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Posts posted by Rosie-Brooklyn

  1. 8 minutes ago, PBSLover said:

    Mackenzie could also dance. She learned the dances really fast and never made mistakes. And the whole team, vets included, LOVED HER.

    Mackenzie is the only former DCC I know on a personal level and I second this! She was very well liked. 

    • Love 14
  2. I really have a sinking feeling Kat was cut. I think they are going to make her the new VK in terms of screen time/coverage. When the insider said they are looking for good teammates and ambassadors etc etc, I read that whole thing as "NOT necessarily fan favorites". Like "There are some people you don't like who stay and some people who you DO like who get sent home because they aren't good teammates/ambassadors."

    • Love 7
  3. On 8/4/2019 at 7:31 PM, scorpio1031 said:

    I know!!  I was looking at the videos last night on the IG accounts and thinking she is such a good hostess.  I still think it was very sweet of her to take Bridget in this past year after her engagement ended.  And there is a video on CMT where Briana talks about Brennan helping her get thru tryouts last year.  Now that is an example of "locker room favorite."

    I wondered if Bridget's engagement ended since she posted that story the other day and she captioned the dog "my boyfriend". That must be hard!! 

  4. 1 hour ago, bupbupbip said:

    Love: Hannah, Bridget, Jalyn, Maddie, Heather, Brennan, Miranda

    Like: Daphne, Gina, Erin, Taylor, Molly

    Neutral: Cianna, Ashlee, Madeline, Rachel A, Amy, Tess, Amber, Brianna, Savanah, christina, Caroline, Rachel W, Alannah

    Not a fan: Lexie, Alexis,

    Love: Caroline, Hannah, Bridget, Jalyn, Maddie, Heather

    Like: Daphne, Gina, Erin, Molly, Miranda, Brennan, Alannah, Rachel W, Cianna, Ashlee

    Neutral: Madeline, Rachel A, Amy, Tess, Amber, Brianna, Savannah, Taylor, Lexie, Alexis, Christina

    Not a fan: 

    • Love 1
  5. 1 minute ago, KatieC said:

    I hope she is cut too.  Her constantly looking down and her terrible lashes annoyed me last year. 

    I have a soft spot for her because she is so responsive on social media and just generally seems like a nice person. But I know others disagree and that is okay! 

    22 minutes ago, MelissaB326 said:

    Caroline has really stood out in all of the photos and videos I have seen of her, I think she is just gorgeous and really catches my eye. 

    Agreed. She's well rounded! 

    • Love 7
  6. 6 hours ago, SmpIsimon said:

    Their performance in training camp relative to the other rookies. If the cuts were based on personality, then Victoria, Christina and Lisa would be the next to go.

    How do you know about their performance? I'm new to the forum so I apologize if this is public info that I don't have. 

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  7. On 7/25/2019 at 12:21 PM, go4luca said:

    Here's another option. Just mix it way the heck up and put Hannah at point. The girl slayed during the Queen performance.

    I know her look isn't for everyone but I think she's stunning in many of her photographs. She could easily have print modeling in her future.

    Then stand back & watch this forum implode. 😂

    (and yes, I know the likelihood of this happening is marginal, lol)

    I support this 100%

    • Love 9
  8. 1 hour ago, go4luca said:

    For anyone interested, the girls begin around the 4:25 mark.

    Hannah absolutely slayed it.   In this version, you can see her better.  Although I am not a fan of Maddie for point, she does look strong in this.  Bridget still catches my eye.  She really knows how to sell it and definitely has strength and sparkle. 

    I can't help wonder how Gina feels being pushed further back?

    Lastly, I am über impressed with the 2nd years.  All of them are super strong both in technique and performance.  I love seeing this.  It will only help bring up the caliber of the entire squad.

    HANNAH!! She was so good and always delivers. I love her. 

    Bridget was adorable and compelling to watch. 

    Wish I could have seen Caroline but I couldn't find her. 

    I'm so proud of all the 2nd years ❤️ 

    My 2 cents-- Gina or Caroline for point. I love Maddie but she's hip hop through and through, and KILLS it at that. 

    • Love 6
  9. 26 minutes ago, Pau84 said:

    As long as Amanda, Kat, Kelcey, Kirsten, Lisa and Shaina make it, I am happy.

    I would cut Taylor Pedersen and Julia Fife solely based on their underperformance of photogenics. There are enough great humanitarians on the team already, who have to be photographed from a certain angle on a certain time of day with Saturn  descending.

    I mean, come on, Ashton Torres, Melanie Klein, Nicole Bulcher, where art thou?

    I'm really rooting for Kristen and Kat! 

    Did you mean to imply Ashton, Nicole, and Melanie weren't photogenic? I feel the opposite! Nicole is one of my favorites of all time. To each is own. 

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