretty forgettable dancer. Bret - I thought she had a nice solo from the clip from the show. Just seems kinda boring when she speaks for some reason... Lisa - Seems kinda cute? Solo looked good from the 5 seconds we got to see of it. They must have had to cut a lot of the solo performances off the show SO THEY COULD HAVE MORE HIGH FIVES 🤮 (I will be going back another week or two in the forums because I missed Ginagate. And I am also very intrigued to hear about the Julia/Lisa drama) She who must not be named - Already seen more of her than I wanted to see all season. I feel like we saw more of her solo than anyone elses. Her solo was good. Nothing spectacular? It was like watching a watered down Gina solo. I thought she almost fell and I think another poster confirmed her solo wasnt as flawless and tearjerking as Kelli wanted us to believe.. And she seems to find her way into almost EVERY scripted moment. Must be a coincidence... AND THE ONLY ROOKIE WITH A PERFECT SCORE! That was worth a good laugh... Lily - I liked her solo. I also thought her makeup was done way better during her solo than we see usually. I also do like her new hair and look from the newest pictures. I think they took her on because she's friends with the girls already and I do think she was done a little dirty with her cut last year. Madeline S. - Seems like such a sweetheart. I thought she danced well (I know nothing about dance). Will definitely root for her if she came back next year. Kate? Katy? - The UCLA girl that Charm vouched for. I like her. Kinda like Madeline S, just seemed more genuine and less scripted (*cough* Amanda *cough*) I wish they would have gave her a chance. SOLOS Amy - I know she's getting a lot of hate because of the whole point situation, but I personally like her. Maybe she's not the perfect person for point, but she has an infectious smile? I don't know, just personally always liked her. Kinda the same reason I like Bridget. But I digress... I actually liked her solo. I have nothing against her tap routines from years past but I was kinda glad she at least changed it up (*cough Maddie *cough*) Maddie - ZZZZZ. I am so glad we didn't have to see the whole routine. I don't think I could stomach it. I actually kinda enjoyed last years solo, but this one fell so flat. And of couse the Melissa Rycroft fangirling was pure cringe, I think Charm agrees with me on that... Gabby - How long is training camp? Maddie gets away with it over and over again but Gabby gets cut? Voldemort is to be respected, but Gabby gets cut? She wasn't even one of my favorites from last year but I did like her just fine and still think she got shafted. I think it's even worse now because people like Kat and Meredith made the team? Is Gabbys solo anywhere? Was her dancing still up to par? Bogus. She could have been game ready in a week or two. The final team is a disaster? That's what they get... #TeamTara Hannah - Her dance from the prep class is awesome. Her solo is also good for different reasons? It's the type of dance that gives you a McCoy Moment (I'm sure the man has some real constructive criticism at times, hopefully just editing by CMT) at the end. Just leaves you saying that was kinda hot. And someone please get her a uniform that fits properly this year. Rachel (younger one) - I really enjoyed what little we saw of her solo. I do think she's one of the more improved dancers from last year. Ashlee - People are saying it was the best solo... I dont even remember if they gave us a taste in the episode. I saw a handful of Barbies to people I don't remember seeing their solos... RANDOM NOTES I haven't figured out how to quote everyone I'm trying to reply to at once and don't want to flood the board with tons of replies.. Bridget - My current favorite on the team. Fun to watch. That titantron video is adorable. And she seems real endearing with the kids in their community work. Kinda the reasons I like Amy and loved Lauren. Point - Would not mind seeing Bridget at point one day. Blonde Rachel has the supermodel look to her, I think if she sticks around she'll be there at some point. But this year I really thought point should have been Gina or Heather. Maddie might be a good dancer, but I side with the people that say she just doesn't have the look for it. I do like her. I think she seems like a real good person. Just front and center? Amy might not be the best dancer or have supermodel looks, but she's cute and seems to have that southern charm about her. Christina - I don't get all the hate. Not the strongest dancer on the team obviously but she seems like a nice enough girl. I thought the interview question was dumb. It was a softball that she whiffed on. She could have gave any standard beauty pageant answer and been fine. Not enough to have her cut from the team I don't think. Especially with the weakest rookie class since I've been watching the show. And I don't know the full details of her disability but I could understand if she learns her choreography a little differently from everyone else? Maybe I'm not in the know about something here, but I don't mind her. Amber - I thought she looked good at point. I know a lot of people are indifferent too her but I think she's pretty and fun to watch. Ashlee - I thought she was the perfect example of someone that got stronger thru training camp. By the end of training camp last year she was on of my favorites despite being kinda indifferent to her to start Erin - I remember thinking it was fair the year she got cut. She came back as one of my favorites last year. She improved a lot her year off. Kristin - I'm glad she made the team. I thought she danced really well this year. I don't know anything about her technical dancing, but she just seemed a lot more fun to watch this year. She is a bit heavier this year then last year but nothing that can't be taken care of... Savannah - I know she can be prone to making mistakes sometimes, but she is absolutely adorable and I still enjoy watching her. Can't cut Saaavy Brennan - Seems like a sweetheart. Never really catches my attention though dancewise. Rankings Board - Another chance to shoehorn a scripted Voldemort moment into the show. Great. Looking like another season where half the rookies that make it will only have 5 minutes of actual screen time. Swimsuit Calendar - Of course most of the ladies looked amazing because they naturally look amazing. Doesn't matter because it was ruined by tons of poor photoshopping. Some of the girls were unrecognizable in some of their pictures. Makes no sense to me. That's it for now. Got plenty of reading to catch up on.
Assuming they have time enough to break away from Hurricane Kalina, it should be episode 2 or 3 I imagine where we'll get an explanation? I knew she wasn't in camp this year, was it every confirmed by anyone why?
Veteran Gabby is missing from the kickline 😞
Hi. I found this forum from the Holly/Jenna fiasco and have been reading ever since. First time posting though sorry in advance about the length... At the very beginning of the show, they show a glimpse of VKs fall during the season intro thing. They have the words "I don't think thats forgivable" dubbed in the middle and then it shows VK crying from last year... gross. Absolutely knew that VK would fall and nobody would care. The show has become less "real" and more "reality". So many over the top segments. Just disgusting. The high five scene after VKs audition was definitely scripted. VK is the first one off the stage when they walk stage left to exit. Then they cut to a shot of the other three girls standing around and waiting for VK to come over to do the most inorganic high fives in recorded history. There is a short glimpse of Judy having a gasping face and then she looks down at her papers and smirks. I like to think she's replaying VKs fall in her head... Ill post a screencap later... The returning candidates couch... They didn't have enough time to interview all of them together so they started the interviews before Victoria got there? OH OK... It was at this point that I felt like the show was openly insulting my intelligence. Lily- was kinda indifferent about her last year, but I did think they cut her arbitrarily last year without giving the audience any legit explanation which they have done to other girls, not that shocking. For me, she became the reluctant hero of episode 1 and my instant favorite out of this years group. Kat- Over the top interview that ruined it for me. I do have compassion for her and I'm sure she did overcome some adversity growing up, but her little anecdote about the pickup truck just seemed so forced and generic. As a minority myself, I can say absolutely 100% that everyone has had a few moments of adversity growing up. People in general are good, but there are bad apples everywhere and there is no avoiding them forever. Realizing that the show was trying to manipulate me made me want to rebel and not like Kat... She seems like a very talented dancer, but I also feel like I've heard them call out other girls for stripper moves for less. Lots of comparisons to Kalyssa that I personally disagree with. I know Kalyssa ended her tenure with an ego and a sex appeal driven instagram but I thought she was very genuine during her candidacy and a seemed genuinely oblivious to how pretty she was. Where it feels more like Kat is using her "talents" up front. Beautiful girl, talented dancer, should absolutely make the team, but not someone I have any interest in learning more about. Amanda - Her interview was over the top in every way. She was ready to leave the industry behind, but now she's auditioning... to get back in the industry. There's no hiding it, but that doesn't bother me. They use the cheerleaders to promote their brand, so I have no problem with a girl using the organization to promote her brand. Still just comes off as super phony and just couldn't care less if she makes it or not. I'm not heartless. I worked in pediatrics for the past 10 years and children suffering pulls on my heart strings. But she's auditioning to get back into Hollywood, but she dances for the memory of her brother less than 60 seconds later? Over it. Over this whole season. Gina Marie - liked her more than the other high school aged girls they have highlighted in the past like Briana? (the ballet girl), VK, and Dayton. Based solely off initial judgement, like her more so far than I ever cared for the others. (Yes I do think Dayton matured a lot between her auditions and I was low key routing for her the second time around like I think a lot of others here... ) Voldemort - They are trying so hard to make people like her but she seems so nonchalant about the process AS IF SHE KNOWS SHES ALREADY IN. "Yall did so good. I'm so proud of yall." Sounds like something somebody who is ON THE TEAM would say to someone trying out. If that was any veteran coming overe and saying that, it would be no big deal. Victoria saying that came off as pretentious. Kristin - Thought it was her best audtion yet. She's always been a pretty girl but her dancing always felt more "sexy" or sometimes tired and dull. This years audition she did seem more energetic and fun. I forgive her sleepy eyes because I didn't notice them in her actual audition. She can be tired because she works hard and still be able to turn it on when needed. That's kinda what sportsmanship is. MeToo Taylor- I didn't have that big a problem with her not knowing this question. If they would have asked her about Harvey Weinstein I think she would have been able to answer the question. The reason I kinda give her a pass on that is because I remember at the time the episode aired I myself had just found out about the MeToo hashtag. If you don't use twitter or facebook or social media in general as much, it was kinda more just the Weinstein scandal. By the time the episode aired everyone knew the term, but when the episode was filmed I don't think it was as prevalent. And yeah, I'm sure its a great thing to be in the know of what's going on in the world around you, but I just assume these girls have all been extremely focused on their dancing and the athletic side of the auditions and being late to learning of the MeToo movement doesnt seem like a cutworthy offense. Not a big fan of hers, just thought the criticisms of her were a bit harsh Thats it for now. Other than Maleena. And they ruined any kind of redemption story for Maleena for me by showing that scene from last year. Poor girl. I'm sure thats something shes been trying to put behind her. Also, I I did see the full episode on dailymotion with the background thing around it for those of you that couldn't see it on CMT.