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Posts posted by Amandared

  1. 1 hour ago, TheGenuineBeauty said:

    So here are some of my thoughts on Episode 3 that are spoiler based, so I'll say it here.

    1. Alora-Rose is the next Meredith. I will predict that she'll be a One Year Wonder.
    2. I think Sheridan got cut cause she got on Kelli's bad side.
    3. Hannah was AMAZING in the three seconds we saw her dancing, so I still don't get why she got cut. Same thing with Brennan and Lily. Ugh when Lily had her confessional, it broke my heart.
    4. Also, I am still not seeing why Kelly got cut. I WILL ROOT FOR HER UNTIL THE DAY I DIE!!!!! (or until the day she royally messes up to the point of no return)

    Yeah that's basically it.

    YES I saw this on IG and I am like her technique is AWFUL. I am not even a dancer and I can tell that this was just bad. 

    You know it’s sad when the other DCC comment and they only compliment your physical attributes “legs for days, look at those legs” not like wow gorgeous kicks that’s the way we do it etc

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  2. 22 minutes ago, rl27rl said:

    Thank you for pointing that out! She looks like she would get winded so easily. She does look like she is getting thicker, but I doubt Auntie Kelli will pull her or cut her for any reason. I am just sick and tired of having her showcased like she is the best DCC that they have ever had! Ugh! 🙄

    The IG comments on that one are shockingly not all fawningly in her favor

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  3. There are several prominent shots of Victoria in that video. But Kelli doesn’t show favoritism. 🙄. I was actually starting to feel sad because I know the girls always post how the other girls get each other gifts on game day and VK only posts notes from her mom but...this video is proof of how annoying it must be to be a DCC with Victoria 

    • Love 18
  4. 9 minutes ago, Amandared said:

    Sorry if this was on the list and I missed it...there was also the Christmas DCC In Motion with the Dancing with the Houghs. I remember Amber was in it I believe Gina and of course VK. I think Caroline was the 4th. 

    forgot one whoops 

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    3 minutes ago, go4luca said:

    It kind of cracks me up how much Primetimer discussion I see makes it to the FB groups. 

    Why don't they just come here to post.  We don't bite. 😄

    I saw some familiar names like a comment I made on a TikTok. I was like aw Hi Friends!

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  6. 3 minutes ago, DutchDccFan2.0 said:

    Oh Victoria gets the blame, what a surprise, she gets hated for breathing.

    It surprises me how fast fingers get pointed but not realizing Brennan was ill and Hannah may went for her education instead of DCC. I am in no way Victoria fan but blaming her for everything is just not fair. Someone can have a bad hairday and she will get the blame for it

    Yeah, because she stole their hairbrush #cellphonecasegate

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  7. I know there’s confusion about the groups because of the dance spaces. Just my two cents...wouldn’t it make sense to have one large space for the entire team to gather to practice Thunder and then 4 small break out rooms for the 4 small groups to practice? Therefore 5 practice rooms?

    • Love 5
  8. Does anyone else find it odd that Kashara isn’t at Amy’s Pro Bowl luncheon? Does anyone know if she is out of town or what’s going on? Feel bad for Amy her celebration from former Pro Bowl-ers is so small 



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  9. 3 hours ago, OhFFS said:

    Those are the on-camera stories.  I thought the juicy gossip / speculation / insider info was:

    Ashley didn't make it because she had a sugar-daddy trying to buy her place on the team and there were threats of this being exposed... so they cut her

    Julia didn't make it because she was mortal enemies with Lisa (while they were both mavs dancers).  Lisa cozied up to VK and whispered some sweet nothings to her, and got TPTB to not like Julia... so they cut her.  I always find it very telling that not a single Group Leader chose Lisa (she received no stickers from them) in their top 36.

    There... I've stirred the pot.

    I always found this SUPER telling. She seems like she’s a decent enough dancer, she’s pretty, decent kicks...and no one picked her. Julia was out there getting stickers left and right. And the media training pisses me off she was SET UP to fail. How are you supposed to answer that question?! He said AFTER DCC!!!! Obviously she would want to say I was on the DCC it’s a point of pride. They sure like to say FORMER DCC, Mirrorball trophy winner Melissa Rycroft all the dang time. Ugh. Sorry if this doesn’t make any sense lol 

    • Love 18
  10. 17 hours ago, Lona said:

    I'm wondering when voting for this year's rookies will start. Excited to see who got everyone pumped this season . 🙂

    Who was the girl from UCLA that they said needed to get weight down that Charm was pulling for? I loved her. Anyone have her social media info?? I really hope she comes back!!!

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