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Posts posted by jonesingjay

  1. Whether people like this family or not, the fact remains they have a huge following - especially among younger fans.  So if their fame can help shed some understanding and acceptance, how exactly is that a bad thing.  The media coverage on the whole has been pretty positive. 


    I find it very ironic how Kim, Kris are continuously brought into the conversation by their detractors, who in essence are giving them the same attention they being criticized for.


    Very well stated. I wish I could give this more than one thumb up. This all very well could shed some understanding and acceptance on the issue by fans of the Kardashians who otherwise might've never really given any thought to those that are transgender. 

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  2. I think her original kids have a right to feel however they want about the abandonment. Why shouldn't they be bitter about a parent missing large portions of their life. I think Caitlyn is lucky they try to be in her life at all 


    It'll be interesting to see how the relationships between Caitlyn and her older children develop. I don't think there is any reason that could explain why she abandoned them. She might use having trouble with her gender identity as part of the reason, but that doesn't wash for me. Regardless of the issues she was having with herself, she could've made the effort to be there for the four oldest ones. I think it's a great testament to the wonderful parenting job her ex-wives did, and the four old Jenner's willingness to forgive Caitlyn and move on. I hope she is grateful that she's been given another opportunity to have a relationship with Burt, Casey, Brandon and Brody. I'd like to believe that since she's now able to be herself, that it's freeing for her and positively effects the relationships with those in her life.


    On, something of a completely unrelated note, I caught her on an episode of Murder, She Wrote. She was in her late 30s at the time this episode was filmed. Not on hormones (at least I don't think) and she looked pretty good. 

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  3. Why is it ridiculous? Gender is an invented concept that should be played with, altered, disrupted, and destroyed. People who define themselves by these terms aren't hurting anybody--in fact they are victims of horrifying violence and discrimination.


    The violence and discrimination is horrible. Simply directed at a person because someone doesn't understand and strongly disagrees with their choice to live their life authentically. 

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  4. Well, not everyone thinks alike-thank God-and I'm proud that I can still question things and form my own opinion. I hope others will support my right to do so.


    I might not understand where someone is coming from, in the same way they don't understand or agree with my perspective. We all have the right to our opinions, which has the potential for interesting discussions to develop between people of differing opinions. 

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  5. Perez Hilton said on my local news earlier than she is getting the full blown gender reassignment surgery this summer. So anyone who is still convinced that every single thing this family does is fake, if Caitlyn takes off her clothes and her penis is gone will you be convinced then? I'm sorry but as fake as this family could be I dont believe for a minute this is all a joke.  I know "Bruce" is widely known to be a shitty father and the Kardashians are pretty much considered the anti-christ but I will never believe she would intentionally pull a prank knowing her kids could react very badly (and no I dont believe Kendall, Kylie, etc are in on a joke). For as much as the kids are showing support, I think Kendall and Kylie deep down may not be handling it as well as they are on the outside. Kendall is now using for her Twitter profile pic a pic of "Bruce" with her and Kylie when they were very young.  Its a show of support but IMO I truly believe that's how she wants to remember her dad.


    I'm of the opinion that this isn't a play for the Kardashian brand. I'm frankly surprised that people have expressed the opinion that they don't believe Caitlyn is actually transitioning. I do think her transition from Bruce into a woman is genuine. Even if she were to document herself having srs I wouldn't be surprised if some people still didn't believe this was actually true. She shouldn't have to prove it.  

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  6. For the record, I have heard of Richard Burton as one of Liz Taylor's husbands, but I have no background knowledge of what their relationship was like or what that means as an anology for Kathryn and T-Rav--and I'm 41.



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  7. I wouldn't go as far as to say "There's nothing courageous about what Jenner has done".  But I might say "what Jenner has done is far less courageous than many other people with far less money, social acceptance and the things that come along with those (lawyers, media people on the string, the best medical care, etc.)"


    Also, there's what I've come to think of as a truism that just because someone comes from a discriminated against community, it doesn't mean they're automatically a hero, a victim, a banner-waver, or anything else. I mean the Arthur Ashe Courage Award just sounds ridiculous until a.) Caitlin Jenner has done much more to prove herself and b.) has totally and completely worked out all of Bruce Jenner's legal issues.  Because I can joke about it being a fresh start upthread... but really.... the universe doesn't actually work that way.


    I understand the point of view. I think what she's doing, not so much for the community but for herself is a good thing. My hope is that she's finally at peace.

    • Love 2
  8. I couldn't think of a title. So, if anyone has any suggestions feel free to share them.


    I'm currently watching season seven. What I'm finding fairly annoying is all of those non Murder, She Wrote episodes squeezed in, that start off with Jessica talking to the audience. I automatically bypass those. 

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  9. I think Jordanna is safe with her man. He is too young to sport the "missing a tooth" and doughboy-zero muscle tone look to pull chicks...jesus :/


    You think she'd be unhappy to unload him, if her comment upon learning of this job opportunity was to point out he'd finally be able to help financially. It appears that she's been supporting the both of them. 

  10. Let's be honest here to what it all comes down to.....  $

    There's many things complicated about being transgender, there's no doubt at all that it's not simply black and white. I never thought that. Bruce Jenner was riding a once-in-a-lifetime wave of success and money. Who in their right mind would abandon those opportunities when they're 27 years old? And now, at age 65 and being comfortably wealthy, why not make the choice to transition?


    I can't chalk it all up to being about money. That's an element to it. I think there is more to it than preserving financial stability. I'm not from Bruce's generation, but the fear of being 'different', and fighting hard against what he was feeling, lead to some questionable decision making on his part. Now, he's hopefully living his authentic life, which in turn might allow for positive changes in his relationships with family, friends, and his personal life in general.

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  11. I guess the truth is, I just don't care for Kathryn much. 


    I don't care for Kathryn either. I don't even find her entertaining in a reality show character kind of way. I probably would've enjoyed her more if she had paired off with Craig, those two hot messes together might've made what I thought was a lackluster season interesting. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that she was linked to Shep, Thomas and Whitney. Yet, Craig who really did back then and it appears even now seemed to genuinely be into her didn't get a shot at her.

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  12. I was more interested in their backstory than their weight loss. A couple of thirteen year olds managing to take care of not only themselves, but their younger siblings and no one the wiser. I've got more questions than answers after watching this episode. How long was the mom away for? How did four kids living on their own go unnoticed? Did they pay all of the bills in cash? They didn't have any relatives who checked in on them?


    Good on them for losing the weight. Two fine upstanding young men. I wish them nothing but the best. It's nice to view an episode where the participants aren't relying on excuses and being generally annoying.

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  13. Kim is the one whose been most accepting of him, the most curious/willing to talk about hair and nails and style. Khloe may be buying gifts but she's clearly uncomfortable with the change. I think Bruce is so excited and caught up in finally being open about this and having someone to dish with that he'll spill it all to Kim or whoever will listen. And Kim despite her tears of sympathy for her mother wants to be front and center in any story that will get her name in the news. Look at the attention her signing Kelly Rutherfords petition about her child custody issue got.

    And as I said Bruce is enjoying having the spotlight.


    I just don't know how graphic Bruce is willing to be in terms of describing  surgeries that he has and will receive. I'm not saying it's out of the realm of possibilities that they would/have discussed surgeries. They are a family that loves to have things done. 

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