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Posts posted by ffwbe

  1. 2 hours ago, TVbitch said:

    Okay I have watched many episodes of Intervention where the parent is taking all kinds of drugs and/or an alcoholic and often turning tricks or selling drugs to make a living and they STILL have their kids with them. I find it hard to believe they got those court orders without even evaluating Finn or opening an investigation. 

    They are trying to rush the story. Finn’s been drinking for like a week and hasn’t placed Violet in any dangerous situations or been arrested for anything. Hell he wasn’t even drinking and driving as far as we know. We’ve only seen him drunk in his own home a couple times. There’s no court system that would act this fast to have his child removed from his custody. 

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  2. Wasn’t it only a couple months back where Ava was so smug towards Nina about how she understood Sonny so much better than her? She really thought he wouldn’t care about her lashing out towards Alexis when I feel like Alexis ranks higher on the baby mama scale than Ava does? They might have also been a ons but Sonny actually seemed to like her when they slept together and they repaired their friendship years ago while on the other hand, he was begrudgingly getting along with Ava for Avery’s sake. 

  3. JJ as Lucky is the big male character return. I kinda figured it was him when I heard that they were waiting to do the announcement via Deadline or People. It had to be someone who had a career outside of soaps. I’m a bit meh on him but the show needs more presence in that age range and Laura not having any family on the show was dumb 

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  4. Carly claiming she’ll sacrifice herself never has any teeth to it. We all know she won’t do it. She hems and haws about it when she can easily just go and turn herself in. It’s just the writers way of bailing her out of the fact that men always fall on a sword for her

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  5. I still don’t feel sorry for Finn. He believes his man pain is a million times worse than anyone else’s because he lost all that time with Gregory but refuses to acknowledge it was 100% his choice and fault that happened. Gregory didn’t do anything to him and was made to believe that he was the reason Finn was icing him and Chase out. Now others who are grieving Gregory like Tracy, Alexis, and especially Chase and Violet are having to put their own feelings on the back burner to worry about Finn, who is treating them all like dirt on top of it. 

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  6. 8 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

    Carly and Jason are co-dependent and completely toxic relationship.

    Something that Carly said to Sam that stood out for me was about how she didn't know Danny all that well. So Jason is presumed dead and Carly has not bothered trying to get just a little bit close to his sons and help care for them just a little.

    I don't think there's a character on TV that sucks more than Carly.

    That honestly tracks for me. Unless the mother was MIA and she could play mommy and pretend like it’s her and Jason’s kid, she wouldn’t have any interest in his children. It wasn’t a thought in her mind to tell his kids they were getting married or invite them to the wedding, only hers. Even though she doesn’t specifically ask Jason to prioritize her over everyone, it’s clear she relishes his role in her life and doesn’t want him to put anyone ahead of her, including his minor children. 

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  7. Why would Carly think she’s the reason Jason and Drew don’t speak? Not only have they’ve never had an interest in having a relationship, Drew isn’t pining over Carly and Jason doesn’t seem to gaf that they dated because he doesn’t want her romantically either. 

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  8. They should have probably made Blaze a country or gospel singer if they wanted to do this SL or some other genre that isn’t as known for being inclusive that I can’t think of at this time. A pop singer being LGBT is far from being a career killer in 2024. This storyline is like 30 years too late 

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  9. 16 hours ago, DanaMB said:

    This was posted on the General a hospital Facebook page. Comments appear to be turned off. I don’t really know the full story behind it  just bits mentioned here but no specifics. But to do this, it had to have gotten bad?



    Honestly it’s been bad for TA’s entire run as Trina. I recall Sydney getting some racially insensitive comments as well but they’ve been particularly brutal towards TA. I’m glad the show finally acknowledged it and stood up for her because they’ve been ignoring it for 2 years. 

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  10. I found the Sam/Carly convo to be pointless. There’s no way that Sam would have ever expected Carly to acknowledge that Jason is anything short of godlike without a single failing. She doesn’t care about his kids or their feelings, let’s be honest. Also, he hasn’t sought Danny out a single time since he’s been back and Danny already knows Sam doesn’t want him around Jason so I’m not sure what Jason can do in that respect other than ignore Danny and walk out of the room anytime Danny happens to seek him out, which would likely give him an even bigger complex. 

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  11. This show loves wasting large group scenes. They must have trouble balancing the mins of their large cast because absolutely nothing was going on at Willow’s birthday party for them to waste like 10-12 actors for those mindless chit chat scenes. 

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  12. 14 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

    Which applies to Drew as well, IMO. He was just fine going by Drew Cain until now. 

    I don’t see how it would help him either. I would think the foster kid turned Navy Seal turned media mogul is a much better story than someone from an extremely wealthy family with a zillion skeletons in their closet and some pretty big public embarrassments. Ned being a Q didn’t help his mayor bid once he got to the regular election. He only narrowly won the special election because Alexis had even bigger dirt but the next one was basically only his family supporting him while the rest of the town was backing Laura. 

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  13. Ugh. Other than Ned, anytime someone in that family wanted to change their last name to Quartermaine, the reason has been completely self serving. BL changed hers because she thought it would get her out of her singing contract and Michael considered it twice but never did it- once to be petty because he was mad at Sonny and Carly and another time during Wiley’s custody battle because he thought it would make him look better to have the Q last name instead of Corinthos (to which Diane said it would be obvious why he did it and doesn’t distance him from his mob family anyway). 

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  14. I don’t get how living in a place on someone else’s family property is anymore appealing for 2 college kids than living in a dorm surrounded by their peers or just staying in their parent’s extremely large homes. A place like that would be more suited for their household staff or a nanny since they’ll get a little more privacy but still be close by. Like I couldn’t see the Qs being ok with a bunch of drunk 21/22 year olds being on their property if they ever wanted to throw a party.

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  15. I’m not a fan of the Heater story but I did love Alexis bringing up Diane taking on Franco’s case and how getting him off could set a precedent for Heather. Diane certainly never gives a damn about the murders and attempted murders her clients have committed and the effects it has on their victims/families when she represents them so it’s nice to potentially see the shoe on the other foot when it’s something that happened to her. 

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  16. I can’t feel sorry for Finn. He missed out on time with his dad because he slept with his dad’s fiancé and felt guilty, then chose to make his dad feel like he was the reason that they didn’t have a relationship because he didn’t want to tell him the truth. Hell you’d think he’d learn his lesson and not push away Chase, who he also ignored for 20 something years over something that had nothing to do with him and made his own brother chase him down and beg him for a relationship. Maybe they are going a bit heavy handed on Finn being an asshole but this dude has never been a prize and routinely treats others like crap due to the own issues. 

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  17. 18 minutes ago, rur said:

    I've said it before, but Sam's only PI investigative tactic is to get close to a man and exude pheromones, and I always suffer secondhand embarrassment watching her. 

    I'd love it if, when Sam and Spinelli finally open Jason's file, their pictures were on page 1 as Known Associates. 

    Sam’s entire PI bag is her playing dress up and flirting. It’s not much different than her con artist days if we’re being honest. Followed by waiting around for Spinelli to do the actual PI work. 

    Though in this case, I’m not sure why they are doing this. Risking a felony to get info that Jason already knows and doesn’t feel like telling them, for what? Those 2 aren’t saving anyone. It’s just a hamfisted way for Carly to find out that Jason sacrificed 2 years for her and to use up KM’s mins since they don’t have any interest in writing anything for Sam.  

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  18. 2 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

    I see below the article that Perez Hilton is going to be be on GH. 

    First, why?

    Second, seriously, why?

    Gross. I thought most people have long acknowledged how problematic his behavior was and he hasn’t been culturally relevant for years so what could the show possibly gain from his appearance?

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  19. If Jagger wasn’t playing Sam, he’s got to be the dumbest man alive. He knew who Elizabeth and Danny were but were supposed to believe he wouldn’t recognize Sam, who coincidentally was telling him about her ex who just came back from the dead?

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  20. 11 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

    At least Maxie still looks good. (For now. We'll know all hope is lost when the fugly caftans come back into play.)

    FWIW, KSt did an interview awhile back (can’t recall where at this time) where she talked about how she was aware that Maxie’s wardrobe and appearance wasn’t great and it was like that because she wasn’t in a great place mentally after her brain surgery and had a hard time caring about her appearance so that’s what she felt comfortable in but now that she was doing better, Maxie got a hair/wardrobe upgrade.  

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  21. 20 hours ago, Desperado said:

    Laura Wright and Steve Burton presenting Best Actress category. LW went on and on about how happy she was that he was back on the show. He was more demure and task oriented. He looked quite good in his all black tux. Felt like they were channeling their characters which was… a choice.

    That was such a weird intro for lead actress. Like talk about the women ffs. Also, I doubt a room of their peers are that invested in SBu’s job hopping and their reactions reflected that. 

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  22. I’m getting anvils for Finn being sent off to rehab or disappearing and Chase/BL getting Violet. It’s one of the few instances where I don’t care about a younger couple being saddled with kids right away because they might be the most boring and sexless younger couple this show has ever had and considering the current competition, that’s really saying something 

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